The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1231: Everyone is in demand

There was a thin layer of cold sweat behind Helena, and Lang's sight suddenly became sharp. The aggressive and powerful aura seemed to be stimulated, and it burst out suddenly, so that Helena subconsciously avoided her sight and pretended to stare. The notebook in front of me is looking for the latest information.

What is it for?

Because Lan Li actually lost contact like this? The major Hollywood film companies have been rushing to join the battle, but Lan Li easily transferred the project to an unknown new director. Such a sharp difference in attitude and treatment is a real challenge. Their authority.

It is also because in addition to the Fox Searchlight, several other well-known independent film companies have all joined the battle. The absence of Focus Films has become more and more prominent, which simply exposes the contradictions directly, despite the fact that Universal Pictures is like this. The major production companies of China don’t care, but they are still on top of it.

Or maybe it's because...

"Bob or Harvey?" Lang finally said, Bob Weinstein or Harvey Weinstein?

As we all know, the personal conflict between Harvey and Lan Li is irreconcilable. Throughout this year’s awards season, Harvey cut off all the vitality of Lan Li almost without compromise, and even uttered cruel words at private parties that he wanted Lan Li. Step by step, Li was approaching a dead end, witnessing the so-called new star with his own eyes.

In a tightly sealed lock, "detachment" still broke a blood path, winning the Oscar nomination for Renly for the third consecutive year, which also angered Harvey thoroughly, so that it forced Harvey to make a series of excessive reaction behaviors. Later, it continued all the way to Oscar night, and this grudge against the enemy was already a dead knot.

Just mentioned in Helena's words, Weinstein Pictures also expressed interest.

If it is Harvey, not only for Lang, but also for the entire Hollywood, the shock and impact are unimaginable.

"Bob." After Helena's answer blurted out, it was obvious that Lang's sharpness and sharpness had alleviated, and the whole person seemed to instantly recover calm, and the sense of breathless pressure was also relieved a lot, "Bao Bo did not express his opinions in formal public occasions, only at private parties. He believes that Lanly’s selection of films is worthy of recognition. This work is bound to be worth investing in, and it should be a business that will not lose money."

Lang retracted his chin gently, expressing his understanding.

It is true that Bob and Harvey are two brothers, but after all, they are two independent individuals, and differences of opinion are inevitable. Although Harvey is the party responsible for the decision-making, especially the decision of the film department; Bob's opinion also means that Weinstein Pictures has given enough attention.

However, whether this kind of gaze is a positive affirmation or a negative and negative disturbance, it is worthwhile to study it slowly.

The "Burst Drummer" project is so popular, this is really unexpected. After all, this is just an independent art project, not a profitable commercial project. There is no need for large production companies to blend in; even for Lanli. Potential stocks are now far from reaching the time.

In Lang's view, the popularity of "Edge of Tomorrow" really proves that Lanli's market appeal is still not enough.

Box office superstars such as Tom Cruise, Will Smith, and Harrison Ford have all been tempered through many battles, and the cumulative proof of one work after another has become the stage for their soaring wealth; and Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. are other models. In their own series, the remuneration has repeatedly broken historical records, leaving their own series, and their appeal has plummeted.

In other words, if we are now preparing for "Edge of Tomorrow 2", then such a grand occasion is completely understandable, but a mere "burst drummer", these people's performance is completely frantic. Lang doesn't believe that the production companies are sincere, and more should be just a disruptive tactic.

"Wait and see." Lang remained unmoved, following his established policy all along, "hasn't Paramount and Disney not moved yet?"

After glanced around, he could catch those eager sights. Obviously, Lan Li’s influence is infiltrating into Hollywood in all aspects. Even the insiders of the six major Hollywood studios can’t help but believe in Lan Li’s selection of films. Vision and box office call, let alone ordinary people?

This time, Lang did not give them a chance to speak, “About him, it’s time for a paragraph now. There is no need to continue arguing. Hollywood has countless actors and countless projects. Not everything revolves around one. When the actors are spinning, we can calm down, slow down, observe patiently, and then make a decision. Very good, the case is over."

All the commotion in the conference room was completely calmed down by an understatement but not to be dismissed.

