"Avengers, are there so many people with super powers in this world?"

Professor X Charles was also very surprised. Is there a superhero organization in this world?

If there are many superhumans, then they, the mutants, are not considered aliens, right?

I wonder what the situation of mutants is in that world?

Different people have different ideas, but everyone knows that the next universe in 2149 will probably be in big trouble.

Sure enough, the rescue was futile and would only add new members to the zombies.

On the other hand, problems also arose with those who studied the zombie virus. The Fantastic Four thought that zombies were evolution and that zombies were higher life forms.

So they took the initiative to be infected and became zombie heroes.

At the same time, Nick Fury and Tony built a teleportation device. This device can teleport them to another universe to avoid the zombie crisis in this universe.

But before it can be activated, they are discovered by the zombie Fantastic Four, and Tony and Nick Fury are instantly eaten and infected.

The Fantastic Four activated the teleportation device and went to another universe, and then were solved.

In the 2149 universe, the zombie virus is spreading at an extremely fast speed, and Quicksilver has made an indispensable contribution to this.

After all, Quicksilver's speed is too fast, and he spreads the virus very quickly.

With the help of Quicksilver, it didn't take long before the whole world was infected. Except for zombies and zombie heroes, Magneto was the only one who had not been infected.

But he was also besieged by zombie heroes.

But Magneto is the one who controls magnetism. Mutants have too many weapons in the city. They are more threatening when they resist.


Hawkeye shot an arrow, fast, accurate and ruthless, heading straight for Magneto's head.

Even after becoming a zombie, Hawkeye's archery skills have not regressed.

But Magneto is not so easy to deal with. He controls Captain America's shield and fights back.


The arrow and the shield collided in the air. The arrow was deflected and hit Magneto's waist, but the shield controlled by Magneto eliminated Hawkeye's head.

Magneto used magnetic control to pull out the arrow in his body and shot through Thor's throat.

Captain America wanted to get his shield back, but the shield controlled by Magneto cut off half of his head, revealing the brain inside.

Magneto showed his power and fought back with his life. He tried to resist, but there were too many heroes besieging him, and he was accidentally attacked by the Wasp and bitten on the neck. Other zombie heroes rushed over, and of course he was dismembered in an instant.

After eating Magneto, many zombie heroes calmed down. Captain America held half of his brain and began to think, is the brain useful?

After a short rest, Captain America and his men went to meet up with Iron Man.

Zombie Iron Man raised a serious question.

Now the last human in the world, Magneto, has also been eaten, and now there are only zombies on the entire planet.

If they can't find food anymore, these zombies will have to devour each other.

Just when everyone was starving, a silver light streaked across the sky, and the little silver man Silver Surfer standing on a skateboard was suspended in the air.

"Everyone, this planet has been chosen by my master and will soon be devoured by him. I advise you not to resist, because it is futile."

Silver Surfer stood on the skateboard, facing many zombie heroes, and did not notice anything unusual.

Because Silver Surfer is the messenger of Galactus, he has no emotions, and there is no difference between zombies and humans to him.

"Go! Catch him!"

The zombie heroes who were originally troubled by hunger saw a living creature and could not bear the hunger any more, so they began to pounce on the Silver Surfer.

But how could the little silver man be so easy to deal with?

The cosmic energy in his hand was fired, directly cutting Iron Man Tony in half.


Thor flew into the air and hit it with a hammer, but the Silver Surfer's hard body shattered Thor's hammer.


Wolverine clawed down, but did not leave a wound on the Silver Surfer, but his own arm was shattered.

Faced with the powerful Silver Surfer, many zombie heroes seemed to be helpless for a while.


Until a loud roar, Banner He transformed into the Hulk again, pushed the Silver Surfer off the skateboard, opened his bloody mouth, and bit off the Silver Surfer's head.

The rest of the body was eaten by the zombies who rushed over.

After eating the flesh and blood of the Silver Surfer, many zombies found that they actually had the ability to emit cosmic energy.

Even Iron Man, who was broken into two pieces, could use cosmic energy to fly.

This made the zombie heroes very excited.

But they were obviously too happy too early, because the invincible Galactus has arrived.

Galactus is hundreds of meters tall and has extremely powerful energy. Even planets are just his food. That's all.

Seeing this big guy, the eyes of many zombie heroes suddenly lit up. This height of several hundred meters is enough for them to eat for a while.

So many zombie heroes prepared to kill Galactus and have a good meal.

Boom boom boom!

But that is Galactus, an incredible existence that survived the last Big Bang.

Although now due to hunger, his strength is only one billionth of his heyday, but he is still stronger than Silver Surfer. With five fingers spread out, the pouring cosmic energy instantly blew all the zombie heroes to the ground.

Seeing that Galactus is too powerful, many zombie heroes can only retreat. , and think of another way.

Fortunately, they did think of a way. Using Vibranium and Doctor Strange's high-level crystals as raw materials, plus the wisdom of Tony and other heroes, they finally made a super cannon.

These zombie heroes injected cosmic energy into the super cannon and successfully injured Galactus with this cannon.

Although Galactus has not died under such an attack, he was seriously injured. What follows is a gluttonous feast.

The invincible Galactus fell again.

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