The Greatest Showman

Chapter 974: Forced duel

After the awards season, the Gen Y showdown has also come to the commercial film market, and the melee with the four box office superstars has become the biggest highlight of this year's summer archive. In a series of ups and downs, the topic gradually heated up.

Andrew Garfield, who was accidentally involved in it, was a little overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of reporters who surrounded him, "Uh, I don’t know, I mean, I don’t know Chris, we have never met... …" Andrew scratched his head, his hands hurriedly, obviously not knowing how the fire burned on himself, "You know, I am Spider-Man, and he is Thor..."

This meaningful sentence made all the reporters laugh together—

Although "Spider-Man" and "Thor" are also affiliated with Marvel, the copyright of the former is in the hands of Sony Pictures. Disney tried to buy back the copyright, but Sony simply and categorically rejected it. After the Toby Maguire version of the "Spider-Man" series ended, Sony immediately launched a new version of the shooting, clearly expressing its position.

Therefore, in fact, the atmosphere between "Spider-Man" and Marvel's other works is a bit awkward and stiff.

Andrew’s expression in this way unexpectedly fits reality, causing a hilarious laugh, “As for Lanly, wow, he is really a magical actor. Yes, I’ve watched his performance in the West End, honestly. Say, he shocked me, God, I like it so much, and my wife likes it so much!"

"I am going to go back to London to watch it again, but the tickets are really too difficult to buy. Therefore, I need to ask for Ren Li's approval first, hoping that he can help me buy a ticket from the inside." Andrew's face was full. Sincerely, it looked like a little fan, and even couldn't restrain his excitement, and jumped slightly on the spot.

Faced with such an Andrew, the style of painting has changed unconsciously. Originally, he was still instigating discord, but suddenly it became peaceful. Even a reporter, can't bear to continue provoking at this time, it is a family joy in an instant.

Compared to Chris’s official remarks from public relations, Andrew’s sincere and sincere answer is more interesting; but unfortunately, this is not the hot spot the reporters want. They need to rekindle the war and **** for tat! So now there is only one candidate left:

Blue gift.

Just thinking about it in my mind, the reporters started to feel headaches.

Lan Li’s difficulty and dexterity are always a nightmare for reporters. They never seem to have the upper hand. It is simply difficult for Lan Li to give answers according to their ideas and presuppositions; not to mention, This was the first time reporters had a face-to-face confrontation with Lan Li after the "hype gate", and it was also the first face-to-face interview with Lan Li after the Oscars.

Before the interview started, the psychological burden was already heavily weighted on his shoulders.

When Lanly arrived at New York's Kennedy International Airport, he saw a dense crowd of reporters at the exit. The mighty shock seemed to have no end in sight. The overall number did not seem to have come as much as when the "anti-cancer me" returned to New York last year— —Four months of advanced studies in the West End of London, of course, can not compare with the exposure rate of last year's "Crazy Love" movie, but the small arrival hall is still bustlingly crowded.

But the weird thing is that the reporters were just taking pictures without calling.

The continuous silver flashes are like a waterfall, rumblingly vented, and the click of the shutter sounds one after another. Even if you wear sunglasses, your eyes can still feel the ubiquitous stimulation, and even the surface of the skin begins to become It gets hot. However, there was no sound.

It’s not right to say "no sound", but a dull buzzing sound, everyone is pushing, everyone is breathing, everyone is surging, but no one is shouting, so It formed the kind of oppressive feeling of jet planes whizzing by at low altitude, as if the air was surging, but the specific sound waves could not be captured.

Faced with such a weird sight, Lan Li couldn't help but stunned slightly, and chuckled slightly, "Thank you for coming to the airport to welcome me back, but this is just a routine visit and there is nothing special to explain. Thank you everyone!" This... Isn't this tone the official rhetoric of the leaders during the visit?

A little humor eased the atmosphere at the scene, and finally a reporter broke the silence and brought up the latest hot news events.

Faced with such a difficult topic, Lan Li did not panic at all, "Ha, I always thought that choosing which movie to watch is a matter for the girlfriend to decide, but now it seems that besides the girlfriend, there is still Many people have expressed concern."

One second, two seconds, "Boom", everyone burst into laughter, and everyone did not expect that Lanly would respond in such an ironic and ridiculous way.

The subtext is that the choice of watching movies is a private matter. Everyone has the freedom to choose. There is no need to slander or criticize each other. Furthermore, your questions are very boring and meaningless.

