The full-scale construction had begun.

Because his survey and design skill got stronger, the construction went smooth sailing from the first stage.

“Hey, Ppodong?”


“Look, for now, I’m going to draw a line on the ground.”


“Then, can you dig inside that line to a constant depth of 1,5 meters?”


Lloyd asked. On the palm of his hand, Ppodong nodded his chubby head.

“Okay. Then, eat this first.”


I held out a red sunflower seed. Ppodong received the sunflower seed and chewed on it as if he had been waiting this whole time. 


His size quickly grew to 10 meters.

In the meantime, Lloyd picked up a shovel. He drew a line on the ground with the shovel. The shape of the road was drawn while using the 2D floor plan—which was engraved on the ground and was only visible to him—as a guide. 


“Well, start here and do it like this. Follow the line exactly where I drew and keep going that way. Please keep it constant at 13 meters wide.”

“Ppo-do-dong! Ppo-dong!”


His front paws moved like a gale. Every time his plump bottom bounced up and down, a huge amount of soil was dug and flung behind him. He was literally a living high-powered excavator.

Lloyd then gave his order.

“Construction Team 1, dispatched.”


A group consisted of 30 soldiers from the territory moved with shovels in unison. They jumped into the 13 meters wide and 1,5 meters deep pit dug by Ppodong. They continued to dig inside the pit while following after Ppodong. 

Ppodong dug the ground and scooped up pieces of soil, stones, and tree roots that flew everywhere. 

Kangkang! Kaaang! Kang! Whack! Whoosh!

30 shovels looked like they were dancing. The construction team’s sweat drops glistened under the sun. The wall and the bottom part inside the pit were hardened by them each time. And then, Ppodong pressed down the ground that was pounded by Team 1 once more. 



Ppodong rolled to press down the ground like a stamp. It became so smooth! He is as good as a 25 t11 ton=1000 kg=2204,62 lb. 25 t=5600 lb road roller!

While the foundation work was underway, another 30-men team worked diligently. Construction Team 2 scooped fine sand from the river. Then, the first group laid the sand evenly on the bottom of the pit and pounded the sand to harden it again. The construction team kept on shoveling while Ppodong pressed on it with his butt.

The thickness of the pounded sand was set to be exactly 30 cm thick.

Just like that, the work repeated and connected like a cogwheel. They dug, laid, pounded, and pressed the sand.

On top of the sand, they laid 30 cm thick egg-sized gravel; 30 cm thick fist-sized rubble; 30 cm thick walnut-sized pebble; and finally, a 20-cm-thick layer of fine sand at the very top. 

60 members from two construction teams, as well as some quarriers and miners, worked and sweated together.

Efficient work distribution, adequate rest, and sufficient meals were provided.

Thanks to these, by the evening of the first day of construction, the foundation work for the section—which was about 30 m long—was finished.

“Good.” Lloyd laughed, feeling content. The progress was much faster than he initially thought. 

‘Since Ppodong is here, the work has progressed very well. As expected, heavy equipment must be present and utilized in the construction.’

Thanks to Ppodong taking the role of an excavator and road roller, the work speed was as fast as a hurricane. In addition to that, the construction teams who worked in perfect order also contributed greatly.

‘I’ve done a good job on training them by mobilizing them in the construction of ondol rooms.’

The construction teams which consisted of 60 members in total had already become an elite shoveling team. Their physical strength also improved considerably compared to the past.

‘It’s all thanks to the muscle-training labor.’

Suddenly, I recalled the days when I was still active in the Republic of Korea’s army. Originally, I went to the army to protect the country.

However, reality was completely different. 

Have you ever been given a squadron? I had to work hard to protect the barracks and facilities of major companies rather than the country.

My military life was literally dominated by various labor work rather than training. Every day, I was mobilized for all kinds of work. 

Cutting thick grass or repairing fences and drainages; repairing the broken barracks’ rooftop because of the rain and guarding the guard post; building a vinyl house behind the barracks and expanding the warehouse with a tool. 

‘All because I graduated from the civil engineering department.’

