The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1142: first meet

The laughter echoed in the space of Pioneer Village, as if returning to the busiest Saturday night in an instant. The whole bar was full of guests, everyone was looking forward to the performance, and everyone also enjoyed the relaxation and comfort of Saturday. , Indulge and party to your heart's content, just immerse yourself in this atmosphere, drunk and dreamy.

Taking a step forward, Lan Li walked to the other end of the bar, without disturbing the lively atmosphere near the side of the stage, and then saw Neil Tucson walking over for the first time, which made Lan Li couldn't help but burst into laughter—— This seems to have become a kind of professional conditioned reflex of Neal, and his peripheral vision is always scanning the customers near the bar.

As the distance drew closer, Neil gradually recognized the person's figure, but he was not happy. Instead, he drooped his mouth and sank his shoulders. He had a dejected expression that he could see before he got close. The exaggerated look of the frowning face, and then grumbled, "The **** guy, has disappeared for so long, ah, God, the Gobi is about to become a desert."

The words without beginning and ending are really confusing.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, a faint smile appeared in his eyes, but he didn't respond. He just looked at Neil quietly, and then he could see Neil surreptitiously looking at Lan Li with his gaze. .

As a result, Neil realized that his little actions had fallen into Lan Li’s eyes and had not been able to impress Lan Li at all. He raised his eyebrows in anger, "Don’t you know that I live in dire straits? Don’t you? Don’t you care about the living conditions of your best friends?"

"Matthew? Matthew is working now. He is doing well, thank you for your concern." Lan Li replied seriously.

Neil was choked immediately, and then he realized that it is definitely not an easy task to have the upper hand over the language confrontation, so he simply chose to give up, "I, I, I just said It's me!"

"It disappeared for more than half a year, and there was no news at all, and then my YouTube channel was completely suspended for half a year. Do you know how many people sent messages to me and scolded me, thinking that I was not kind at all and would not post your videos anymore? . God, how do I know where you are? I want to send the video too, but, you are not here, what can I do?"

Neil wailed a few words there, and then glanced at Lan Li secretly again, and found that Lan Li still had a calm expression on his face, he could only constrict his expression, "Hey, please cooperate with me, you don't know. If the actors don’t cooperate, there will be no way to perform this scene."

"That's the case." Lan Li nodded suddenly, and then asked seriously, "Or, do it again?"

Neil almost didn't change it in one breath, rolled his eyes and said, "God, I really can't understand why those people always say you are humorous. I think you are the least humorous person in the world. ."

After the complaints were over, Neil returned to his usual dignified appearance, standing at the bar and winking his eyes and said, "To be honest, since there is no YouTube channel, my current female affinity index has been declining, how about it, for my happy life, Do you want to perform again today?"

"Your level of hitting up is so bad now? You still have to rely on other gimmicks?" Lan Li showed a surprised look. A simple rhetorical question choked Neil directly, and then saw Neil angry. Throwing the rag in his hand on the bar, "Hey, young man, can you still have a good time together?"

After speaking in anger, and looking at Lan Li who was about to speak, Neal immediately removed his "angry" state, waved his hand again and again, and said happily, "Joke, absolutely just a joke. Of course we are still friends, otherwise, Let’s take a picture now and send it to the photo wall for authentication?"

Looking at the mischievous light in Neal's eyes, Lan Li knew that Neal was still the same Neil, joking, humorous, teasing, and joking.

Although the two have not seen each other for more than half a year, despite the fact that too many things have happened in 2012, even though Renly has become a top star in the industry, Neal is still the bartender of Pioneer Village. But time did not leave too many traces on the two people, just a meeting, the two people became familiar again, as if instantly returning to the time before becoming famous.

Some friendships require careful care and maintenance. Only regular maintenance can last forever, otherwise they will drift away with time and space. There is nothing wrong with this, just like a marriage, you must pay hard work and attention, you must pay hard work and emotions, in order to maintain it for a long time.

But some friendships are not needed. Even if there is a gap in time, even if you have experienced the vicissitudes of life, when you meet again, the quietly flowing tacit understanding can still reawaken those beautiful years and find the truest self in each other. This is also the most different and special point between friendship and family, love.

