The Greatest Showman

Chapter 293: Thunder Fury

The eyes of the entire crew followed Andy, watching him slowly sway past. People who didn’t know thought he was here for a friendly meeting, but everyone in the crew knew about the bad relationship between Fan and Lan Li. The group changes are even more obvious. ??? So, watching Andy's actions like this, I really feel a sense of joy.

With the focus of perspective, Andy has arrived at his destination, stopped, and said with a smile on his face, "Fan, can we talk?"

Fan raised his head, stunned, and rolled his eyes a little nervously, trying to find the figure of his agent, Christian Wagner.

Yesterday, Christian talked to him on the phone and scolded him badly. It is not a problem to stumble. The problem is that he was seen through by others, and it was the second time. This is really stupid; what’s worse, Even if he stumbled, the wind was still down, and it was completely helpless.

After cursing heartily, Christian said that he will go to the airport immediately, take the fastest flight to Rio de Janeiro, and come to deal with the aftermath.

However, Andy has already arrived, and Christian is still not seen.

Fan forced himself to calm down, but he was just an agent. Why should he worry? However, as soon as I wanted to speak, I saw Andy shook his head slightly, but the smiled words had a firmness that couldn't be ignored, and people began to chill in their hearts, "I'm not asking for your opinion." After finishing speaking, Andy turned around Shi Shiran, ignored Fan at all, and walked straight away from the set.

Fan hesitated for a moment, but still bite the bullet and followed.

Christian is the agent of the United Elite Brokerage Company, one of the five largest brokerage companies in Hollywood. Although the establishment time is the second shortest, but the rise is very fast. Currently, he has Johnny Depp, Christopher Nolan, and the Coen brothers. The top-level person of, and Michael Jackson is also affiliated with this company in front of him, the strength is definitely not to be underestimated.

However, Christian emphasized last night that innovative artist management companies must not provoke them at will. Especially this time. Christian also comforted, "I know the seriousness of this time, so don't worry, I will rush over as soon as possible."

Fan took a deep breath, but thought in his head: But he is an agent, what else can he do with himself? When I came outside, I saw Andy standing at the door at a glance.

The chubby pear-shaped figure, slightly bulging belly and white double chin make him look naive, inexplicably like a little penguin, and the smile on his face at that time conveys friendliness even more. Fan felt a little relieved.

"Believe it or not, I can directly ruin you and end your career as an actor. And Christian Wagner dare not say a word?"

Andy still has a gentle smile on his face, and he speaks unhurriedly, but there is no buffer zone in the content of the words, directly with unbearable determination and murderousness, he rushes on his face, making people shudder.

Unexpectedly, Fan couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, subconsciously defending, "That was just an accident..."

"Haha." Andy laughed, chuckled slightly, even lightly, "Then, I also made an accident, what do you think?"

The simple words made Fan shudder. He still wanted to speak, but looking at Andy’s gentle smile, all the words were stuck in his throat, and he could clearly feel that they were hidden in this smiling mask. The wrath of thunder behind him can easily grind him into powder. That kind of skin-cutting fear made him open his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Let me tell you what will happen next: You obediently complete the rest of the filming of the film, far away from Lanli, and then during the promotional period, according to the requirements of the crew, complete all the work smoothly. You Will be on stage together with Lan Li, and Lan Li will be your best friend, just like Paul."

Andy even chuckled twice and said happily, as if talking about the fond memories of Disney's play.

"Also, you'd better pray that Lan Li will not get hurt again. Even if he just rubs a piece of skin, I will let Christian Wagner dig a piece of meat from you. Tom Hanks is very happy to come through the Screen Actors Guild. Dealing with the accidents born before, you know, because they need to protect the vital interests of every actor. Believe me, Christian will make a wise choice. Whether to enter **** or let you enter **** is not a problem. "

Fan squirmed his lips, trying to explain.

He is a long-established action actor, and Andy is just an agent of an innovative artist agency, and Lan Li is just a fledgling newcomer. What else can they do to him?

Don’t say that Lan Li is all right now. Even if Lan Li is injured, it’s normal to have such an accident during filming. As for the props of the crew, it is completely an accident. The props have already changed their blood to show their sincerity and harm. Seven people have lost their jobs, do they still want to be reasonable?