That feeling of being specially summoned and serving a senior officer for free.

‘Tsk, I’m getting goosebumps.’

Lloyd looked at the construction troops, remembering his experiences at that time. Then, he smiled wickedly.

‘You’re going to enjoy that feeling too.’

In any case, the construction troops were soldiers who were paid by this territory. Therefore, if he gave them a small bonus in return for mobilizing the troops, there would be no major dissatisfaction that sprouted. With this, he was able to make them work as much as he wanted while saving labor costs.

Moreover, the construction was just in its beginning stage. Before the spring rainy season came, he planned to complete the first section of the paved road somehow.

A few days had passed. Fortunately, the weather still stayed clear so far. As the weather was pleasant, the construction also went smoothly.

Day by day, the construction sections continued to increase. In the meantime, it went without saying that the fief residents flocked like birds to watch the construction.

“Whoa. What the hell is this? What are they trying to make?”

“You don’t know yet, do you?”


“I heard this is a paved road.”

“A paved road?”


“What’s that used for?”

“I don’t know about that. Well, I heard it’s a good thing.”

“What is it good for?”

“…. Well, it’s a good thing, right?”

“You don’t actually know, do you?”


Some people turned their heads and whispered to each other. While looking at the road being built across the center of the territory, each person speculated about the road’s usage.

“Maybe he’s going to use it as a waterway?”

“I think he’s going to fill it with water and ice skate on it when it freezes in the winter.”

“No. That’s a field. A long field so it’s easier to harvest.”

“I don’t think that’s going to make it any easier. Well, If I have to say, I’d rather sell the land to play dominoes.”

“Well, I think the waterway is the right answer.”

“Oh, it’s a skating rink.”

“No matter how much I look at it, it’s a field.”

“I’d rather say it’s a running track for the lord’s territory athletic competition.”

…. It went like that.

Of course, even the territory citizens were not foolish enough to not know the purpose of the road. They knew what paved roads were for.

A well-paved road makes it easier for people to travel. It’s also good for carrying goods using carts. 

Thus, they couldn’t understand this situation.

‘Our territory doesn’t have a lot of people nor supplies coming and going that it needs a road or something. So, why?’

Why does Young Master Lloyd want to build a paved road on such a tiny piece of land like this? 

That’s why they couldn’t understand the purpose of road construction. The construction itself felt so out of the blue. Even though the road sometimes gets muddy, it’s only slightly inconvenient. However, is it necessary to mobilize funds and manpower to build roads?

Such questions were no exception for the mobilized construction team members.

“Keuh! Huff, heuk, huu, it’s hard. I’m tired.”

“Hey, don’t goof off. You’re not the only one who’s having a hard time digging.”

“But still. Isn’t this a little bit too much?”

“What is?”

“The construction. I mean, it’s good. I could get a lot of bonuses other soldiers can’t get. But, you know what? The thing we’re doing right now, no matter how much you think about it, is a huge waste of money.”

“What do you mean by a waste?”

“Think about it. What’s the point of making this paved road?”

“Well, of course it’s….”

“Nothing comes to mind, does it?”

“…. Oh, you’re right.”

The soldier who got asked scratched his head. The soldier who complained nervously wiped the sweat off the corners of his eyes.

“That’s what I’m talking about. Is there anything in our territory? We don’t trade with other territories. Also, it’s not like merchants or troops frequently come and go from time to time.”

“Well, it’s even located in the remote eastern part of the kingdom.”

“Right? Besides, there’s no other kingdom located in the east, there are only mountains and wastelands.”

“Well, that’s the fact, isn’t it?”

“That’s right. But, I mean, what’s the point of building a road on such a grand scale? When this road stretches to the east where there’s nothing on that side?”

“What? Is that true?”

“Yeah. That’s the truth. You’ll see for yourself.”

“… Whoa, for real?”

“Isn’t that right?”

“Sigh. Well, what can I do? If the Young Master told me to do it, I’ll do it.”

“Phew. That’s true. Tsk.”

