The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1088: Wonderful effect

"They won't provide funding for the prototype, even if you have a pair of charming blue eyes." Alex said so, the calm tone created a subtle atmosphere, but it was impossible to say why. Come, especially speaking to a man as a woman, which is even more interesting.

Ryan, who had just finished work, seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. He frowned and was adjusting his breathing. Then he heard this sentence, his expression paused for a moment, and then he raised his eyebrows slightly and cast his sight. .

Ryan did not speak, but squinted at Alex seriously, letting the embarrassment after teasing slowly spread in the dimension of time, and gradually became tricky, with a little pause in the time. Long, one second, two seconds, three seconds... and it seems to continue.

Just when everyone thought that Ryan was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond so that he caused a conversation and a car accident, the awkward silence was slowly spreading, creating a disaster scene, and then Ryan spoke.

"I think if it is as deep and blue as your eyes, then there is a chance." Ryan's words didn't have much ups and downs, and even some stiffness, but the soft light between the eyebrows and the corners of the mouth leaked out. After an instant ridicule, that absurd joy burst out little by little.

First of all, Lan Li's eyes are not azure blue; secondly, Rooney's eyes are not azure blue. As a result, the dialogue between Ryan and Alex was reinterpreted and changed into another appearance:

Alex seemed to intend to flirt, deliberately flirt with Ryan, in the low light of space, and with a helmet between them, she could not see clearly, but she still expressed her compliment so solemnly; but Ryan did. I didn't appreciate it at all, and responded in a way of complaining. The two people are like opening their eyes and talking nonsense. You come and I are all wrong nonsense.

A little bit of change, but between the two actors' eyebrows, a wonderful chemical reaction flowed out, causing the corners of the mouth to rise slightly.

The important thing is that this is a high-level humor, and only the audience who watch the movie carefully can understand that the eyes of Lan Li and Rooney are not azure blue; otherwise, if one is not paying attention, the audience will miss the main point of the message and then be full. Question mark, I don't know the meaning of the dialogue between these two people.

In other words, for ordinary viewers, these details will inevitably be lost, so as to affect the effect of watching movies. In fact, this is very unfriendly to commercial movies, and high-level humor often affects people's evaluation of movies.

However, this is exactly what Alfonso's script hopes to achieve, to give the movie more details worthy of in-depth taste, and then to appreciate the high-level wisdom of watching the movie.

Sure enough, truly outstanding actors can always inadvertently inject their own characteristics in the performance process, quietly making the characters and scripts more full and rounded.

For the layman, it is impossible to notice; but for the professionals, it is a kind of enjoyment.

Alfonso does not know how to perform, but he appreciates the performance. He likes this kind of script change, even excited about it.

Such humor ended perfectly in Rooney's final response.

"Maybe, after your eyes have turned blood red, this is also a chance. It's just like your current state." Alex said, and he responded to the previous conversation again—

Ryan's physical condition is not very comfortable. He stayed in space for a long time to work, which affected his state. Now his eyes are congested. Just before the conversation, Ryan frowned and felt discomfort again. This was also an opportunity for Alex to notice Ryan's eyes, and everything was traceable.

After speaking, Alex winked playfully. It's just that this is not clever at all, but rather clumsy, as if it's hard to break at all, and the jerky and rigid movements fell into Ryan's eyes.

Ryan didn't have any extra words or expressions, just widened his eyes, raised his eyebrows lightly, and then his eyes rolled up slightly. The helpless spit and speechlessness permeated between the eyebrows.

There seems to be no interaction between the two people, but the confrontation between the eyebrows and the words is full of wisdom, introverted and low-key wisdom, invisibly completed each other's complaints, and inexplicably made the corners of the mouth rise.

This is just a small fragment in the eighteen-minute long shot.

The whole set was silent, lest he interrupted the pace and progress of the shooting. No one seemed to have responded to such a performance at all, but after the shooting, the two characters of Alex and Ryan suddenly became lifelike, almost No words are needed. Everyone can feel the difference between the two roles. During the discussion, smiles can not help but rise.

