The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1113: The end of despair

Ryan Stone carefully closed his eyes, and the warmth of his eyes made his eyelids tremble gently. There was no look at all, but he still revealed a trace of throbbing in his heart; he listened intently to his body. The movement just stayed in place, swinging unconsciously, catching the sound fragments from the radio little by little.

The smile on the corner of the mouth is so happy and so bright, but the heartbreaking pain and despair surging gently between the eyebrows, like the gentle waves of the blue coast scouring the white sandy beach, breathtakingly beautiful, but in an instant Fanghua then curled his sadness and loss down, dragging it for a long time.

Ryan loosened the strength on his hands, shoulders, waist, abdomen, and thighs little by little. Under the weightless environment, he swayed gently like water plants, and the face with closed eyes revealed a trace of peace and harmony. , Like a baby lying in the cradle gradually falling asleep, the faint sadness and shallow pain gradually disappeared.

Like a ripple, it seems to have disappeared, but the aftermath is spreading.

He opened his eyes again, his expression was completely calm, even the smile at the corner of his mouth was calming down, as if it calmed down completely, "An Ninggang, let your dog bark a few more times, okay?" Ryan whispered softly. He said, as if he was enjoying a lullaby, worried that An Ning just didn't understand what he meant, he continued to explain, "Doggo, dog barking, barking, doggo."

Then, he heard An Ninggang learning how to cry by himself, and cheered happily and jubilantly.

Suddenly, smiles and sorrows rushed up at the same time, the corners of the mouth rose again, and the eyes closed again, clenching his teeth firmly, sealing all the complicated emotions in the chest, and the forbearing and repressive struggle was even more serious. The situation at this moment has been exhausted, and he said in a thousand words.



Ryan learns to bark a dog, and An Ninggang learns to bark a wolf.

The different cultures and languages ​​of the two countries are embodied in the onomatopoeia of animal shouts, which perfectly combines the absurdity and crisis of this moment. In the end, all the weight falls on Ryan, who is about to fall apart but refuses to collapse completely. On his strong shoulders, it makes people unbearable and heartaches unbearable.

Ryan also realized this, so he followed An Ning and just started to imitate the wolf howling. The dog barked and the wolf howled, completely confused, but the two people sang and got in touch with each other, and really began to interact with each other. Shouting, it was like naughty children joking and playing.

"Ooo! Ooo!"

Ryan released all his emotions to his heart's content, abandoning his restraint, abandoning, and masking, regaining his childishness, and howling presumptuously, as if he had completely released all the negative emotions in his chest. At this moment, he once again tasted unwillingness and anger.

However, the more anger, the more powerless, the more unwilling, the more despair, and finally turned into a deep sadness, and hit the bridge of the nose fiercely and fiercely. A burst of sorrow and sorrow broke out in an instant, and Ryan could only get tight in time. He closed his eyes tightly, but his eyes were still blurred with a touch of moisture, and the corners of the tightly closed eyelids shone with crystal tears.

He gritted his teeth like this, his voice crashed into his chest with a dull voice, choking and crying were firmly suppressed in the depths of his throat, and no sound was leaked, but the sliding Adam's apple and the completely tight jaw couldn't at all. Cover up, leaking the sky and the earth and the tsunami in the depths of the soul.


He tried to make a little noise again, pretending that he didn't care, but he failed. Only a vague syllable was left, rolling in his throat intermittently, unable to vent or vent, his hands clenched into fists like this. He clenched tightly, and his muscles were tight to the extreme.

If he could, he just wanted to throw his fist fiercely, hitting any object, and smashing it to pieces; but, he couldn't.

Tolerated to the extreme, his emotions finally broke, "," Ryan shook his head gently and gently, making meaningless murmurs, taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath again, as if In an instant, the control came back again, the emotions gathered again, and then he let out a chuckle, revealing a relieved smile, and said calmly, "I'm going to die, An Ning Gang."

That calm, reflecting the loss and sadness of the eyes, became more and more intense, without the hazy tears, and the mood of collapse, but it vividly outlined the bitterness in my heart.

He shrugged slightly, but in the heavy spacesuit, he was invisible, and he could only faintly see the slight changes in his body, "I know that everyone is bound to die, everyone knows, but... …I’m going to die today.” The words stopped abruptly, there was no ending, and there was no breath. After speaking, I just stayed in the same place in a daze, my eyes were a little surprised, as if I was understanding the true meaning of "death". .