Whack, whack, whack! 

The soldier’s shoveling became rough. The work—which had continued spinning like a cogwheel for days—didn’t give them time to breathe.

Amidst all this, the construction workers began to wonder what this road construction’s purpose was. Nevertheless, the construction continued without rest.

The construction had already begun. Of course, Lloyd knew the soldiers had some complaints. However, he had no intention of stopping the construction that had been underway. It was because he had a clear purpose. 

‘I’m sure everyone must be wondering right now. I’m sure someone must be discontent. But, when this road is completed?’

Then, the story would be different. They will soon finally realize the big picture.

Lloyd was confident he could make it. Therefore, he didn’t need to give them any detailed explanation. All he had to do was to show the result. 

Just like his tenacity, the construction continued to proceed smoothly. Digging the ground; laying gravels and sand; pounding and pressing it.

Thus, the construction of the foundation gradually increased the number of its sections. Before I knew it, it had already went through the center of the territory. And reached further to the base of the eastern mountain.

I climbed a gentle slope at the foot of the mountain and examined its sides closely.

At this point in time, Lloyd moved to the next stage of the construction. The next stage was the full-scale road pavement on where the foundation was just laid.

For this, Lloyd mobilized all stonemasons2Stonemason: is a mason who builds with stone of the territory. 

“Look, your role is important from now on. All foundation construction we did so far was a preparation for the pavement work to begin.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

“Then listen carefully to my explanation. The method used to pave and lay stones on top of the foundation is….”

Lloyd continued his instructions for the work. The eyes of the stonemasons sparkled when faced with a method they had never encountered before.

Soon, the pavement work began.

“Then, let’s move! Don’t forget the safety rules!”


The stonemasons and construction team members were sent in pairs. Large and flat stones were evenly laid above the foundation made of various materials. The stones, approximately 70 cm long on one of the sides, were interconnected together until it was difficult to find gaps at the joint surface.

That wasn’t the end.

The road, which was 6 meters wide, was made slightly protruding at the center than the edge. By forming a gentle arch shape, rainwater was guided to flow to both sides of the road. At both edges of the convex road, a drainage path of 50 cm wide and 20 cm deep was built. Outside these, a solid, 3-meters-wide sidewalk surrounded both sides of the road.

‘This way, the road won’t get submerged. The drainage path on both sides naturally handles the water and through gravel, sand, and stones that were laid as the base, water is prevented from seeping through the paved road. Additionally, a separate sidewalk should be provided so that carts and pedestrians won’t mix.’

Finally, Lloyd designated an area where trees are prevented from being planted on either side of the road. It was because tree roots could dig through the ground of the paved road.

So, the construction continued again. To the extent where the paved road increased gradually every day. From the mansion’s entrance to the residential area. Through the residential area and markets to the outskirts of the territory. Finally, beyond the outskirts to the eastern mountain’s base.

The construction for all sections was over. Finally, the first paved road across the Frontera Barony had been completed. 

Of course, until that point in time, people still didn’t understand the exact meaning of the road’s completion. Even Baron Frontera, who allowed the construction, couldn’t guess why Lloyd built this road.

Just like that, the spring rainy season began. For more than 10 days, rain poured down heavily. 

Every other road became muddy. Only the newly constructed road was intact.

So far, that result was inside the fief residents’ expectations. After all, it was a road that had been painstakingly paved. Naturally, it would be fine in this much rain. 

So, their questions hadn’t gone away just yet.

Why did he build such an undeserved wonderful road? What is Young Master Lloyd trying to use this road for?

Through the pouring rain, their questions only got amplified.

Finally, in the morning when the rainy season was over, the rain stopped. Amidst everyone’s doubts and suspicions, Lloyd walked along the paved road. At the end of the road, he reached to eastern mountain’s foot. 

A new construction notification sign—that no one had expected—was erected there.

Finally, Lloyd’s big picture—which had been drawn since he first planned the ondol room construction on the first day of his possession—began to gradually unfold.

I’d greatly appreciate it if you would buy me a coffee!

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