In the Marvel Universe, Thanos sits on the throne. His wisdom and knowledge are equally high, and he is also attracted by Yog-Sothoth.

However, with the wisdom of the Eternal Titans, Thanos did not lose his composure and still sat steadily on the throne.

"Is it the creator of all knowledge? Does it know the truth about the Infinity Stones?"

The most unfathomable thing Thanos knows is the Infinity Stones. I wonder if Yog-Sothoth can analyze everything about the Infinity Stones.

"The god who created all wisdom and knowledge is so powerful. No wonder I felt suddenly enlightened just now.

Hawkeye Barton exclaimed. When he saw Yog-Sothoth just now, he did feel suddenly enlightened.

"I felt that some knowledge appeared directly in my mind. There were some things that I couldn't figure out before, but now I understand them all. From this point of view, this god is very extraordinary."

Banner also felt that he had gained knowledge. There were some things that I couldn't figure out before, but now I understand them all. At least the knowledge that this Yog-Sothoth possesses is extraordinary.

"Compared to other evil gods who don't care about humans, Yog-Sothoth is much friendlier to humans, and he is not stingy in giving his knowledge to humans.

But the gap between weak humans and gods is too big. Once they face Yog-Sothoth's body, they will go crazy because of the crazy influx of cosmic truths, and they may even be blown up by the knowledge.

Even if Yog-Sothoth gives knowledge to those he thinks are worthy, the pursuit of this knowledge will only quickly lead to madness and destruction.

The more sober and rational people are, the more they want to study forbidden knowledge, the more they will slide into the abyss of madness and destruction."

Yog-Sothoth has mastered all the truths of time, space and the world, and his attitude towards humans is relatively friendly.

But the gap between mortals and it is too big in the level of life. Facing it is to face the truth of the universe. Mortals' brains cannot bear so much knowledge.

The lighter ones will have their brains burned and become crazy.

The heavier ones will be blown up by the vast amount of knowledge and die.

The result of mortals coming into contact with the truth of the universe is so terrifying and ruthless.

"So Tony just hovered on the edge of death."

Natasha looked at Tony. This conceited guy was always so annoying. Although he has changed a lot now, it doesn't bother Natasha to laugh at him.

"No, Tony should be fine. This Yog-Sothoth should not be able to affect people through the screen."

Banner shook his head, thinking that this was not the case. Although Yog-Sothoth was powerful, he could not take Tony's life through the screen.

After all, this was a disaster inventory, not a killing through the screen.

If Yog-Sothoth could really affect the people who were watching the inventory through the screen, then there would probably be no living people in this world now.

"Banner is right. If it can kill people, no one here will be alive.

Tony agrees with Banner. If Yog-Sothoth can really do it, it will be the most terrifying.

"The screen should have reduced the influence of the evil god so that we can watch normally, and the reason why it was not completely eliminated should be to let us feel the power of the evil god."

Nick Fury guessed.

In the previous inventory, the destructive power of the disaster was fully demonstrated, and this time the power of the evil god is not just a display of destructive power.

The evil god is more terrifying because of its weird flesh and blood transformation and mental pollution.

No matter how much you say, it is not as shocking as letting people feel the weird power of the evil god in person.

"I didn't expect that a black-boiled egg like you knows so much." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tony looked at Nick Fury in surprise. This black-boiled egg really knows a lot.

Nick Fury thought to himself that he was the head of the world's most powerful special forces organization, S.H.I.E.L.D., after all. How could he not see through this?

However, thinking of Tony's bad character, Nick Fury did not speak, but continued to look at the screen.

"The evil god of disaster will come and break out. The evil god from another world will break through the barriers of the world and appear. At the same time, there will be a lot of content about evil god sacrifices and witchcraft.

Through sacrifices and witchcraft, people can communicate with evil gods, but mortals cannot bear the horrible consequences of facing evil gods directly, and will only bring destruction in the end.

The more knowledge you know and the more rational you are, the more likely you are to be noticed by evil gods."

On the screen, the final evaluation of the coming of evil gods is given. The more rational, knowledgeable, and curious you are, the more likely you are to be noticed by evil gods, and you will eventually go crazy and destroyed.667

"In other words, the more you know, the faster you die?"

Captain America made a magical conclusion. It's not that his words are outrageous, but that the advent of the evil god itself is outrageous.

"The more you know, the faster you die. On the contrary, those who are stupid can live longer. It's really ironic."

Tony expressed indignation. He thought he was very smart. If the evil god really came, he would probably die before many people.

"Sure enough, knowledge is actually a curse. The more knowledge you have, the happier you may not be."Thanos sighed. He, who knew all the extraordinary knowledge of the Eternal Titans, was smarter and more knowledgeable than ordinary people.

This also made him feel that he had responsibilities far beyond ordinary people. This was the responsibility that knowledge brought him. It was also the reason why Thanos wanted to maintain the balance of the universe.

In Thanos's view, knowledge was actually a curse, and ordinary people might live happier.

This time the evil god came and strengthened his idea that knowledge was a curse and would lead living beings to destruction.

Of course, knowledge might also give birth to people like him who were full of responsibilities..

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