Therefore, people always say that relatives and lovers can only accompany them through one part of life, but friends can walk through the entire long life hand in hand. However, such friends are too rare and too rare.

A smile glided across Lan Li’s eyes, ignoring Neil’s teasing and joking, "What about Stanley? I thought he would sit here personally to prevent someone from transforming this place completely. This is his life. Hard work."

"Oh, don’t worry, Joel and Ethan have already confirmed that they don’t need to be changed here, they can be photographed completely according to the existing decoration. However, our beer and glass still need to be replaced. Some brands You can’t find them in the 1960s, and some cups were newly made up in the past two years. They don’t conform to the atmosphere of the times.” Neil introduced the situation skillfully.

Then, he showed a mysterious expression, looked around, leaned out of his body, reached Lan Li’s ear, and said in a low voice, "Ethan said, I can play the bartender in the movie." Then Neil He raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, expressing his excitement, "Haha, I want to be an actor too."

After discussion and inspection, the main filming location of "Zuixiang Folk Songs" was chosen in the pioneer village.

According to the plan of the Coen brothers, they hope to find a retro bar with a folk style from the 1960s in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, as the filming location of the "gas lamp bar" in the movie, presenting the city streets of New York as realistically as possible. ——

In fact, in Greenwich Village, most of the streets and scenery here have not changed drastically from half a century ago, but they are cleaner and tidier; then some buildings become ruins, but new buildings are few and far between. Little, in the lens of the Coen brothers, they can still perfectly present the original texture. This is also an important reason why the shooting cost is effectively controlled.

Obviously, the pioneer village is the best choice.

According to Joel Cohen's words, "I even wonder if I have ever been to the pioneer village in a dream, and watched Lan Li's performance. After I woke up, the idea for this movie came up. ."

From Pioneer Village to Lanly, to Greenwich Village and "Don Quixote", everything seems to be tailor-made for "Drunk Country Folk Songs". Repressing their excitement and excitement, the Coen brothers found Stanley Chalson and told all his ideas and creativity to the old man who devoted his entire life to the pioneer village.

Stanley's eyes were filled with tears.

As a jazz bar, a pioneer village established in 1935, it has experienced the golden age of black and white movies, the ideological frenzy of the 1960s and 1970s, the craze of folk songs and rock that swept the entire society, and also experienced several times. The war and the displacement of the Beat generation.

Now, it is about to return to the 1960s in the lens of the Coen brothers, the era when music could save the world, the era when art carried the hope of society, and the era when dreams were still blooming. For Stanley, it was a dream come true, so he had no reason to refuse.

"This is not fair." Lan Li pretended to be serious, "I spent so much effort to get on the big screen, but now you have won the opportunity without any effort? This is not fair."

Neil put his hands on his hips He raised his chest high, with a triumphant expression, as if he was saying, "Praise me, praise me, praise me," and then came the next word. A humorous voice, "So, which movie is this casting for? Can I participate? Although I am not a good actor, I can try and see."

Neil and Lan Li double-shot and went to look at them, and then they saw Justin Timberlake standing in front of them.

Not only that, but the other people behind Justin also cast their sights one after another. The eagerly anticipated and eager restlessness surged throughout the bar. It was completely different from the atmosphere just now. It seemed to be unknowingly. The focus of the field came from the other end of the bar to this end.

"Justin Timberlake." He introduced himself politely.

"Len Li-Hall." He also reported to the door with a smile.

Neil standing in the middle looked around, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Neil Tucson." The disturbed and funny voice suddenly made the atmosphere relaxed and happy.

Justin shrugged, pursing the corners of his lips, "In the rumors, everyone has been emphasizing that Lanly is a monster, but today, I should be the first person to dare to approach the dragon. Does this indicate? I have great courage?" The light-hearted words can make people feel his ease and contentment, full of self-confidence not too sharp, but successfully mastered the initiative.

"Before I mentioned with a few friends that for this work, I am about to collaborate with Lan Li. Everyone exclaimed and cast envious eyes. I forgot to tell them, this time it’s music. , Not a movie. So, I think, I still don’t want to burst their pink bubble." Justin said smoothly, successfully evoking a low laughter.

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