The Greatest Showman

Chapter 248: Pay game

"It's just that I don't know what plans the crew has in terms of the salary budget?"

Andy's words were full of smiles, friendly and kind, as if he was asking for opinions on lunch options, but the words did not cover up, and they pointed out the subject frankly.

In this regard, Neal is not surprised.

The tug of war between the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" crew and Dawn Johnson should have been heard in most of Hollywood. As we all know, the root of this dispute lies in the fact that the crew believes that Dawn’s price-performance ratio is not worth their 3.5 million, but Dawn and his agent believe that Dawn’s importance to the crew has definitely reached 350. Million.

However, as time progressed, it gradually evolved into a game between actors and producers. Now the average level of film pay in Hollywood has risen to a whole new level-even the 20 million clubs cannot be capped. This has also made agents and actors more and more bold, and their prices have increased faster and faster. From the perspective of the producer and the production company, I don't want to see such a situation.

This is the fundamental reason why Lang chose to support Neal.

Now the crew decides to choose other people, or choose an actor like Bruce Willis. He may ask for six million. Although it is much more expensive than Dawn’s pay, the market return is worth looking forward to; or just choose Lan Li. -Hall, an unknown but potential actor, may not be paid much, but he will be more inclined in terms of publicity resources.

However, the brokers are all human beings, and they clearly know that this is their opportunity. The crew gave up Dawn's cooperation, no matter who the replacement is, the agent standing behind will not easily let go, and is bound to take advantage of the fire. It’s just that everyone now knows the size.

Relatively speaking, the room for newcomers to raise the price is relatively limited, which is why Neal chose Renly.

"What's your plan?" Neal would not take the initiative to show his cards. This is the trick of negotiation.

Andy paused slightly for half a second. Regarding the specific plan, he had been thinking about it over the past period of time, and he was naturally no stranger. The plan quickly passed through his mind, "One percent of the box office dividend."

Neil's expression paused for a moment, and his expression of surprise could hardly be concealed. Fortunately, he chose to communicate over the phone. If it was face-to-face, he would be insufficiently prepared in this wave of Andy's attacks-the fact is, he did not expect that Andy was seeking. It's actually a dividend!

No wonder, it's no wonder Andy used Steven Spielberg's trump card! At first, he heard that Steven talked to Lang himself and recommended Lan Li to Lang. Neal also felt that Andy's head was not clear and it was completely overkill.

After the "Pacific War" was aired, everyone could feel Steven's appreciation of Lan Li, and Tom Hanks had repeatedly talked about the funny story of the original audition in private. With the blessing of Steven and Tom, the two top industry leaders, this also means that Renly has truly entered the waiting list for large-scale productions of top film companies. If used properly, it will be a flying opportunity.

However, Andy actually used this relationship for the sake of "speed and excitement/emotion 5", which is completely violent. Not to mention that "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" is just a 100 million-level investment project, just to talk about the position of the third protagonist, there is no need for a big man like Steven at all.

This lowered Neal's evaluation of Andy by several notches.

However, it now appears that it is not only Neal who underestimated Andy, but it is estimated that most of the practitioners in Hollywood have underestimated Andy. Unexpectedly, Andy's ambitions never lie in the movie "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", but in Lan Li's entire career plan.

There is an unwritten rule in Hollywood that the income of actors has a strict class system, below 3 million, 300 to 8 million, 800 to 15 million, and then 20 million clubs. There may be some deviations in the details, but what is certain is that every actor wants to increase the salary, it needs the right time and place, and other aspects, otherwise Dawn Johnson will not get it this time. Closed door.

As for the actors who want to reach the level of box office dividends, this is even more difficult. Just like Johnny Depp’s "Pirates of the Caribbean", actors cannot get dividends before they prove themselves. This is especially true. It's a commercial movie. Those independent art films whose box office is generally less than 10 million yuan are of course a different story.

Because the box office of a commercial film needs to be divided among multiple parties, the production company, the distribution company and the screening theaters divide the box office. The dividend ratio is generally 40% to 45% for the production company and 100% for the distribution company. Fifteenth to 20th, the screening theaters will take the remaining 40%. If it is a top large-scale film company like Universal Pictures that produces and distributes itself, in addition to the dividends of the screening theaters, other All belong to Universal Pictures.

