The Greatest Showman

Chapter 244: Soundtrack request

The indifferent melody is like a gurgling stream, carrying the moonlight and winding, the round pebbles gently surging along the water, as if you can see the dark and ink night, the lights are slowly lit up, a little, Another point, colorful spots of light cover the whole world, each spot of light represents a family, but none of them belong to oneself. Single-handed.

What's more cruel is that he is not alone, and there is another person sitting next to him. The two people were once intimate and fanatical combination, shining a similar halo. But now, the two of them are moving away from each other. The turbulent loneliness and loss took away the temperature of the last breath.

The gentle melody seemed to have no lethality, it just flowed in the heart. Suddenly, drums and chords burst out, thousands of lights flashed at the same time, the world seemed like daylight, that kind of sadness broke out heartily, There was no response to such a shout, and there was still a moment of silence and stillness coming from my ears. The helpless sadness makes people feel like falling into an ice cellar.

The sentence "I don't even know if I want to believe", Tao was lost and confused.

Drake stood there in despair, as if he had been wronged by the heavens, and vented all the pain and bitterness deep in his heart.

He broke up with her and broke up peacefully. The two people struggled and entangled for so many years, vigorous and mighty, but in the end they were exhausted, so the two chose to break up openly, and embraced affectionately and warmly. Say goodbye to each other, just like two old friends, life continues. The heart is empty, but there is no sadness, more is relief.

When writing the script of "Crazy Love", he also called her several times. The two people talked very happily and talked about the past, the past that was once thought to disappear but is still vivid in the memory. They finally You can take off your guard, talk about the stumbling and stumbling in the past, talk about the ups and downs of the past, talk and laugh in the midst of life, just like a world away.

After the script was completed, she was the first to read it, and after getting her consent, he began to look for investment.

They all seemed to have forgotten their sadness, like a rotten wound, after squeezing the pus out, they let out a long sigh of relief. But time passed, but I found that the wound left a big scar, which can no longer recover as before, as if a piece of the heart had been dug out.

Until this moment, all the sorrows and regrets surged up, completely defeating all of Drake's defense lines, losing his armor and armor, and being defeated.

"Drake." Bryan stepped forward and patted Drake lightly, trying to remind him that their time is running out and they must go to work. However, before Brian’s hand touched Drake, he pushed him away. Drake opened his mouth and tried to say something, only to find that he couldn’t say anything after all. Waving his hand, standing still, crying so sad.

The whole room was plunged into silence, the unspeakable sadness flowing at the fingertips, which made people unbearable.

Felicity wiped the tears from her cheeks, and through the kitchen door, the world shrank into a long gap. She looked at the figure sitting behind the black and white keyboard, her shoulders suddenly drooping, not desperate. But at a loss, she was at a loss after the once unwavering belief disappeared, leaving her at a loss.

She knew it was the same with Anna.

At this moment, she finally truly understood Anna's mood, and also truly understood Jacob's mood. They are like two broken souls, wanting to embrace each other's warmth to become complete again, but they find that when they are broken, they are broken, and everything will never go back to the past. She couldn't even cry now, but she looked at the figure helplessly and confusedly, silent.

Lan Li carefully felt the touch of his fingertips on the black and white keys, as if he was detached. The thoughts in his mind were chaotic, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of Jacob's collapse of faith in love or because of him. Shaken his belief in dreams. When he returned to London again, his mood fluctuated after all. The coldness of this city was everywhere, and even his soul felt the coldness.

Fingertips felt cold.

Lan Li took out a cigarette from his pocket again and held it to his mouth.

"What song is this... just now?" Drake asked hoarsely. He could hardly make a sound anymore, but the sentence composed of only a few words was extremely difficult to say, but he still looked at it blankly. With Lan Li, he struggled to squeeze a voice from his throat, the red and swollen eye sockets and the tears on his face looked very embarrassed, but the sincere feelings in his heart were fully revealed.

"'Believe'." Lan Li said, just one word, the simplest word, but it carries too much weight. It is the strongest but most vulnerable word in the world. .

Drake repeated it in a low voice, with a smile from the corner of his mouth, a smile more ugly than crying, and then raised his head again to look at Lan Li, "Can I use it as a soundtrack?"

