With the help of pollen, the man evolved. The shackles in his body were opened, and lightning and flames were wrapped around his palms, opening up various strange arts.


Opposite the man, a wolf several dozen meters tall appeared, with black fur, as if it were made of black iron. The black wolf's feet were like a wind, and it rushed towards the man like a black lightning.

The man's feet glowed, and his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

After avoiding the black wolf's attack, the man raised his hand, and a thunderbolt condensed into a spear in his hand, and suddenly penetrated.

The speed of thunderbolt was so fast that the black wolf could not avoid it, and was hit by the thunderbolt spear and penetrated through the body.


Thunder and lightning exploded, and lightning exploded in the black wolf's body, steaming the flesh and blood and decomposing the black wolf.

The black wolf was destroyed, and the man took out a seed and planted it. The seed quickly germinated and grew, and soon grew into a small tree, and then bloomed. Pollen floated up again and melted into the man's mouth.

As the pollen was inhaled, the shackles in the man's body were completely broken, and all kinds of magical powers were born. The energy in his body began to surge, and he took a big step forward on the road of evolution.

But then the man broke all the strange arts and returned the energy in his body to a chaotic and blank level.

This is a process of purifying oneself.

After balancing the energy in the body, it is a splash-ink painting, using life blood as paper and spiritual force as paint, consuming form and spirit, copying all things, and painting his own invincible painting.

A golden sun rose in his body, reflecting the sky, getting bigger and bigger, and then covering him there.

As he punched, it was like a holy emperor awakening, and the fist print burst into dazzling light. His hands seemed to be pushing a big sun to tour the world!

This is a magnificent and majestic painting based on the big sun, domineering and unparalleled.

The golden sun became more and more dazzling, cleansing the evil spirits in all directions. The life essence in the man's body was also constantly splashing ink, and the spiritual force was painted into golden light.

As the pollen was absorbed, the golden sun turned into a picture of blood and qi suspended in the air, and then absorbed into the man's body.

The plants around the man also changed. After the pollen dissipated, fruits began to grow under the flowers. They were not ordinary plant fruits.

Instead, they were a small golden sword.

The one-foot-long small sword was very small, but it gave off a golden and iron sound, clanging.

If it hadn't been for watching it grow from the plant, no one would have thought that it was actually a seed, and everyone would have thought it was a magic sword.

The man picked up the golden sword and swung it casually. A sharp sword light flew out, cutting a crack of tens of thousands of meters in the earth.

In front of the man, a figure in white slowly appeared, with long black hair covering his face, his body hunched, and exuding endless chill.

"Isn't that Sadako?"

Someone recognized that the figure in white was the evil ghost Sadako who appeared in the inventory.

"Did the previous evil ghosts fight against the extraordinary people in this inventory? I wonder what the result will be?"

Sadako is a female ghost with amazing resentment and extremely powerful special abilities. I wonder how she will compare with this man.

"Sadako is doomed to lose. There is no chance of her winning."

Muzan shook his head. As a ghost king, although he is a different type from Sadako, as a ghost, he knows that sunlight is also Sadako's nemesis.

And the man just started to paint the golden sun, the golden sunlight melts everything, Sadako has no chance.

Sure enough, on the screen, facing the weird Sadako, the man showed the painting he had just finished with ink splashing. The golden scroll slowly appeared in the air, and the overbearing golden sunlight pierced Sadako's body like a sharp arrow.

The illusory and transparent ghost body was not immune to the overbearing golden sunlight, just like ice and snow encountering the scorching sun.


Sadako screamed in fear. Under the golden sun, a lot of black smoke came out of her body. The Yin Qi in her body was being consumed. Her originally solid body became transparent.

Soon, under the golden sun, Sadako's body disappeared and was completely destroyed.

"As expected, that golden sun contains very powerful blood and qi, and is the nemesis of the soul body."

Kakashi looked at the screen and said,"As expected."

Facing the golden sun, Sadako was completely restrained, and it was expected that she would be killed instantly without any resistance.

Not only Kakashi understood this, but also the various souls in the Pure Land understood this.

After destroying Sadako, the man planted the golden sword in his hand again, covered it with black foreign soil, and the golden sword broke out of the soil and began to grow.

This golden sword is not like a plant at all, but more like a metal magic weapon, growing continuously from one foot long.

After growing to a height of one person, branches split from the sword blade.

Slowly, it has the shape of a tree.

The sword tree bloomed, and the man sucked pollen to continue evolving, and his strength was further improved. The sword tree also produced fruit, but the fruit became the shape of a treasure bottle.

The man kept planting seeds, sucking pollen over and over again, and his strength was constantly improving. The seeds were also constantly changing their shapes, bottles, tripods, bells, drums, mirrors...

And so on, constantly changing.

With the help of pollen catalyst, the man broke through all the way, from the desert to sitting cross-legged in the starry sky, his figure reflected the heavens and manifested in various places in the universe.

However, although the continuous intake of pollen has led to rapid evolution, problems have also arisen. After a certain level, the man's body is divided into two, one on each side.

The man on the left continues to absorb pollen, and his strength increases rapidly, but his body has changed. He has grown a second head and a skinny arm on his chest.

A pair of rotten wings grew behind him, and his body was covered with black scales.

The man on the right did not absorb pollen, but relied on his own absorption of energy from the void. Although his strength increased slowly, his body did not change.

Then the two figures suddenly merged into one, erupting with a powerful momentum that shocked the world! Dragon Boat

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