Among the dividends received by the production company, part of it goes to the company itself, and the rest is divided among the directors, screenwriters, producers, actors and other crew members.

If the producer of the crew is Steven Spielberg, and he alone has to pay 15% of the box office dividend, then the profit ratio of the others must naturally fall. Therefore, in Tom Cruise's film works, he always prefers actors who work with second- and third-line actors, as well as directors and screenwriters, because this can ensure that Tom's dividends will not be divided.

In short, this part of the profit allocated to the crew is limited, and the crew members need to compete. Producers naturally don't want actors to come and divide their profits.

The importance of film remuneration is that once the first is set, it is equivalent to determining the position and level of the actor. This time the actor received 15 million for his work, so the next work will naturally be released at this price. As for the actor's willingness to reduce the pay or play in friendship, it is the actor's own choice; for the same reason, this time the actor Participated in the box office dividends, then the next time you continue to participate in the dividends, it is also logical. As for the percentage of dividends and the basic salary, this is another matter.

In a modern society where interests are paramount, box office dividends are equivalent to digging a piece of meat from capitalists, which is naturally not that easy.

However, this is Hollywood, Hollywood that is good at dreaming. There are many examples of overnight fame. There are also many examples where the salary of a movie has soared from 3 million to 15 million.

This is also the goal of Andy, he even used Steven's personal relationship.

But why does Andy have such confidence in Renly? The plan is so ambitious! Just "bury alive" a work, there is not much to see. The acting genius with a flash of light is not too much.

"Box office dividends? You know it's impossible." Neal was only surprised for a moment, then he recovered his composure, and said with a chuckle. He didn't even discuss the issue of proportion, and simply rejected it from the root cause.

Andy didn’t panic at all, “If it’s not possible, you can hang up now.” Andy showed his determination and perseverance in an understatement, “We all know that one percent dividend, It's nothing at all."

The first three works of the "Fast and Furious" series are far from amazing at the box office. The first one with the best performance, the North American box office is 144 million, and the third one is at a loss to the extent that they all lose underpants. It's gone; the reason why the series can come back to life is because Universal Pictures is not good at developing a sequel. They have no cards in their hands. Under consideration, this is the fourth part.

In the case of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, it unexpectedly won a box office of 155 million in North America, and the investment cost was well controlled at 85 million. In the end, relying on the outstanding performance of the overseas box office, the world gained Three hundred and sixty million dollars, which allowed Universal Pictures to successfully make a small profit. So, this is the fifth part.

In other words, even if calculated according to the North American box office of the fourth part of the series, 1% of the box office dividend is only 1.55 million.

Lan Li is a newcomer, a newcomer through and through. His salary is around 500,000 at most. After the blessing of the Dawn-Johnson incident, coupled with the momentum of Toronto and Telluride, the salary can be Rising to around 800,000 or 1 million, this is also Neal’s psychologically expected price.

Now, Andy has proposed a 1% dividend and then bargained on the ground. From a digital point of view, it is really not too far off. However, remuneration is never about numbers, is it?

"One percent dividend is really nothing, but it depends on who it is." Neal still didn't let go.

Instead, Andy chuckled, "This is a supply-demand relationship, and the point is what the buyer's market needs."

The question has come to the origin again. Why did Neal choose Renly? And did not choose Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves, Bruce Willis or Kiefer Sutherland?

Neil can choose other of course. No one in Hollywood is indispensable. He just gave up the self-righteous Dawn and chose Lan Li. Similarly, he can also give up Lan Li and choose other people.

But the question is, is there a more suitable option than Lan Li?

There are thousands of actors in Hollywood, it is not difficult to pick a replacement, but now the crew of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" is racing against time, and...Neil suddenly thought of Steven- Spielberg, I have to say that Andy’s move is really ingenious.

Days. Location. People and.

Neal shook his head and denied again, "One percent is absolutely impossible." However, it is no longer "box office dividends is impossible", but focused on numbers.

Andy smiled contentedly, "So, 0.5%, what do you think?"

"I'm listening." Neal didn't respond because he knew that the matter was definitely not over.

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