The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1077: Crew Curious

Warner Bros.'s photography base in Surrey once again welcomed a group of familiar guests.

For more than half a year, this group of guests stayed here like local residents, working day and night to study shooting schemes, machinery equipment, special effects design, etc. The remote and quiet towns have gradually become accustomed to this group. Long-term visits by foreign guests.

Two weeks ago, the photography base was off for a period of time. All the staff left the crew and relaxed and rested. Until today, they have returned to the photography base one after another, seeming to be ready to go into formal work.

However, before the sun had time to climb to the center of the sky, the crew began to noisy and talk in a hustle and bustle, glowing with new vitality. Even the residents of the town could not restrain their curiosity, and came to the photography base one after another. This wave of heated discussion. The British town in late autumn seems to reappear a ray of sunshine in the late summer.

Even the old fritters, who have been rolling in Hollywood for many years, can't hide the silent approval and approval between their looks.

In the vanity fair of Hollywood, there are countless rumors and gossip, not to mention the personal images proactively woven by agents and publicists. Sometimes, seeing is not necessarily true; only when you have really contacted, talked, and got along Uncover a corner of the mystery and glimpse part of the truth.

The higher the degree of attention, the more falsehood and moisture wrapped in the skin, and the less truth hidden in it. Behind the popularity of the popularity is the negative chain effect brought by modern commercial packaging, just like the "wolf is coming" story.

On the first day after arriving at the photography base, Lan Li’s unexpected actions sparked a lot of discussion, but speculation and suspicion inevitably began to grow. Maybe this is part of the image project, maybe this is the strategy ordered by the agent, maybe Lan Li is now Sleeping on top of mechanical props, so-called research and research, is just a cover.

The 22-year-old Oscar actor?

This is too ridiculous and too... Hollywood. Even with the experience of London’s West End and Broadway cooling down, the box office explosion of "Edge of Tomorrow" makes people have to suspect that everything is just a link above the packaging line.

In the fast-food culture and the news torrent of the Internet age, there are more and more false and exaggerated news, and trust will naturally become weaker and weaker. Such suspicion can be said to be an inevitable side effect of great success.

Since the studio was cleared, the gate has not been really cleaned.

Nathan has been here, Roy has been here, Alfonso and Timothy have been here too. Among them, Alfonso comes here almost every half an hour or forty-five minutes, concerned about the troubles here, concerned about the latest situation of Lan Li, after running back and forth countless times, his face is much haggard. . This is a kind visit.

In addition, most of the crew have been there, and there are people who are parked a hundred yards away, watching every move in the studio all the time, their sights are sneaking over, hiding their gossip thoughts, but they dare not directly. When the point is broken, the undercurrent surging in the tranquility outlines the tip of the iceberg in the besieged city of Hollywood.

All the peace, until the appearance of Lan Li, was all broken.

"God, do you know what happened? It's true, it's true, I saw it with my own eyes! No one went in, no one to help, and Lan Li broke away from the entire device alone and escaped by himself. , God! Too... terrible!"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"The props team has entered the studio to confirm. They said that they only saw the spacesuit thrown on the ground, and there were a few drops of blood on the ground. They didn't know how Lan Li broke free."

"Also, besides, I also heard that the entire spacesuit was soaked, and Lan Li was severely dehydrated. After coming out, he fainted. The doctor also said that his physical condition was very bad, not only dehydrated, Moreover, the muscles are in a state of severe tension, and I am taking a rest in the water. I can hardly imagine it, I really can't imagine it!"

"So, what do you mean is that Lanly really copied the story fragments in the movie? Just like Ryan Stone, really returned to Earth from space?"

In silence, everyone looked at each other, then shuddered in unison, and began to panic inexplicably, and then a voice reluctantly asked again, "Are you sure there is no one to help? The studio...There is only one exit. Is there any secret passage?"

"Do you think this is'Mission Impossible'?"

The entire crew is discussing this matter, and no one can make an exception.

When Lan Li decided to tie himself to the appliance and truly experience the boundlessness and helplessness in the desperate space, everyone thought that Lan Li was crazy, either as a show or really crazy, and the testers were on it. After only 30 minutes, it was already suffering, but Lan Li had to stay there for twelve hours.

