The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1183: Take off guard

This is a Lan Li that Paul has never seen before.

Without elegance and calmness, without indifferent calmness, and without maturity and wisdom, the sunny temperament that belongs to a big boy rushes over, as if in the hot summer, one brain jumped into the emerald-like translucent lake. In the midst, there was the sound of water in the ears, and then the noise and chaos of the whole world disappeared, and it was replaced by pure midsummer.

Cool and clear.

Eyes full of laughter overflowed from the depths of the soul bit by bit, illuminating the entire face and the whole world. It seemed that even the sound of the wind had become light and joyous, sending joyful laughter and laughter. Colorful joy.

They don’t have smartphones, they don’t have luxury swimming pools, they don’t have top cars, they don’t have exquisite toys, they don’t have cool air-conditioning, they don’t have rich snacks, they don’t even have new clothes and good shoes, all they have is a piece of white foam. Simple surfboards, but at this moment, they are the happiest children in the world, enjoying their childhood wantonly.

Involuntarily, the smile on the corner of Paul's mouth bloomed.

"Look, see, there is a big octopus, be careful!"

Amidst the laughter, Lan Li’s voice sounded again. In the next second, Paul saw all the children doing bird and beast dispersal, avoiding himself from a distance, and began to clenched his small fists, posing After fighting back, he realized that he was the big octopus.

So Paul started waving his hands and yelled loudly, "Oh!"

A trace of doubt flashed in my mind: how should the octopus shout?

But it was fleeting, and then Paul began to open his arms and dived toward the children, hula la, all the children began to rush quickly, and the young and tender smiling faces bloomed wantonly, and the flying dust was golden. A brilliant rainbow is outlined in the sunlight, colorful and dazzling.

A minute ago, Paul had lost his way in this strange small village. The hot weather made him sweat profusely, wet his T-shirt, his mood was inevitably a little irritable, and his mind was full of confusion.

A minute later, Paul became the most popular king of children in this square. All the children surrounded Paul, yelling, "Octopus! Octopus!" He kept beating Paul with his small fists. The scene was a bit "bloody" for a while.

Lan Li, who was standing next to him, laughed loudly. There was no restraint of etiquette, no masks, no graceful restraint. Lan Li just laughed wanton and cheerfully. The hearty laughter broke through the shackles of his chest, vigorously. The surging agitated.

"Shark! Hurry up, let's attack the sharks together! We must unite!" In the crisis, Paul finally grabbed the life-saving straw, and then led the army of children, swarming towards Lan Li.

But surprisingly, Lan Li did not dodge, so he stood in place, allowing the children to surround himself and completely submerge; in the attack of the children, he made a gesture of giving up resistance, as if a shark was really real. Was defeated in general, and finally sacrificed heroically.

The suffocated and rough exaggerated acting skills were really too exaggerated. They did not look like the top actors all over the world. They seemed to be childish and brilliant imitations of elementary school students. This made Paul stunned, and then he clapped and laughed wildly. The muscles have become stiff, like hard rocks.

If reporters or film critics see the "shark death" performed by Lan Li just now, they should vomit blood in shame, and eventually collapse to death.

Paul laughed so much that tears were already coming out.

"Miguel! Miguel!"

"Angel, I'm home, ready to have lunch!"

"Miguel! Don't you remember lunch time? Get out quickly! Otherwise, don't eat today!"

"Anthony, Anthony, Anthony..."

"Every time it is like this! Do I have to scream at lunch time? After you come back, I will definitely pinch your ears!"

The shouts one after another, loud and sharp, pungent and fierce, echoed in the crisscross alleys. It was the call from the mother, and then all the children scattered and rushed in different directions. , Responding to the call of a deadly chain.

Suddenly, one of the children stopped, turned around, and shouted, "Sir, can the surfing practice in the afternoon continue?"

In a word, most of the children stopped one after another, all eager eyes swarmed towards Lan Li, and then they saw Lan Li who was packing up the foam surfboard, did not look back, just shouted, "I need Nap. At three o'clock, see you on the beach at the pier. Remember, three o'clock! Whoever comes to wake me up for a nap in advance will leave it on a date with the shark in the afternoon!

"Sir, see you this afternoon."

