The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1259: Change the subject

Amidst the noise and noise, Graham spread his hands generously, accepted the ridicule and complaints, and rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay, I was Oprah just now. -Winfrey is up."

At the same time, he twisted his orchid fingers, imitated Oprah in a decent way, and clicked in the direction of Lanli, "It's not that you kept hinting to me, so that I was confused, and now I am embarrassed. I can’t find the style of the show anymore."

Amidst the burst of laughter, Graham successfully resolved the crisis, and then changed the subject accordingly, "To be honest, I complained to the show team today, we should make a special edition of Blue Gift-Hol, I am curious now. There are still many, many, many problems that cannot be counted with both hands."

"For example, where did he disappear in the past two months? For another example, after winning the Oliver Award, does he have more expectations for the next step? For example, what plans does he have for his future work now,'Tomorrow Can Edge 2 be put on the agenda? Oh, and also, will he go to watch'Iron Man 3'and'Degree and Excitement/Love 6'this summer..."

While speaking, Graham also faced the audience and raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, suggesting that it had become explicit.

The audience immediately burst into laughter, and it was so lively.

This time, Lan Li did not respond in a hurry, but sat calmly. Graham paused for a moment. Before answering, he had no choice but to stop. "But obviously, Master Lan Li is a mysterious person who has always remained mysterious. Actor, let's leave him some space for sex."

Immediately, Graham's sight fell on Ed. Just as everyone thought that the focus of the next interview would be shifted, Graham said again smoothly, "By the way, Master Lanly, your father Is everything okay with my mother?"

"Boom boom boom".

The bullet shot in the middle of the bullseye hit Lanly's heart accurately and swiftly and fiercely. When everyone relaxed their vigilance, Graham's carbine brought up the topic of hereditary aristocracy beautifully. .

However, Graham didn't wait for Renly's answer, and he didn't need Renly's answer at all. He said to himself, "Please also greet them for me." Then, the topic fell on Ai as planned. De's body, "Not long ago, you just attended the Grammy Awards, right?"

"Yes, that's a very interesting thing. You can see all kinds of top stars. That's a big party." Eddy nodded and said sincerely.

"Then you also met Taylor Swift."

"Yes, I also met Taylor Swift."

During the question and answer, Graham turned his head without warning and asked, "Master Lanly, do you know Taylor Swift?"

"No. I don't know." Lanly replied simply and neatly. The seamless rhythm made Graham choke on the contrary, showing a look of surprise, "Don't you know Taylor Swift?"

Lan Li shrugged slightly, "You mean, you know John Cod, Adam-Gracia, Billy Piper, Hannah-Addingham )?"

Graham choked directly and shrank back, showing a timid expression of fear, "Oh! I didn't expect that you are such a young master Lan Li, who speaks so meanly."

All the names in Lan Li's mouth were actors from the West End of London. For industry insiders, they may be famous or unknown, but there is no doubt that they are all conscientious and outstanding professional actors; but for laymen, these names have no meaning.

A light smile appeared in Lan Li's eyes, "Mr. Graham Norton, now do you understand the feelings of other guests on the "Norton Show"?"

Graham opened his mouth wide and his face was incredible. Amidst the whistles and cheers of the audience, he kept slapping his thighs, "Master Lan Li! Master Lan Li!" It seemed that he was expressing himself in this way. Protested, then shook his head exaggeratedly, "Didn't you say that you are happy? What is going on?"

The audience was completely overjoyed.

Graham returned to the subject of the interview, "So, Taylor Swift, Ed, what do you think of her?"

"She is a very, very friendly girl. By the way, Lanly, if Taylor knows, she will be heartbroken, because she likes your movie work very much." Ed said with an honest and sincere expression of Taylor's admiration and Admiring, Lan Li sitting next to him was quiet, without any extra expressions, and no special expressions. "She asked me before if I could meet you through me. She really hopes to be able to express it face to face in person. She loves you."

Lan Li did not speak, but Graham was unwilling to let him go easily.

"No, no, no. Young Master Lan Li sat beside him with a calm face, and his calm expression seemed to say: I really hear such words too much, and there is nothing strange." Graham also mimicked vividly. The blue ceremony was played, but it was even more exaggerated and funny, just like a poor-quality circus performance.

