As the nameless fog appeared, the evil god's will became more crazy, and a nearby planet was shrouded in the evil god's aura.

Countless eyes and tentacles immediately grew on the originally peaceful planet.

The evil god looked around, colliding with the eyes of the surroundings.

"Let's test their strength."

The Life Tribunal also sensed the evil god's weirdness and madness, so it asked the five great gods to test it first.

Eternity took action and moved the surrounding planets away to other star regions.

""Destroy it!"

Annihilation took action, unleashing energy to destroy the entire alienated evil god planet, leaving not even a speck of dust.

Although the planet was destroyed, the evil god's aura still existed. Even if Annihilation took action, he could not wipe out the evil god's aura.

This was the aura from Azathoth.

Before the surrounding gods could take the next step, brilliant light emerged from the space cracks, and spheres emitting light appeared, floating in the universe.

"The One Who Returns All Things to One, Yog-Sothoth!"

The voice of the Living Tribunal echoed three times. He did not expect that the first person to appear on the other side would be this big guy.

When Yog-Sothoth appeared, he immediately burst out with endless light, and his own space-time rules merged with the space-time rules of the Marvel world.

The gods surrounding here all felt the change in the rules.

"No! Stop him!"

Eternity made a move, and the energy of the universe exploded, cutting this piece of time and space apart, forming a closed dimensional universe, in order to isolate the erosion of Yog-Sothoth's laws.

The Living Tribunal also followed suit, adding another layer of insurance.

But they forgot that no matter how they isolated it, they used the energy and laws of the Marvel world, even if it was to isolate Yog-Sothoth's dimensional small world.

It was also separated from the Marvel world.

The moment Yog-Sothoth crossed the space rift, he had completely occupied the Marvel world and had come into contact with the laws and energy of the Marvel world.

The isolation of Eternity and the Living Tribunal was of no use to Yog-Sothoth, and he still merged into the laws and energy of Marvel.

Breaking through the limitations of the dimensions of time and space is not difficult for Yog-Sothoth, who controls all time and space, and it is easy to erode one world after another.

However, this is a seal set by Eternity and the Living Tribunal after all. Even if Yog-Sothoth has integrated into the laws of Marvel, he cannot escape this cage.

But it is still no problem to spread his evil god aura

"It seems that the evil god's breath cannot be stopped from leaking out."

The Living Tribunal felt the breath of Yog-Sothoth leaking out, but it could not stop it, because new evil gods have emerged endlessly from the cracks.

Evil gods, evil gods' followers, etc., are all emerging from the cracks in the universe.

Of course, for the big guys here, the so-called spiritual pollution of the evil gods has no effect at all, and those evil gods' followers are even more vulnerable and can be wiped out at will.

But those powerful evil gods still brought them trouble.

And there is also the god of death hiding somewhere to launch sneak attacks. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although they cannot be killed directly, it is still possible to cause the attack to deviate due to various accidents.

Even if the big guys' attacks will not The attack failed, but some weaker beings in the group of gods were also accidentally injured.

And OAA, who is above all things in the Marvel world, has not made a move, and has not even manifested, but is confronting the most powerful evil god of the other side, Azathoth.

Azathoth cannot come to this world, but OAA cannot do anything about those evil gods either.

A battle broke out in the depths of the universe, distorting the laws of time and space, and the surrounding space was twisted madly.

In other words, these gods are powerful enough, and their divine powers collide with each other. If it were an ordinary person, an ordinary superhero, he would have become a twisted dough stick at this moment.

The scope of the cosmic war was stripped away and turned into a dimensional universe.

People in the normal universe cannot feel this weird confrontation.

"The aura of the evil god has appeared!"

Odin felt that there were some dangerous and crazy auras in the universe. There were evil gods entering their world, but not many of them came in. They were just the auras of some evil gods.

Odin had not yet noticed the real evil god entity.

But he could feel that the aura of the evil god was getting stronger and stronger. The real evil god was about to appear.

"Indeed, it seems that these evil gods have appeared directly in the real world."

A halo appeared around Odin, and Ancient One came to his side.

"Master Ancient One, it's rare for you to come out and walk around."

Odin looked at Ancient One beside him and joked that it was rare for this sorcerer who stayed at home to come out.

"The dimensional demon has been making a move, but I still like traveling around."

Gu Yi laughed. If it weren't for the threat of the dimensional demon, Gu Yi might have really traveled around.

Who likes to stay in Kamar-Taj all the time?

"The fact that the evil gods did not appear directly in the dimensional world also reduced my workload."

Gu Yi sighed. There are many dimensional demons coveting the real world. If the evil gods come to join in the fun again, it will be more and more busy for Gu Yi.

"When the evil gods appear, the gods above will not remain silent. They will take action. There are not many evil gods that can appear in front of us."

Odin knows about the five gods of the Celestial God Group. When the evil gods appear, they are the first line of defense. Most of the evil gods will be stopped by them. Only the fish that slip through the net will appear in the universe. The Norse pantheon, the Olympus pantheon, and the many gods in heaven have to deal with these fish that slip through the net.

In other words, the evil gods that are easier to deal with..

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