"Time and space are not a straight line, but a prism that reflects infinite possibilities. A small choice can reflect countless branches of the world, creating a whole new world beyond your cognition.

I am an observer, follow me and enter a new world.……"

On the screen, the picture kept changing, and heroes appeared one after another, Iron Man, Captain, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, Spider-Man...

Along with the appearance of superheroes, there were also the voices of observers.

A flash of light appeared, and they entered a new world. There were still many tall buildings. A colorful light appeared from space and sent a figure into the Sanctuary.

It broke through the roof and stairs of the Sanctuary and landed on the ground.

"Thanos is coming, he's coming soon!"

In the light, Dr. Banner, with his upper body naked, shouted in panic, but no one came over. Only a cloaked man was watching on the stairs.

"That was the Rainbow Bridge, right? Your Excellency the God King Odin."

In Asgard, in the God King's Palace, Odin, who was watching the screen, received a communication from the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One.

After all, Asgard's Rainbow Bridge has been opened to the Holy of Holies in Kamar-Taj, so Ancient One naturally has to express his opinion.

"It seems so, Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, but instead of discussing this, I think we should be more concerned about Thanos."Odin was embarrassed that his own Rainbow Bridge had been hit to Kamar-Taj's hometown and a hole had been made in the Sanctum Sanctorum.

After all, the mages of Kamar-Taj guarded the real dimension and fought against the dimensional demons of different worlds, and their contributions were great.

With the Sorcerer Supreme in charge, his strength was also impressive. Even Odin did not want to directly conflict with Kamar-Taj, and peace was better.

"Thanos? I also know about the crazy tank Thanos."

Ancient One also knows about Thanos. After all, he is a fierce man who often watches the timeline, and he also knows about some people in the universe.

But he doesn't know much. After all, the main thing of Ancient One is to observe the situation in the dimensional space.

"That's right, this Thanos is a ruthless and ambitious tyrant. Since the Rainbow Bridge sent humans to Midgard as a warning, it means that he has set his sights on Midgard.

And the only thing in Midgard that can arouse Thanos's covetousness is the Infinity Stones."

Odin's words were very restrained, but the meaning was very clear, that is, Thanos had his eyes on the Time Stone of Kamar-Taj, which is the Eye of Agamotto.

But what Odin didn't say was that Asgard might not be able to escape the war.

After all, a human can ride on Asgard's Rainbow Bridge. It can be seen from here that Asgard is already overwhelmed, otherwise Asgard would not teleport a human back to Midgard.

No, how did a person enter Asgard?

Suddenly, Odin thought of another question. Why would a human be in the Asgard God Realm?

That is the God Realm where only the Asgardian gods can stay. Why is a human from Midgard also in the God Realm?

But Odin obviously couldn't think of the reason for this.

"Dr. Banner, that's you?"

Compared to the focus of the two big guys, Ancient One and Odin, Tony and the others were very direct. Banner, who was transported by the Rainbow Bridge,

"It's me, but what is that place? How did I get there?"

Banner himself was confused. The man looked like himself, but he only knew himself.

Banner didn't recognize any of the surrounding buildings or the rainbow bridge that brought him here.

"Let's keep watching. It seems that many things will happen in the future."

Nick Fury looked at Banner meaningfully. From the information displayed on the screen, it can be seen that they will experience many things in the future.

Even Banner ran into the universe.

The picture on the light screen continued.

Banner changed into the clothes of a Kamar-Taj apprentice, then opened the door and walked out, but saw an empty and desolate street.

Banner thought he was late and Thanos had already arrived.

But in fact, Thanos did not arrive, but Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf followed Banner. Banner wanted to transform into the Hulk, but was rejected by the Hulk and failed to transform.

While Ebony Maw was speaking, he did not notice that behind him, a golden halo slowly appeared, and a A hand in iron armor stretched out.

The ion cannon in the palm was charged, and then hit Ebony Maw on the back of the head, knocking Ebony Maw to the ground.

Then a golden portal appeared, and three figures walked out of it. It can be clearly seen that one of the figures is Tony.

Tony flew up and fired a palm cannon in the air, hitting the ground. Smoke and dust instantly filled the surroundings.

In the smoke and dust, Tony and the other two fought with Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf.

Banner was very excited watching from the side. After all, Tony was here, which meant he was saved.

But as he watched, he felt something was wrong.

The battle scene became abstract. Tony and the other two kept rushing towards Ebony Maw and the other two. I don't know why.

"Tony, you...are not...turned into a zombie, are you?"

Natasha looked at Tony, her eyes full of suspicion and pity.

"No... Impossible, how could the zombie's teeth infect me?"

Tony felt something was wrong. He was wearing a battle armor, his whole body wrapped in high-strength steel. Even the guns and cannons of super villains could not penetrate the battle armor. How could the zombie's teeth and claws break through the defense of the battle armor and infect him?

Could it be that the zombie's claws were more powerful than guns and cannons?

"Maybe you are one of the first zombies to be infected? It is not transmitted by scratching or biting, but a zombie that mutated by inhaling the virus directly?"

Banner proposed a possibility. The teeth of zombies can't really destroy the armor.

But he may be one of the first zombies to be infected, not by scratching or biting.

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