The sudden request made Lan Li stunned, "No." He shook his head.

The unexpected rejection made everyone in the room quiet, and Drake was even more stunned. He didn't expect Lanly to reject it. He opened his mouth, but made no sound.

"As the soundtrack, the personal emotions of this song are too strong, which will mislead the audience." Lan Li explained, "You know, the last thing we need is to forcibly instill our thoughts into the audience. Instead, it leaves more room for the audience to think."

The same scene, the same quarrel, every audience will taste different connotations, not to mention the differences in thinking brought about by gender differences. A truly excellent film does not tell the audience what the film is talking about and what the core of the work is, not by the director, actors, or lines, but by presenting the content, and then giving the audience the right to think and judge .

Drake froze in place, his thoughts were too strong just now, so strong that he completely collapsed, unable to resist, and his love for this song was like a moth to a fire. But Lan Li's words calmed him a little bit, but he had just experienced emotional ups and downs, and his mind was still suffering from a cold, his thinking speed was a bit unable to keep up with the rhythm.

"Uh... I... I mean..." Drake only felt his throat hot and sore. He coughed violently and drank several sips of water, which relieved a bit, "I want to... use ...This song. I'll discuss the details." Drake wanted to continue explaining, but there was no sound from his throat.

However, Lan Li understood what Drake meant. If he just wants to use this song, then he certainly has no problem. "After the recording is over, I will send it to you. You can put it on the waiting list."

Renly knows that Drake now has feelings and resonates with the melody, so he can't wait to use it, but after entering post-production and calming down, he still has to start from the overall work, whether the song can Used as a soundtrack, this is also a science. Therefore, Lan Li did not insist, but expressed his hope that the song could be on the waiting list.

Drake showed a big smile, nodded and made an "OK" gesture. He only felt feverish all over his body now, and even the tears from his eyes seemed to evaporate immediately. He should have signs of fever. He felt that after "Love is crazy", he might get a serious illness.

However, Drake doesn't care, because the filming of "Love Is Crazy" is on track now, and his only idea now is to complete the filming of this work.

I don’t know when, Felicity’s figure appeared at the door of the kitchen. She had regained her composure, with an apologetic smile on her face, but at this time she was not in the mood to apologize. The whole person was still immersed in the emotions just now. Unable to extricate herself, she twitched at the corner of her mouth, and then her smile converged, and said in a deep voice, "I'm ready, I can shoot anytime."

Felicity glanced at Lan Li, her gaze was complicated, but it was hard to say a word. Then she turned around and entered the kitchen, preparing for the next shooting.

Drake looked at Lan Li and did not speak, but his eyes couldn't understand better. Lan Li nodded, "I'm ready!"

As a result, the entire crew immediately got busy, wiping the embarrassment on their cheeks one after another, and then re-adjusted various shooting parameters to ensure that the passage of time did not affect their shooting parameters.

Lan Li walked to the door of the kitchen and saw Felicity's back in front of the cutting board. The thin back was stained with loneliness and exhaustion. As if he noticed the line of sight, Felicity turned around. The eyes touched together like this.

The corners of Felicity’s mouth slightly raised trying to squeeze a smile, but before the smile fell under her eyes, the corners of her mouth calmed down again, she lowered her eyes, avoiding Lan Li’s Sight. He looked back at the zucchini on the chopping board in front of him, leaving his back to Lan Li.

Lan Li's voice sounded softly, "Are you ready?"

Felicity turned her head, smiled and nodded, did not speak, but then turned her head again. After half a second or one second of silence, she said, "Thank you. The song just now...thank you." The words seemed to fade away. After removing all the colors, it began to dry up.

Lan Li twitched the corner of his mouth, his gaze stayed on Felicity's back for a moment, without saying anything, and turned and left-Jacob walked in from the outside in this scene, and he needed to prepare for the shooting.

Felicity waited for a while, did not hear a sound, took a sneak peek from the corner of his sight, did not see a figure in the kitchen door, and suddenly raised her head, and then saw John and Brian who were busy preparing. Waiting for someone, she withdrew her gaze and froze in place, her brain seemed to fall into a blank.

Suddenly, she withdrew her mind, took a deep breath, and cheered up again. But the loss was left on his shoulders like a shadow. Just like Anna.

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