"You mean, your relationship with Chris will not affect your viewing choices?"

Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, "What is the relationship between Chris and I?"

When asked a rhetorical question, the reporters immediately choked and looked at each other, but for a while they didn't know how to respond. Shouldn't they just uncover the scars like this?

After hesitating, there were still reporters who were not afraid of death, biting the bullet and shouting, "It used to be a relationship of friends." But it is not anymore.

"Yes, we used to be friends." Lan Li smiled and nodded. "So, would you like to attend the wedding of your former friend? Even if he didn't send out the invitation?"

"..." The reporters were speechless again. What kind of analogy is this? Isn't it nonsense? But how should they refute it? A former friend got married but did not send an invitation letter. Should they attend? This……

"Then if a friend sends out an invitation letter, will you be there?" the reporter asked again.

Lan Li shrugged and said half-jokingly, "I hope he can find my phone on the yellow pages."

The little yellow pages are actually old-fashioned phone books. Every city has a complete phone book that records the residence and phone number of every family in the city. In the 1970s and 1980s, in addition to newspapers advertised missing persons, the yellow pages were the best tool for finding people. However, this is outdated, and the best way to find people in modern times is naturally social networks-

Facebook is the best way.

The problem is that Lanly does not have Facebook. Therefore, Lan Li's subtext is...?

"You mean, you won't watch "Snow White and the Hunter"?" Finally, a reporter couldn't help but asked, and went straight to Huanglong without hiding it.

"Yes, I won't." Lan Li gave the answer simply and neatly. However, the reporters were stunned. The answer was too straightforward and honest. It completely exceeded everyone's expectations and was caught off guard.

"You mean, you don't know how to watch this movie?" After regaining consciousness, the reporters suddenly became excited, and the boiling blood rushed toward the brain, almost a brain hemorrhage, one by one rushed forward. With his arms, trying to catch this hot news at close range.

Lan Li shrugged his shoulders lightly and said lightly, "Otherwise, what answer are you looking forward to? I thought, this is the result you want." In the first half of the sentence, the reporter was as excited as a chicken blood. ; In the second half of the sentence, a head of cold water poured down, like falling into an ice cave.

"The truth is, I really won't go to the cinema to watch this film. Two weeks later, I have to return to London to continue the performance of'Les Miserables'. The cinema should be a place I haven't had time to visit in the near future." Lan Li took it for granted. He said, "But, you emphasized the same question over and over again, don't you just want to hear a negative answer?"


A resounding slap was slapped on the reporters' faces like this. It was so hot that it made people feel embarrassed. His eyes started to hide, and he cursed secretly from the bottom of my heart: Damn Lan Li, really is not a guy who can be easily offended. He just said it like this, how can the reporter continue to hate?

In fact, Lan Li knows that reporters can be a headline party if they want.

"Len Li-Hall: I won't watch Chris's new work". After the topic exploded, people clicked in, and then they discovered Lan Li's follow-up explanation-the fact is Lan Li's trip this time Full stalls, only two weeks of publicity time, not to mention the cinema, it is estimated that there is no time to breathe.

In Lan Li's view, the hype on such a topic has no meaning at all. He thought that after going through the “hype door”, the reporters would be more superb, but obviously, he was too rich in the research spirit of the college and was not suitable for real life operations.

In the buzzing muffled sound, the reporters couldn't help being stunned, until Lan Li started to move and was about to leave, then they slowed down and hurriedly shouted, "So, what about'The Extraordinary Spider-Man'? You? Wouldn't you go to the cinema to watch it?"

Lanly's footsteps paused for a while, "If Andrew is willing to invite me to attend the premiere, then that is my only chance." As a stop for promotional activities, Lanly still has no time to enter the cinema. , "The Amazing Spider-Man" is no exception.

But Renly's subtext is that even if Chris sends out an invitation for the premiere, he will not attend. Between friends and strangers, the boundaries are clearly drawn out inadvertently, but there is no dignified tear. The alienation and estrangement are insurmountable. You can see in the small details, Lan Li is still a member of the "Hall" family-this is Elf's specialty.

After that, Lan Li did not stay any longer and left the airport surrounded by reporters; then, the major news pages began to become lively.

"Chris Hemsworth: I need to see my schedule."

"Andrew Garfield: I have never met Chris."

"Len Li-Hall: I will not watch "Snow White and the Hunter"."

There was no grievances, and grievances emerged at this time; there was no duel, and the duel was also launched at this time. The craze of this summer vacation has once again taken a step.

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