Lan Li, who once again became the focus of the audience's attention, raised his hands with a smile on his face, "I am even more curious about when will the interview between Ed and Daniel start, can't you let me go?"

There was no positive response, but a witty four or two strokes, and Shun Shun directly diverted the audience's attention and won the whole house.

This time, Graham did not continue to entangle himself, but began to talk to Ed about the new album he was recording and the concert that was put on the agenda. Compared with Lan Li, Ed is an honest friend. Without the burst point, it can be clearly felt that the whole conversation seems... much more normal.

It can be seen that Ed is still not quite used to the atmosphere of the talk show. Perhaps, he will be more comfortable in the "Allen Show".

"Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, you have starred in two movies recently, right? One is called'Kill Your Love' and the other is called'Magic Horn'." Then, Graham continued the show." Regarding these two movies, let’s talk about... well, if I remember correctly, you and Master Lan Li are the same age, right?"

Daniel was caught off guard. He was already prepared to speak, and then he got stuck. The flustered appearance made the scene laugh collectively. He himself couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, in fact, this is true. It may be weird to say it, but in fact, I am four months older than Lanly. I was born in July and he was in November."

Lan Li sitting next to him said nothing, poking out his head curiously, "Have you confirmed my information?"

The verb used by Lanli is "check", which is a normal usage, but it can also be used to look at each other between the opposite sex, as the semantics of ambiguous/ambiguous and **.

Graham was stunned and asked, "Have you confirmed his information?" The repeated context enhanced the effect, and the entire studio became a sea of ​​laughter.

Daniel didn't care, and smiled and nodded in agreement, "Not only did I confirm you, I also know that in terms of height, this is a key topic we need to avoid talking to."

The height is Daniel's flaw, he is only five and four feet (165 centimeters). For film actors, this is a shackle, and many roles and rival dramas may have an impact; instead, stage plays and TV dramas may gain some advantages.

"In fact, the movie I starred in this time,'Kill Your Love', I played with Dane-dehaan, telling a story about the same/sex/between." Daniel did not say anything. Mind the metaphors and ridicule just now, instead, I started to introduce my own movie.

"Killing Ru Ai" tells the story of the "Beat Generation" in the United States. The entire script is based on real events and comes from the famous poet A11en-ginsberg (a11en-ginsberg) and a group of friends around him. The events that occurred during the period outlined the repression and chaos of that era, which collapsed bit by bit in silence and struggle, and then outlined the "Beat Generation" that has affected three generations of Americans.

In this movie, the biggest present is not Daniel’s breakthrough performance, but Dane De Haan, who shows the evil and fatal attraction. Later, he also used this work to enter the public eye. Play the little green devil in 2".

Under Graham's guidance, Daniel began to introduce the simple plot of "Kill Your Love", and then discussed it with relish, without warning brought the topic to the blue again. Li said, "Daniel, seriously, if Lan Lilai plays Lucian Carr (-carr), what do you think?"

Daniel looked embarrassed, "...No, no, no, I still don't think it is necessary, Lan Li's height..."

Lan Li spread his hands, "So, you mean, Dane's height..." Dane lay innocently on the other side of the Atlantic with a gun.

"Yes, I mean, it is true. Dane is less than five inches (twelve centimeters) taller than me, but you..." Daniel pointed to Lan Li, "You are a giant." Lan Li is more than Dion. It is also four inches (ten centimeters) high.

Eddard, who was sitting in the middle, nodded repeatedly, and his neck was about to break.

Lan Li adjusted his actions, and let out a long sigh of relief, "Then I'm relieved, I thought it was because of my lack of charm."

In the back and forth confrontation, the laughter could not stop. Finally, Graham came to draw the end, "Don't worry, Lan Li, you are still my favorite." The audience laughed thunderously.

Daniel is still not over, not forgetting to make up the knife again, "In fact, I am very curious why you have never challenged a similar role."

After speaking, Danielton realized the ambiguity in his words. Before he had time to defend, Graham caught the opportunity, "Oh, oh, Daniel, expose your mind, expose, so you are now Does Lan Li confess?"

Daniel was weak in reasoning, and he chuckled and shook his head again and again.

Lan Li gently chinked and echoed with a smile, "Thank you for your love. Thank you."

At this time, Daniel seemed to have jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it.

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