The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1082: Puzzle 1 corner

Looking at the energetic Lan Li and the expectant Rooney, Emmanuel exchanged sights with Alfonso and Timothy. After all, they were persuaded. After nodding, they invested again. In the discussion of work.

"So, what do you want to know?" Emmanuel asked actively.

Lan Li and Rooney reflexively looked at each other, exchanged glances briefly, and both couldn't help but smile.

Rooney said, "Please continue the discussion just now. The two of us act as observers. If there are parts that require the cooperation of the actors, we can speak at any time; or, if we have any questions, we will directly join in."

Emmanuel nodded contentedly. This was obviously better, but when he was about to speak, he was a little stuck for a while. Suddenly he didn't know where he was just discussing it. In the end, Lanli gave a friendly reminder." With the addition of tracks, the movement of the aircraft is extremely complicated."

This immediately awakened Emmanuel’s memory and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I discussed with Alfonso and Timothy, hoping to show the sense of space and majesty of the entire universe more magnificently, so we need to learn from Panoramic to close-up, close-up, and then move from close-up through the camera, back to the panoramic view, and even the protagonist’s God perspective...

Unstoppable, Emmanuel began to express his professional opinions, and even stood up, using a black carbon pen on the small whiteboard next to it to show the movement of the aircraft and the scheduling of the scene.

This is the first meeting between Emmanuel and Renly. The two of them didn’t even introduce themselves, and immediately switched to working mode, just like the first time that Renly and Timothy Webb met, and also, Renly. The first meeting with Alfonso Cuarón.

Only by witnessing the shot scheduling and scene structure drawn by Emmanuel can we understand how the magnificence and majesty of the movie "Gravity" is formed, and we can understand Emmanuel as a top cameraman. Talents and talents. The magnificent scene presented by the movie is a bigger blueprint behind the scenes——

In Emmanuel's pen, he drew the entire space cloud map, the positions of the earth, the sun, and other planets, the position of the space station, and the position of the abandoned satellite that was blown up, and then the entire camera position and composition were all drawn. All sketched out, this is just the first step.

Subsequently, Emmanuel broke down the perspectives of different positions and different characters, the wide-angle, depth of field, composition and position changes, and all the details of the eighteen-minute long lens are included. One lens can be all present. All of the working groups are included.

The complexity of the whole plan is comparable to an academic paper on physics or astronomy, and it was eloquently described for more than forty-five minutes, just to describe a problem of "moving the camera position".

This is not all.

Immediately afterwards, Alfonso made a supplementary appearance again, describing in detail the relative positions of the sun and the moon under the lens of the Hubble Telescope. During the movement of the lens, the positions and angles of the two reference objects will produce subtle changes. Change; of course, and most importantly, the model of the earth, the model of the earth that overlooks the moment in space.

The fullness and fullness of the details really opened up Lan Li's vision.

Not only did Alfonso and Emmanuel continue to interrupt and communicate, all the other staff who participated in the meeting also put forward the problems that may be faced in the actual operation process from their own professional perspectives. The heated discussion just couldn't stop.

Later, Lan Li learned that, in order to shoot this movie, Alfonso watched a documentary about the Hubble Telescope to understand the trajectory of the telescope in space, and used Warner Bros. as a medium to find someone in NASA. The current astronaut serves as a consultant, restoring the space scene from a real perspective.

Now, they are working hard to evolve the ideas in their minds into reality. After five years of preparations, there is still a lot of work to be done before entering actual combat.

In such a heated discussion, the only thing that couldn’t get in was Renly; to be more precise, it should be the actors. Neither Renly nor Rooney could find an entry point. Those technical problems are for the actors. Basically it is a book of heaven, and the speed of thinking can keep up with everyone's discussion rhythm, which is already very rare.

But for the two actors, this is still very beneficial. They truly understand the movement of the camera and the scheduling of the scene. Even if they do not understand the theory and technical knowledge, they can see their position in the entire link and become one of them. a part of.

Whether it’s Ranley or Rooney, they are all engrossed in it. They did not participate in the discussion, but listened attentively, and they were also interested. From time to time, the two exchanged ideas. In Emmanuel’s blueprint, the analysis belongs Your position, and the issues you need to pay attention to during the performance——

Lan Li has entered the light box to experience it, but Rooney has not yet. Therefore, Lanly’s perspective undoubtedly has more reference value.