At best, they used public opinion to suppress him, and then he appeared sincerely apologized, and the matter was over. It was impossible for them to cause substantial harm to him, let alone block him.

Andy's threat is just a joke.

The countless words in his mind were surging, and he could find countless ways to argue; he even thought about it, directly raising his fist and smashing it directly at the smiling face; but he just froze in place, a little bit. No sound comes out, let alone the language of the organization.

"I didn't do it." This is Fan's only excuse now. The props team replaced the iron gate with real materials. He did not do this.

Andy's smile fluttered to both sides, a low laugh came from his throat, and the slit-like eyes revealed a touch of pity, as if sympathizing with Fan's innocence. "Do you think anyone cares about the evidence?"

This is not a court, nor a police station. They don't need evidence to convict, they just need to follow the lines of the staff in the props group, and naturally they can find the real culprit. No evidence, no confession, so what?

Fan's blood suddenly became cold and cold, as if all vitality had disappeared, and then he caught the fierceness and anger that flashed through Andy's eyes, and the cold blood and cruelty of killing Lu Guojue caught it. His heart and breath disappeared instantly, and the danger of dying made all the hairs on his body stand up.

But this is just a moment.

Immediately, Andy returned to normal and smiled again. The small eyes narrowed into a slit, bent like a crescent, filled with a thick smile, "Okay, I won't bother You are ready to work. The next filming is still...long, isn't it? Work is the most important thing. This is where I admire actors the most. They are always so dedicated."

After speaking, Andy nodded to Fan, took a short step, made a small bend, and returned to the set again.

Fan stood alone, bathed in the sunlight, but the golden sunlight did not have the slightest temperature. It coldly dipped into the blood along the pores, causing him to shiver, one after another. It is November, and November in the Southern Hemisphere is midsummer, but he feels that he is in a bitter winter.

Andy returned to Lan Li's side and sat down opposite him.

Logically speaking, he should remind Lan Li about safety matters, and then explain his handling so that Lan Li can feel at ease. However, looking at Lan Li’s dark brown eyes, calm and calm, Andy couldn’t help. Laughed blankly.

After calming down the turbulent mood a little, Andy said, "Everything is fine on the crew, nothing happened; everything went well for the shooting. You got along very well with Paul and Fan. They even provided you with A lot of help."

"..." Nathan stood by, dumbfounded, completely confused as to what's going on, his face was stunned.

However, Lan Li came to understand, and his gaze fell on Fan Rong's back, and he paused for a while, "It's like a "buried alive" spotlight?"

The smile at the corner of Andy's mouth rose. Sure enough, Lan Li understood what he meant. " is like a'buried alive'." After thinking about it seriously, Andy Now I have nothing to explain. "Then you can concentrate on your work and leave the rest to me."

The past fifty hours have been spinning, but the matter is still not over. He must maximize the benefits of things. If possible, he can even increase Lan Li’s role in "Degree and Excitement/Emotion 5". Without changing the framework of the script, Lan Li’s sacrifice and efforts should not be in vain. wasted.

"I'm flying back to Los Angeles this afternoon." Andy confessed briefly.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows. Obviously, Andy came here on a special trip to deal with his affairs. Otherwise, it is now the start of the awards season, and the creative artist agency will inevitably formulate a corresponding publicity plan. Andy is affirmative. Can't go away. So, just a few hours after landing, Andy must fly back to Los Angeles.

"That's good, your dinner can be enjoyed normally." The subtext is that Andy does not need to adjust food intake specifically for weight loss. Long-distance travel is conducive to weight loss.

This teasing made Andy nodded with a smile, "I think so too." After that, Andy continued to stay without mother-in-law, and greeted the main leader of the crew. After being courteous, he was also chic. He turned around and left.

From appearing to leaving, it took less than two hours in total.

By the way, Christian didn't show up, he just called Fan, and the two people talked on the phone for a long time. But that's it. I heard that Christian had something temporarily in Los Angeles, and he got stuck and couldn't make a special trip.

No one knows the content of the phone conversation. However, after hanging up the phone, Fan devoted himself to the filming of the crew, as if he were a conscientious and competent actor. 8

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