The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1277: This is me

"I won't let them be completely defeated. After all, there will be a world of mine, just because I am different!"

Lan Li’s vigorous singing burst out with incredible powerful energy, accompanied by the rising of the high pitch, completely detonating all the sparks in the air, and even the popping sound can be clearly heard on the eardrum. After a long time of reverberation, the beating of the heart involuntarily lost its original rhythm.

Edith is out.

Arthur stood behind and received one hundred thousand critical hits. Before the stopping voice could be heard, he was half a beat slow, and he could only watch Edith walk out of the crowd and lifted his own high. With his right hand clenched into a fist, like a follower who responded to the call, he became a member of the wave set off by Lan Li.

But the problem is, this is not a concert, nor is it Hollywood. No one will forget about it because of emotions here, and no one will raise his right hand to show his support. This is not only a shame, but also a laughing stock for everyone.

Arthur couldn't help closing his eyes, his face full of chagrin almost impossible to hide.

But the next second, when Arthur opened his eyes, he was stunned.

Beatrice was out, and she also raised her right hand high, tears streaming down her face and painful, the light flashing in those eyes reflected the shining star-like sky, ignoring others' The sight, ignoring the occasion of the party, and ignoring the etiquette of the royal family, simply followed the heart and responded to the call.

Matthew Dunlop is out.

Eaton-Domon is out.

Andre Hamilton is out.

Even Richard De Vere is out.

One by one, the seemingly noble, reserved and introverted nobles, they went out one by one. Some are clumsy, some are shy, some are embarrassed, but after all, they still raised their right hand high, clenched into a fist, and built a forest, standing upright, but so unfamiliar.

Unheard of.

But the problem is that the achievements and brilliance of "Len Li-Hall" are unheard of? So, what's the fuss about the pomp and anomaly in front of you at this time?

Arthur opened his mouth slightly, his face was shocked, and his face was shocked. His gaze slowly fell on Lan Li's body. The youngest son of the Hall family, the guy who seems to be very weak, is now using his shoulders to support a piece of the world, resolutely and resolutely moving forward. At this moment, his body is bursting with light, making people almost impossible Look straight.

"When the verbal blade attack came, I repelled it with a row of mountains and seas, I was brave and fearless, I was wounded all over, I am the self I was born with, this is me!"

The thin shoulders stubbornly straightened up, like a vigorous green pine, the elegant and handsome face burst out with an unstoppable vigor and blood, and even the light that fell on the side of his face became dimmed. That glory, that appreciation, that longing, and that admiration, all bowed their heads and surrendered.

Unprecedented, Arthur also felt the urge in his heart.

This is not the Almeida Theater, he knows, but at this moment, he doesn't care, or he doesn't want to care, he also wants to bravely face himself, the truest self, embrace freedom, get rid of shackles, and chase dreams.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Arthur finally understood what Edith said: He did it.

Even with bruises, scars, and hardships, Lan Li has never been afraid, let alone flinched. After all, he found a piece of the world that belonged to him, even in the upper class, glance at the fists raised high in the audience, and Arthur knew that he also had a place.

"Yeah, he finally did it."

Then Arthur also took a step forward, raised his right hand, turned his palm into a fist, clenched it, and clenched it again.

Arthur thought he would not be moved, but the fact is that in the exciting and magnificent melody, power burst out continuously, he firmly clenched his fist, and something in the depths of his soul seemed to finally start to wake up. Coming over, the fullness, the happiness, and the joy began to flow quickly in the blood vessels.

"Attention I will be on the stage, I will step forward bravely on the drums, I am fearless, I am open-minded, I will never apologize for this, this is who I am!"

Involuntarily, among the exciting musical notes, Edith began to hum softly, "Oh, oh, oh...oh, oh, oh..."

The brisk and simple melody is calling the melody deep in everyone's heart. Amidst the surging and powerful keystrokes, they are all released. Then, one after another, one after another, the humming team is getting more and more. grow.

There are still eyes full of contempt and disgust around him. Viscount Bioford can hardly believe his eyes and ears, so vulgar, so superficial, and so vulgar performance, now appearing in the upper-class party, it is simply It was a shame that could not be erased, and the anger rose from the soles of the feet all the way to the top of the head.

