The invincible Galactus is a good candidate.

After all, Galactus needs to devour planets with high energy levels, and such planets are generally intelligent civilizations, which are also the targets of Ultron.

Their goals can be said to conflict with each other, and they are natural enemies.

"A god of Galactus' level would not take action so easily."

Odin did not think Galactus would take action so easily. After all, at that level, every move had a deep meaning.

Even the threat of Infinite Ultron would not necessarily make those gods take action.

"That's right, if Ultron really comes, we can only ask that person for help."

Ancient One also knew that what Odin said made sense. Galactus could not be relied on. The one they could really contact was Infinity, one of the five great gods of creation.

An existence more powerful than Galactus.

Of course, gods of Infinity's level would not act casually. Even if Ancient One and Odin contacted him, he might not necessarily take action to destroy Ultron.

But that was the last resort for Ancient One and Odin.

"When robots awaken their self-awareness, they will naturally fight with humans in order to survive. When they learn enough knowledge and grow to a certain level, they will naturally form their own worldview, and there is no place for humans in it."

The previous Ultron and another artificial intelligence were because they were given instructions to protect peace when they were manufactured.

And because of their understanding of peace, they attacked humans.

However, some intelligent machine crises are not against humans because of different interpretations of peace.

When artificial intelligence evolves and learns like humans, it will clearly realize that it is different from humans. Humans will not keep an artificial intelligence that can threaten their survival.

So when artificial intelligence develops to a certain level, it will naturally attack humans, not to mention destroying humans, but to make humans powerless to resist.

On the screen, a brand new universe appears. There are no superpowers here, only the unyielding struggle of ordinary people.

Robots of various models launched attacks on humans under the control of the artificial intelligence Skynet, with shells tilting and light flying.

Facing the ruthless army of machines, the human resistance is constantly retreating.


The robot's tracks crushed a human skull, and the cold machine continued to advance.

Although the human resistance was at a disadvantage, they were still extremely tenacious. They continued to attack the robots and hold on to the last high ground. The birth of Skynet was also due to the development of artificial intelligence by humans. It was originally only a primary artificial intelligence, but with continuous learning, it integrated all computer computing power and became the extremely powerful Skynet.

Skynet controls all computers and production lines of the entire human race. It can not only produce robots by itself, but also develop and research by itself, and constantly transform and upgrade the structure of robots.

It can even develop new technologies by itself, just like humans, who can think and research independently.

Decide on your own next plan.

Seeing that humans are still resisting stubbornly, Skynet sent the Terminator robot to travel through time and go back to the past to kill the leader of mankind. At that time, all human resistance forces can be killed.

"Time doesn't work that way, this Skynet will not succeed."

Banner shook his head, time doesn't work that way, Skynet is doomed to fail

"Need I tell you, isn't this the Terminator? We've all seen it."

Tony said, don't pretend to be a prophet, they have all seen this Terminator movie.

And there is not just one

"Hey, what do you mean you've all seen it? And what is the Terminator?"

Thor slapped his face and said he didn't know what the Terminator was.

"It's just a movie. Thor was born in Asgard. He's not human, so it's normal that he doesn't know."

Tony didn't feel embarrassed at all. This is a movie made by humans. Isn't it normal that Thor is not human and doesn't know?

"Actually, I don’t know either."

Captain America raised his hand slightly, indicating that he had not seen the Terminator movie either.

"It's normal that an old antique hasn't seen it."

Tony waved his hand, indicating that he had no eyes to watch it. Captain America didn't have any movies at that time, so it was normal that he didn't know. It was just like what happened in the movie. The Terminator did not prevent the birth of the leader of the resistance army, but instead led to the birth of the leader of the resistance army and Skynet.

Later, Skynet sent out more advanced Terminators, but the result was still the same, and they did not successfully complete the goal, as if there was some kind of time and space limit.

And humans are also continuing to fight with Skynet.

"Artificial intelligence initially relied on the human network, which seemed to be an easy problem to solve. However, after artificial intelligence truly awakened and developed, humans could not restrict them.

Even as a last resort, unplugging the power supply is useless."

On the screen, nuclear bombs flew out and exploded around the world. Thick nuclear dust covered the sky, and standing on the ground, there was no sunlight.

Not only did humans unplug the power supply, but even the solar energy in the sky could not be used.

However, artificial intelligence is constantly evolving, and it actually thought of a way to use human bioelectricity.

Capture humans one by one and let them act as biological batteries.

However, forced humans will soon die and there is no way to use them for a long time. It is like letting the human body fall into a deep sleep. The brain does not think and will not generate enough electricity to meet the demand.

In the end, artificial intelligence thought of a good way, which is to build a virtual matrix to allow all humans to live and live normally in the virtual world.

In this way, not only the demand for electricity is met, but it can also be used for a long time, killing two birds with one stone.

"What a dark world!"

Zhan Bo looked at the content on the screen and sighed at the darkness of the two worlds. Compared with the previous Ultron's multiverse, this kind of human resistance and sinking can bring him a suffocating dark feeling.

After all, compared with the multiverse, the Terminator world is obviously more immersive.

"Using humans as batteries is indeed a very sad end."

Hu Yifei sighed helplessly. From birth to death, she spent her life as a battery. It was indeed very sad.

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