"Is it the ability of Observation Haki to predict the future?"

Zhan Guo looked at the content on the screen and was a little surprised. Alex's ability to see the future gave him a sense of déjà vu, which was very similar to the ability of high-level Observation Haki to predict the future.

"No, the ability to predict the future with Observation Haki cannot predict things that far in the future."

Garp shook his head. Obviously, this is not the ability to predict the future with Observation Haki. Let's not talk about whether Alex is not from their world, and whether he can use Observation Haki.

Even with the ability to foresee the future, it is impossible to see the future that far in the future. It looks like it's ten minutes away.

So this is obviously not the ability of Observation Haki.

Sengoku naturally knew it, but he was a little excited when he saw some similarities.

"Predict the future, silly girl, can you do it?"

Lu Xiaoqian looked at the silly girl, wondering if she could predict the future.

"Silly girl can't predict the future, but she can make inferences through big data."

Silly girl shook her head. She couldn't predict the future. Of course, she herself came back from the future. The database has information about the future. It's not difficult to say something that is in the future for Lu Xiaoqian.

But that's not predicting the future. For Silly girl, it's just telling the past.

Of course, there is another way, which is to use big data to predict the future.

"Calculate the future? How do you calculate this?"

Lu Xiaoqian was stunned. He didn't expect that silly girl really had technology related to the future. Is the technology in 2060 so terrible?

"Big data predicts the future by gathering all the information together, making an action model, and then performing cross calculations based on today's plan, tomorrow's schedule, previous action patterns, etc. This requires a huge amount of calculations."

Silly girl gave a simple explanation, and explained the principle of big data calculation in a way that Lu Xiaoqian could understand.

"Oh, I roughly understand. It means to know everyone's plans for tomorrow, and then deduce what they will do tomorrow, what car they will take, and what road they will take, right?"

Lu Xiaoqian said, and roughly understood. According to the known information, the next information can be deduced. This is the deduction of big data.

But in order to obtain such information and make such calculations, just thinking about it, Lu Xiaoqian knew that it would require an extremely large database and computing power.

At least it is impossible for them to do it now, and they can only hope for the future.

On the screen, the picture continued.

After the plane exploded, Alex and the others became survivors, and naturally received special attention and scrutiny, but no matter how they checked, they had no connection with the explosion of the plane this time.

Although Alex told the information about the explosion of the plane, he did not Any motive and ability to do something on the plane.

The group eventually left and went back to their own homes, thankful for their luck and their survival.

But the incident was not over.

That night, the tall and thin blond young man was washing up at home. While shaving, he accidentally scratched his neck, but he didn't care. When he wanted to continue, he saw a shadow flash in the mirror.

The toilet behind him leaked at some point, and the water flowed on the ground, approaching the young man along the floor tiles.

The young man picked up the plug of the radio on the table next to him and plugged it into the socket. The water stains on the ground were already close to the young man's feet.

"This guy is dead. If the god of death wants to kill someone, he will definitely use water to conduct electricity and cause the radio socket to leak electricity."

Tony analyzed confidently. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Not necessarily. I remember that household electricity can't kill people, right? Besides, there is leakage protection."

Banner thought it wouldn't be that easy to die. After all, the power of household electricity is still very small, and it's not that easy to kill people.

"Don't forget that era, it's not the present."

Natasha reminded Banner to pay attention. The time shown on the screen is not the present time. It was at least several decades ago, so it is normal that various facilities were not perfect. At that time, the electricity was not as safe as it is now.

"That's right. Looking at the situation, it's reasonable for him to be electrocuted."

Captain America looked at the screen and was electrocuted next, which was reasonable.

"What is reasonable? It is not reasonable at all!"

Barton couldn't help complaining. This picture was not reasonable at all. The water stains were completely random.

There was no rationality at all.

On the screen, the radio began to broadcast about the explosion of the flight. The young man was stunned and quickly unplugged the plug. A spark flashed on the socket. The young man was lucky to avoid being electrocuted.

"The young man is quite lucky.

Nick Fury looked at Tony. This genius's deduction was wrong. The young man was still lucky.

"But luck won't last forever."

Tony was also a little embarrassed, but he quickly adjusted himself. It was just speculation, not real.

The scene continued. The young man did not get an electric shock and continued to wash. He opened the curtain of the bathtub and saw a wire running across the bathtub with clothes hanging on it.

The water stains on the ground caught up again like the shadow of the god of death.

This time there was no accident. The young man stepped on the water stains barefoot, slipped, and his neck was entangled in the wire. His body fell into the bathtub. He waved his hands and knocked over the shower gel next to him.

The shower gel poured out, increasing the silkiness of the bathtub, making the young man's struggle even more useless. After a while, his eyes were bloodshot, his body stopped struggling, and he died completely.

Being strangled to death in the bathtub by the wire, this way of death is really unexpected and unique..

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