Especially Alex. At the beginning of the article, Alex, who was already carrying an active atmosphere and contracted the important task of laughing, successfully created a chattering and chatty image, which contrasted sharply with his cool and proud appearance. The contrast of cuteness is really unprepared, and playing with men as a woman magnifies the charm of this personality.

This is the charm of performance!

Undoubtedly, Rooney took away Lan Li's elegance and became the core focus of the entire light box in the first eighteen-minute long shot. This is an unexpected windfall, and it makes people feel more confident and look forward to the follow-up shooting.

For Rooney and Renly, they are getting better.

In fact, the performance content itself is not difficult. What is rare is the performance state of the two actors. In addition to the requirements and expectations of Alfonso-Caron, they have injected a more unique color into the characters and plot. I have to say that this is also an achievement. The essence of a performance.

It can be seen that the two actors are now in good condition, and the quality and texture of the entire performance are impressive. For the difficult shooting of long shots, they have become the most stable link; however, those technical links have spawned more uncertain variables.

Originally thought that after digitization and computerization, everything was completed in accordance with the procedures, the technical aspects that would never go wrong, but now more adjustments must be made to present a real space effect. The crew must constantly modify the parameters and constantly adjust the details.

And the actor's state that was originally thought to be full of uncertainty may affect the process of shooting, but now it is smooth. The best performance state is always stable during the repeated shooting, without making mistakes, but also because of long-term repetition. , And gradually become familiar with the road.

It is precisely because of this that a really rare situation occurred in the "Gravity" crew:

The first long shot took a full eleven days, during which there were 191 errors or interruptions in shooting, which not only consumed a lot of film and time, but also consumed a lot of money, so that the producers all came in person. When I arrived at the Surrey photography base, I asked why the cost was much more than expected, and expressed my deep concern.

However, in this, the number of errors of the two actors is less than five times superimposed, only three times, and all the fingers of one hand do not need to be used.

In other words, all the remaining errors are from the technical team, either the lights, or the IRIS robotic arm, or the orbit calculation error, or the space distance calculation error, and so on. Various technical parameters really made the entire crew suffer.

This is not only the price for the first long shot, but also the price for the crew to adapt to the new shooting method. They can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

In fact, the most important thing is that the first long lens can be successfully shot, which means that all technical problems have been overcome, and the subsequent shooting will be simpler and smoother; moreover, it is more cost-effective and more efficient. save time. The rapid consumption in the early stage is paving the way for the rapid shooting in the later stage.

But on the whole, the whole shooting went smoothly. At least, the error link can be controlled; and the uncontrollable link is well first 18-minute long shot , The difficulty is self-evident, and repeated chanting, the crew has already felt this deeply up and down, inside and out. After all, this is a challenge to break the technical bottleneck of the industry, and it can even be said to be an earth-shaking innovation. The significance is naturally very important.

Compared with the difficulty of shooting, the first long shot was completed in eleven days, and the efficiency and speed were above expectations. The entire team headed by director Alfonso Cuarón is very satisfied.

In this regard, Timothy Webber, as the leader of visual effects, has also constantly emphasized that the end of the first shot means that the entire movie is half completed. For Warner Bros. and the producers, Don't worry about their current work progress and status at all.

This is not a boast.

When the filming enters the tenth day, the whole crew can feel the smooth flow, all the operations, all the applications, all the details, everything becomes simple and clear, if not for some For accidents outside of control, they can complete the entire long shot in the same day.

It is not only the familiar road after repeating nearly two hundred times, but also the flexible use of all technical links. The control of light boxes, IRIS robotic arms, tracks, and spatial orientation has reached a sophisticated maturity. After passing the stage where practice makes perfect, I gradually began to enter the professional level.

Although the filming time was extended by one day due to a small accident, the filming on the eleventh day was exceptionally smooth. All the work was completed without any errors. Then, with the director’s affirmation, the first scene was announced. Officially completed.

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