"Len Li? Do you have any thoughts? Or, doubts?" Amidst the noise, Emmanuel's voice came over. He seemed to notice Lan Li and Rooney whispering to each other, just like the teacher in class. The student who was talking privately was captured, and then... the teacher called.

The scene is a bit joyous.

In an instant, all eyes were concentrated, and they fell on Lan Li and Rooney. It was not such a pleasant thing to become the focus of the audience in this way.

Both Lan Li and Rooney couldn't help but chuckle and glanced at each other secretly. In the end, Lan Li took the initiative to speak, "I have a lot of questions, countless questions." Just when Emmanuel was about to respond. At that time, Lan Li immediately said, "The biggest problem lies here. I don't know how to ask questions. I don't feel like I belong here."

While joking and frowning, with a confused expression on his face, the atmosphere in the studio suddenly became relaxed, and people couldn't help but laugh.

Only Emmanuel is an exception.

Emmanuel still stared at Lan Li with a serious face, his stern expression remained unchanged, and even became deeper.

Upon seeing this, Lan Li gathered up a smile and said seriously, "I do have some doubts. The whole eighteen minutes is not really a long shot in one go. There are still some technical problems that cannot be solved, so you are going to split into two. Take a long shot and find an accurate entry point to stitch the two shots together, right?"

Emmanuel did not say, but Alfonso nodded slightly in affirmation.

"Have you considered that the shots that show the full picture of the earth will be completely computer-made shots, all of which will be completed on the computer, maybe this can become a natural connection point." Lan Li put forward his own ideas , "Of course, this is just my personal opinion."

As Lan Li said, a lens made purely with a computer can seamlessly connect in, out, and move the lens, and it can indeed solve the problem of convergence in the production of long shots in one go.

Before, Alfonso and the others concentrated on conceiving the fluency of the entire lens production, invisibly neglecting the diversity of shooting techniques. Even Timothy was brought into the pit for a while without thinking outside the frame. As long as they are given enough time, they can get along with the solutions themselves, but now Lan Li has described the different possibilities from the perspective of a complete layman and outsider.

Emmanuel put his hands on his chest and made a defensive posture, as if he still refused to forgive Lan Li so easily, but his eyes were still not as sharp as before, but fell into his own thoughts.

"In addition, you will use the IRIS robotic arm to manipulate the panning of all the lenses. Every angle of view, every position, and every movement are all carefully designed and arranged; then the light changes in the auxiliary light box can be used throughout the shooting process. Move in any direction and any angle, shoot any picture, and solve all technical problems by changing the role and background lighting, right?"

This time, Lanly's words made Emmanuel involuntarily nodded slightly. This was the core and summary of all their discussions just now. Obviously, Lanly did not distract, not only did not, but also fully engaged in it.

Immediately, Emmanuel realized his nodding motion, raised his chin in embarrassment, converged his expression, and put on a serious expression It’s just that the slight change in the small gesture was He revealed his arrogance.

Lan Li didn't break it, but went on to say, "Then, my doubt is, what is the job of an actor?"

Such a question is really simple and stupid. Not only Emmanuel, but everyone else also chuckled, subconsciously preparing to tease Lanli, but the words got stuck in the throat, but they couldn't help being stunned.

They don't know how to answer.

After thinking about it, I suddenly found out: Indeed, what should an actor do? In the entire technical discussion, the actor is a completely forgotten part.

"I discussed with Rooney just now, and we came to similar conclusions." Lanly continued, "During the entire shooting process, we must clearly understand the timing of all actions and the direction of lens movement, etc., clearly Know what you are doing, what the crew is doing, when to look where, when to show what action, when to complete what kind of performance, in other words..."

After a short pause, Lan Li glanced around, "In other words, we are just a part of the puzzle, like a chess piece, placed on the corresponding position to complete the entire picture. This is the whole picture. As for the technical discussion, we only need to listen to it, and don’t need to participate in the discussion."

The words seem to be correct, it seems that this is the truth, but after such expressions, it is strange to hear it, and to match the situation just now...In an instant, all eyes were turned to Emmanuel.

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