This brief silence interprets too many meanings in a simple sentence, and the aftermath is profound, and it seems that everyone can have a completely different understanding. This is true of life, and so is death.

"It's funny." Ryan chuckled again, and curled his lips in self-deprecation. "You know, when you know..." His eyes were lost again, and it seemed that the brain's speed had begun to slow down. But even so, the uncompleted words still convey the meaning clearly.

It is one thing to know that death will come eventually; it is another thing to know the exact time of death; it is another thing to know that the date of death is today.

The dazedness and blankness of that big movie was just bitter.

Then the focus of his eyes condensed again, and he came back to his senses again, "The problem is that I am very scared, very, very scared." The voice gradually weakened gradually, and almost turned into a whisper, his strength, his composure, His professionalism, his reason, everything collapsed at this moment, he untied his mask and skin, and revealed his truest self.

With the phrase "very very scared", the low voice began to tremble slightly, fragile and flustered.

"No one will mourn me, and no one will pray for me." Ryan said quietly, and An Ning just hummed a lullaby in his ear, as if he was caring for the baby to fall asleep, quietly and gently.

The sorrow in the depths of the eyes condensed bit by bit and turned into a drop of crystal clear tears, hanging on the eyelashes, increasing and heavier. In the end, the eyelashes were still unable to carry the weight. Falling down like this, one after another, clearly distinct.

However, his expression did not change much, just calmly gazing straight ahead, revealing a deep sense of loss and powerlessness, in stark contrast to the condensation of tears, as if... the soul is dead, but the body is still there. The reaction was mediocre, the feeling of the empty shell of the walking dead burst out sadness and painful despair to the extreme.

From a medical point of view, after the human body declares physical death, the biological/physical response will not stop immediately. The most intuitive example is that nails and hair will continue to grow, as if the soul has dissipated, but the body still exists.

Ryan is like that now. That kind of sorrow, surging exponentially, completely broke the strong shell, exposing the softest part of the heart.

After a slight pause, his gaze moved up slightly, as if watching the radio, and then he could travel through time and space, communicate face-to-face with An Ninggang, and asked intently and seriously, "Will you mourn for me? Will you pray for me? ? Or is it too late? It's as if I missed my family...I lost them."

A simple "Lost" without any weighty vocabulary, but in that calm tone reveals a deep sorrow and sorrow. There is no redundant explanation, and no redundant explanation, the whole story is already there. Become complete and show all the regrets and regrets deep in the heart.

"I want to pray for myself, but I have never prayed, because..." Ryan's words paused again for a moment, and a light smile slipped across his eyes, which seemed to awaken the memory, "Because no one has ever taught me "The loneliness and loneliness hidden behind the words just seep out little by little. "Never" An Ninggang's call came vaguely and vaguely, and then there was a cry of baby crying, and An Ning just started humming a lullaby. , Soothing the baby awakened from sleep.

Ryan's expression was stunned. Almost in an instant, the shock and astonishment in his eyes slowly overflowed, and then turned into hopeless sadness. He just clenched his teeth and shed tears. The big ones fell down, without warning and helpless, almost crying to the point of being unable to control themselves.

There was no sound, just seeing the tears falling one by one, the slightly trembling corners of the mouth completely exploded the suppressed emotions. He tried to open his mouth to make a sound, but only had time to squirm his lips, and then he squeezed it tightly again, firmly swallowing all the choking and crying.

Even if the mouth is full of bitterness, even if the mouth is full of blood, even if the mouth is full of sorrow.

Babies, newborn babies, are the most primitive and beautiful form of life. They are vigorous and vivid, grow up sturdily, and possess a powerful force that breaks all barriers. They are longing for but also terrifying.

In his mind, the appearance of his younger brother's birth suddenly appeared. He thought of his younger brother, of his younger brother's newborn child, and of his family whose faces were gradually blurred.

He tried to stay away from those fetters, yearning for a higher level of life and hope, but he did not know that his pursuit was always by his side, and the most mysterious and greatest secret of the universe was by his side. In the end, he stepped toward death and primitiveness. The vigorous vitality is drifting away.

The world he firmly believes in, the world he struggles with, and the world he owns completely collapsed at this moment, as if one could clearly see the destruction of the entire universe. It's like a big bang.

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