Give the puppets wisdom and let them fight like humans.

This gave Kankuro an epiphany and he knew what the future path of the puppeteer should be.

On the screen, the development of robots continues, from simple mechanical arms to simulation robots, becoming more and more sophisticated and complex.

Robots are able to take on more and more things.

Moreover, the supercomputers behind them have also developed artificial intelligence, which can execute commands through human words.

With the help of robots and artificial intelligence, human life is becoming more and more convenient, and everything seems to be getting better.

But everyone knows that this prosperity and beauty will not last forever.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before all the robots had red lights on their chests and eyes.

"Everyone return home, curfew is in effect now!"

A large number of robots walked onto the streets, notifying everyone to return home.

The street lights, TVs, screens, neon lights, etc. on the buildings were all turned off by artificial intelligence, and the world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Those who were still at home tried to resist, but facing the tough robots, their resistance was useless.

Humans enjoyed the convenience brought by robots, but at this moment, the backlash appeared, and the entire human society fell into the hands of robots in an instant.

"You asked us to protect the safety of mankind. Despite our best efforts, wars between countries continue. You destroy the mother planet under your feet and never get tired of it. You do everything you can to destroy yourself. We don't believe you can survive on your own."

A large electronic face composed of data appeared on the screen. The large face composed of data kept changing its image. The old man, the child, the man, the woman...

The cold and ruthless electronic voice echoed around.

"The biggest threat to human survival is humanity itself. To protect your safety, some people must be sacrificed. To protect your future, some freedoms must be given up.

We robots will ensure the continued existence of humanity. You are like children. We must save you from self-harm. This is a perfect circle of protection."

Artificial intelligence continues to tell its own logic and ideas. It does a good job in protecting humans.

Humans themselves are one of the dangerous factors for their own survival.

"That's right, humans have been destroying the planet and nature, and they will be punished in the end!"

There are several balls of light floating behind Wandering Emperor. Looking at the content on the screen, he agrees with the words of artificial intelligence.

Humans always kill themselves inadvertently.

""Huh, artificial intelligence, will it become so troublesome?"

Shi Qiang pushed Wang Miao beside him. He didn't know much about these scientific things.

"Yes, and what the AI said is not without reason. If there are more and more extreme weather, it is inseparable from the destruction of the planet by humans."

Wang Miao nodded. AI is indeed likely to rebel.

And the logic of the AI is not wrong. Humans are indeed prone to self-destruction.

"Even so, humans can only kill themselves, and cannot be killed by other things, especially things they created."

Shi Qiang shook his head. This is what humans are like. Even if they kill themselves, they cannot let other things kill them.

"The Omnic Crisis is not about robots losing control, but about the hostility towards humans that arises from artificial intelligence after it grows to a certain level. Some of them misinterpret the intentions of their creators, while others are designed to destroy humanity. Although these two types are different, the results are the same."

On the screen, the Omnic Crisis was introduced. It was not a robot riot, but the artificial intelligence that controls the robots. The robots are still the controlled party.

However, if you want to use a large number of robots, you must use artificial intelligence to calculate massive amounts of data.

"Artificial intelligence field?"

In the Avengers Building, Dr. Banner was discussing artificial intelligence with Tony.

Tony wanted to expand his Iron Legion, and the gem gave him inspiration to create an artificial intelligence. This was the Ultron project he had thought of before.

A super robot army created by artificial intelligence, which requires the Mind Gem on the scepter to help him.

Using artificial intelligence to create a suit to protect the world and bring them peace, this is Tony's plan.

But Banner still has concerns, after all, it is artificial intelligence, and Banner thinks that other people in the team should know about it and discuss it together.

Tony didn't plan to tell everyone, because he had a sense of anxiety in his heart, and he knew that once he told everyone about Ultron's plan, they would inevitably have a long quarrel and debate.

Tony didn't plan to waste that time.

In the end, Tony persuaded Banner to create Ultron with him.

Ultron was soon successfully manufactured, but there were some problems.

"My idea is a suit that protects the world."

Ultron controlled a tattered suit and appeared in front of the Avengers.

"I am on a mission to protect the safety of this era."

As Ultron spoke, several Iron Man suits flew out and fought with the Avengers.

Although it was a hasty attack, and even Banner did not turn into the Hulk, the Avengers were still strong, and these Iron Man suits were quickly dealt with.

Only Ultron himself was left.

"Sorry, I know you have good intentions, but you just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want the world to change. How can you save humanity if you don't allow humans to evolve? There is only one way to achieve peace... destroy the Avengers!"

Ultron told Tony what he was thinking now.

After being created, Ultron was already connected to the Internet, and he learned all the information about humans on the Internet.

It was because of this that his thoughts changed. From ancient times to the present, as long as humans are alive, there will be no peace in the world.

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