Hector and Helena quickly exchanged glances with each other, and they had a hunch: This time, Universal Pictures will fall behind again.

Indeed, it is very safe and safe, and there is almost no need to face any risks; however, it also lacks vitality. In the ever-changing landscape of Hollywood, they are always stagnant, which also makes people feel weak.

"How's the progress of the selection of the director of'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 7'?" Lang changed the subject straightforwardly.

Between the directors and actors of the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" series, Lang undoubtedly chose the actors, more accurately, Diesel; therefore, Justin Lin has officially become the past, and now they A brand-new director must be selected to direct the tube.

After the great success of the fifth part of the series, a series of follow-up plans formulated by Universal Pictures have now been overturned almost all, and can only start from scratch. No wonder everyone says that Universal Pictures is the last company in Hollywood to make a sequel. Not without reason.

Hector regained his energy and began to answer Lang's questions.


Recently, Hollywood's uproar is so lively, it's all you sang and I came on stage, but the cold and off-season of March is constantly refreshing the screen because of the news of "Burst Drummer". Everyone's attention is focused on the early stage of this work. After the preparation, from production to distribution, it attracted scorching eyes, and it really made people feel the super popularity of Lanli.

Following Warner Bros., Fox Searchlight, and Sony Pictures, Paramount also joined the battle. CEO Brad-Grey personally went to visit the creative artist agency. The specific content of the conversation was unclear. Know, but what is certain is that this is also a ruthless character.

This is the Paramount helmsman who took office in 2005. He is the youngest one of the CEOs of the six major Hollywood film companies, but his business acumen is outstanding. He not only supports the independent film department, but also intervenes. Kong acquired DreamWorks and successfully turned Paramount back into profit.

Brad's most famous move after taking office was to fire Tom Cruise.

The "Mission Impossible" series is undoubtedly one of Paramount's most profitable series, but Brad discovered that Tom is also the star and director, and the entire crew uses a second-line or third-line supporting role partner, and ultimately the box office dividends dominate. After statistical calculations, Tom’s income alone even surpassed Paramount—this is equivalent to the company making money for the actors.

With a quick knife to cut the mess, Brad fired Tom. If Tom wants to continue filming the "Mission Impossible" series, he can only find other film companies to cooperate.

In 2006, the third tribal scene in the series. After that, Tom has been trying to find other partners, but he went around and finally returned to Paramount; in 2011, the fourth part of the series restarted, but Tom’s gains Dividends have been greatly reduced.

This is what Brad is great about.

This time the "burst drummer", Brad's vision is obviously more long-term, not just for a project, nor just for a blue gift, but on the tactical level, and more cooperation with innovative artist agencies. , This move is very risky, but also very bold. It instantly messed up the pool and the situation became chaotic.

Up to now, four of the six major Hollywood film companies have been involved, just for an independent art film. This is really unbelievable, but it is happening in reality. Invisible, people in the industry are concerned about the "burst The expectations of "drummers" are also Related topics are becoming hot.

For Damien Chazere, the past three weeks have been like a dream, even if it is repeated a thousand times and ten thousand times, I still can't believe that all this is happening in real.

From a state of bumping into a wall and no one cares, suddenly becoming a hot and popular pinnacle, the 180-degree super turn is too fierce and too exciting, like bungee jumping, in the air for a second, One second at the bottom of the valley, the ultimate pleasure/sensation experience, things have happened before they even had time to exclaim.

"Have you really met the CEOs of Paramount and Warner Bros.? Then sit together and have dinner?" Justin-Hurwitz, who was sitting next to him, asked with a mischievous smile on his face. So, even if he believes that all his friends’ words are true, at this moment, it is still like a fabricated lie——

Only not long ago, Damien was still a poor boy who could barely afford a dinner, but now he has become the top guest in Hollywood? This is indeed like a daydreaming lie.

Damien spread his hands and looked innocent, "Man, I don't believe it either. It's true, and I still can't believe it, but the problem is..." The explanation hasn't been finished yet. Damien’s cell phone started ringing. He picked up the phone and glanced at the caller ID. It was an unfamiliar call. He looked at Justin, cast a confused glance, and then picked up the phone, "Afternoon Okay, this is Damien Chazele."

"Good afternoon, this is Robert Iger."

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