"Sir, see you later."

"Sir, goodbye."

One after another, the shouts were so bustling. The children stepped back while shouting. After a short while, they all disappeared in the small alleys. The whole square was quiet in an instant, if it weren’t for the air still surging. With countless dust, reminding that all the scenes just now are real, Paul is almost about to have an illusion that "this is a dream".

Turning around, Paul once again saw foam surfboards scattered all over the floor, reminding everything that had just happened, and now, Lan Li was cleaning up.

Without asking about the cause and effect, Paul also bent down and started to help clean up, and then piled all the surfboards at the entrance of a dilapidated store on the east side of the square. This is a khaki-yellow gate, just simply pieced together with a few wooden boards, it can't stop any gangsters or storms at all, and it may fall apart with just a little effort.

Lan Li probed in and shouted, "Antonio, I'm going to town, do I need anything?"

"Rock climbing rope." An old hoarse voice came from inside, "Besides, you can remind me at the liquor store when will our goods be delivered? I made two calls to the old guy, both were voice calls. Mailbox. If you get stuck in that old guy, just pull the goods back."

"No problem!" Lan Li replied simply, turned his head to greet Paul, and then took a straight step.

At this moment, Paul, who didn’t understand what was happening, could only follow his footsteps, looking back, and then just above the doorway, he saw a dangling plaque, “Antonio’s Tango”. This is today's destination.

"Len Li, do I need a car? I rented this car from Miami." Paul quickly followed.

"No, Antonio’s old pickup truck is parked on the street outside. Let’s drive the pickup truck over.” Lan Li said briskly, and then took a brisk pace, “Let’s go, you are here at the right time today. The children need to be first. I can use a helper for the next launch. We now need to pick up the goods from the town. I ordered 15 surfboards for children before, and they should arrive today."

In a ignorant way, Paul followed quickly.

Although he didn't understand what had happened, he could vaguely feel that Lan Li in front of him seemed to have taken off all his guards and was unprecedentedly real.

Unconsciously, Paul recalled the filming period of "Edge of Tomorrow". The blue gift, known as the "great devil of mischief", is always so youthful and energetic. The endless spooky ideas make everyone complain; under the elegant mask, there is a hot heart of a child. , It seems that he has never aged.

The same is true today.

"Those kids, are all your students?" Paul didn't ask the ins and outs, and the topic fell directly on the vivid faces.

"No, it's not." Lan Li laughed happily, "They just pass the time. I offer another option. For their parents, there is no difference; but for them, it is enough to make them Find a way to vent, instead of stalking strangers, then stealing, eating and drinking."

Behind the understatement, people can feel the tenacity and sadness of grassroots life.

This is a remote town located in the southern part of Florida. The town has no resources and is considered a run-down fishing village. However, there is a large group of reefs and coral groups on the offshore coastline, forming a natural barrier, whether it is going out or Everyone must take huge risks to come in, and the so-called fishermen have given up fishing early.

Now, the most important source of income here is smuggling. From drugs/products to population, smuggling from South America has chosen this threshold, and they can often make breakthroughs, and then stay in the small town for a short time, using this as a starting point to enter. North American continent.

One after another, most of the residents of the town have left their hometowns, and only a very small number of people stayed; gradually, the lawless and illegal immigrants fell behind sneakily I am doing dangerous and illegal work here, trying to have my own life.

But they gradually discovered that the "American Dream" promoted in movies and TV was nothing more than a bubble. Even when they came to the United States, they still lived at the bottom of society, struggling.

Those children are the children of illegal immigrants. Most of them are from Cuba, and a small part are from Mexico and Colombia. Most of their parents are doing illegal work, and they don't need to go to school. They spend all day and night hanging around the town, even dealing with drugs/traffickers.

Lanly is not the savior. He has no way to help these illegal immigrants, nor can he change their lives, but at least, he can keep the children away from those dangers.

After finishing the "detachment" filming, Lan Li realized that the basis for changing the future and changing life is always knowledge. Therefore, he organized a small surfing class, so that the children's vigorous energy can find another way to vent; and besides surfing, he will also teach some simple reading and literacy.

It’s only been a short period of ten days now, and the results are not yet visible, but at least, more and more children are coming to learn to surf.

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