This is a shame to the upper class and the nobility! But it was actually playing in front of his eyes. Viscount Bioford seemed to be able to clearly see that the tradition they had adhered to for centuries was falling apart, and what he cherished, what he insisted on, and what he loved was falling.

And Viscount Bioford was not the only one.

But the problem is that these critical sights seem to be the most beautiful accompaniment, vividly interpreting the soul's meaning in Lan Li's song-those swords, mountains and seas, those difficulties and obstacles, and those covered in bruises, but they cannot define their soul and Ego, they are themselves, and there is no need to apologize for being themselves.

Every word and every musical note in the melody has become so real and moving. The sharper the scene, the more emotional the scene, the sharper the sight and the firmer the mood. Gradually, they began to take off their pretense. Remove the mask, open his arms, join the ranks, shouting:

Let the storm come harder.

Incredibly, the chorus on the scene is getting louder and louder. At first it was just a few people, but it quickly spread like a prairie fire in the audience. Even Richard joined it without exception. The uniform singing made the air in the banquet hall boil, as if everyone was connected as one, feeling each other's heartbeat and breathing.

As for those who were still silent, they were isolated, and for the first time felt the taste of loneliness among the turbulent crowd.

"This is me!"

No need to remind, everyone yelled in unison, and Arthur’s mouth burst out with a bright smile, and he became happier than ever before, not because of live singing, but because of breaking the shackles-when you are brave to admit yourself and embrace yourself At that time, life really begins, and life really comes alive.

Not only Arthur and Edith, not only Richard and Beatrice, not only Andre and Eaton, even Matthew, who has always been indifferent like an iceberg, could not help but hum softly, that The endless chorus seems to be the best reward and the best medal, and it truly makes Lan Li bloom proudly.

Immersed in the music, Lan Li was fully fired.

What attacks, conspiracies, and insults are all let go. Today, right here, he took them all: he will not be ashamed for insisting on being himself, nor will he be ashamed for insisting on being himself Feeling guilty for chasing his dream, he will not choose to apologize because of his difference.

The power deep in the soul burst out heartily at this moment.

"I know I deserve to be loved, there is nothing I don't deserve!"

That gradually rising voice burst out with incredible energy! All the glory, all the praise, all the support and all the love, this is what he deserves. Even from childhood, they never supported him, not even once.

That is anger.

That is unyielding.

For the contempt and indifference of George and Elizabeth!

That is a counterattack.

That is firmness.

For the dream and freedom of Lan Li!

That is the horn.

That is cheering.

For every soul who is unwilling to bear the shackles!

Everyone is worthy of being loved, and should not be hurt because of their own difference; everyone is worth cherishing, and should not be excluded because of their maverick; everyone is worthy of respect Yes, you should not be anxious because of your uniqueness.

"There is nothing I don't deserve." This is the cry and scream from Lan Li's He deserves the whole world.

Looking at Lan Li, who was screaming at his wounds, Matthew's vision became blurred again, embarrassed. He wants George and Elizabeth to be ashamed, he wants Viscount Bioford to be ashamed, and he wants those who still look at Lan Li with the circus eyes to feel ashamed.

No one should apologize for being brave enough to be yourself. nobody!

When their eyes fell on Lan Li's body, the man who bravely chased dreams, that firmly embraced freedom, that **** but also refused to compromise and give up, that talented and brilliant man, they should be for their insignificance and humbleness. Feeling embarrassed, they should be ashamed of themselves and hide in the dark corner forever.

Roaring and shouting with all his might, the heart in his chest stopped beating, and a tearing pain slowly swelled away. On Lan Li's body and deep in his soul, those invisible scars were slowly emerging, but he still refused to compromise, refused to surrender, refused to be timid, and stood up bravely again, bathed in the sun, upright. Announcing his own existence!

In an instant, the piano sound stopped, all singing, all humming, and all melody stopped. The whole hall fell into silence, and countless eyes fell on Lan Li’s body, quietly. Staring at him, he held his breath before he realized it, and it seemed that even the heartbeat had completely disappeared.

At this moment, the world is so thrilling!

Note: This is me (this-is-me——-settle/the-greatest-showman-ensemble)

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