After eleven hours passed, Lan Li dragged his exhausted body to complete the impossible task of escape from the room. He escaped from the dead under the state of exhausted oil and light. Not only did he persist for more than half a day, but also Completed self-salvation in a desperate situation, and such a performance was enough to make everyone fall through and dislocate their jaws.

To be precise, it should be ten hours and forty-three minutes.

Undoubtedly, this is the absolute news on the first day of the re-gathering of the "Gravity" crew, and until the movie is released, this will be the focus of people's endless discussion. In a daze, the line between Ranley Hall and Ryan Stone has been completely blurred, and even the staff themselves can't help but start to wonder whether they are shooting a movie or recording reality.

"He did it, he did it! God, I'm sure now, he really is a lunatic!"

"Have you visited the studio? Now it looks like Sherlock Holmes's detective scene. Everyone is studying how he did it."

"I know, I know, the prop set is crazy. They have no clue at all. After entering the studio, they saw spacesuits scattered on the ground and Schubert playing constantly. To be honest, I It feels a bit like a "shining"."

"We are in the UK now, have you forgotten? Don't tell me, my palms are sweating now."

"Come here, let me tell you a secret. Do you know'buried alive'? It's the work of Lan Li's fame. I heard that in order to shoot this work, Lan Li shut himself in a coffin for eight hours. , The sealed coffin, the one with all sides nailed to death, when it came out, Lan Li looked like a vampire!"

"Go! We are now shooting a science fiction movie, not a horror movie!"


There was no way to stop the discussion, and it became more and more intense, and even started to develop in a bizarre direction. The entire crew can feel this wave from up and down, inside and out, and no one can make an exception. Witnessed, experienced, and participated personally, only then did people truly feel the true meaning of the name "Lan Li-Hall" under the aura.

At this time, in the studio, Alfonso-Caron, Timothy-Webber and the entire props crew were all around the light box, looking at the mess on the ground, as if looking at a strange event. The scene is normal, there is always an illusion, staring at this place, and then suddenly a rabbit hole will appear, and everything can be explained.

Such a scene is really strange.

Everyone couldn’t help but exchanged their sights, and finally Timothy said, “I think we can only know the answer after we’ve really invested in the shooting. This time, you’ve really found the treasure. If it’s me, I dare not give this role to a young man under the age of 23, even if he is an Oscar actor."

In the second half of the sentence, Timothy watched Alfonso and said.

Alfonso shrugged slightly, "When I sent out the invitation before, whether it was West End or Broadway, as long as you nod your head once and agree, you will know the reason."

Looking back from the scattered props on the ground, he still has no talent for detectives, and giving up is the wisest choice. "What I am worried about now is the state of Lan Li. God, eleven hours, the doctor also said. , He needs to rest, take a good rest."

Not only Alfonso, but for the entire crew, Renly's health is the top priority. Because this is a work that is close to a one-man show, Lan Li’s physical health has problems, which means that the entire crew will be shut down Among them, Nathan and Roy are even more so. They don't care about the progress of the "Gravity" shooting. Lan Li is the only thing they need to worry about.

"Are you sure? Why do I think Lanly's face looks so bad." Nathan scratched his head in annoyance, trying to help, but couldn't help. He had heard Andy mention anecdotes during the shooting of "Buried alive" before, but Andy also said that Lan Li's physical and mental conditions are not serious. Why is today's situation so disturbing?

Roy let out a long breath, "Don't worry, the doctor said, he just fell asleep, he needs a restful sleep. Let's not stay here to disturb him."

Having said that, Roy did not move in his footsteps. Looking at Lan Li who was asleep in front of him, he was angry and funny, worried and angry, and still helpless. After experiencing so many ups and downs, there is still no way to calm down in my heart. The more I understand Lan Li, the more I can’t rest assured, because Lan Li has truly dedicated all his energy to the performance.

He knows, Andy knows too. However, they had no way to stop Lan Li.

"Let's go." Roy patted Nathan on the shoulder, stepped reluctantly, turned and left the room, pushed open the bedroom door, and then saw a crowd of people standing at the door, and even Five or six people pressed their ears on the door panel, and instantly made birds and beasts scattered. Roy couldn't help laughing and joking seriously, "I think you shouldn't hear the expected voice anymore."

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