The Greatest Showman

Chapter 503: Focus shift

Pushing the car door, walking down the red carpet and spreading his arms, Van Diesel can feel the hot and tumbling air. The heat wave is boiling and licking the hairs of his arms, and the blood is gradually warming up. The vitality in the body and the shouting cheering around make people have the illusion of standing in the center of the world, as if they are the God who controls everything.

Fan is obsessed with such moments. In his opinion, no one would resist such a moment, no one.

Screams, shouts, and cheers were endless. Fan stood firm and scanned the scene. The crowd of hundreds of people was surging and churning in his sight, and even the air was full of red. It began to twist and volatilize, but in April, there was a feeling of midsummer and July.

Such moments are always so fascinating, people just want to live in this moment, time staying forever.

But why are all the sounds projected in the direction of the Chinese/National Theater? It seems that no one noticed Fan’s arrival at all. This is not the scene that Fan imagined. As the biggest actor in the entire crew, Fan is undoubtedly the focus of attention today, so he specially chose the second half of the stage and prepared to accept him exclusively Carnival.

However, the situation at the scene was far off track, and no one even noticed Fan's arrival in the entrance area of ​​the theater. This was really abnormal. Fan couldn't help but touched his bald head, concealing his inner emotions, a trace of annoyance, a trace of anger, a trace of loss, a mixture of flavours, and a difficult word. He looked around in confusion, pretending to look in the direction of the red carpet unintentionally.

You can vaguely see three or four figures gathered together and being interviewed; on the red carpet you can see Chengkang's figure, and fans on both sides are screaming excitedly.

strange. Fan still couldn't find the reason. Although Chengkang was the only bright spot in the third part and had a lot of fans, his popularity still couldn't be compared with the two protagonists. So, what is going on here?

This is his home court, this is his well-deserved absolute home court. He has been a well-deserved star since the fourth part of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" restarted. Here, he is like a king, enjoying cheering, enjoying shouting, enjoying pursuit, as if he only needs to raise his arms to call the wind and rain, even the top Hollywood stars.

But why is this happening today? Everything reveals weirdness and anomalies. Fan couldn't help feeling a little irritable.

However, the atmosphere on the scene did not allow him to continue to think deeply. There was a fan next to him shouting his name, "Fan! Fan! I love you!" The heart-piercing shout easily attracted Fan's attention, and then You can see his photo held up in the crowd, and there are even fans holding up banners.

This is the expected scene, this is the scene that the premiere should have. The emotions that had not had time to ferment settled down, and Fan showed a bold smile again, walked over in strides, took the carbon pen, and began to sign for the fans.

The fans on both sides of Hollywood Boulevard finally came back to their senses. Seeing Fan’s arrival at the scene, the shouts were rising steadily, everywhere. Fan successfully retrieved the lost smile and interacted with the fans enthusiastically. Enjoying this unique moment that belongs to him.

Undoubtedly, Fan is the biggest actor in the crew of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", even Paul cannot be compared. This is not an inference, but a fact.

The noise and restlessness of the premiere scene proved this point. Those fanatical roars and excited shouts surrounded Fan round and round, one after another, endless, and it seemed that there was no end.

The haze covering his head quietly disappeared, Fan's mood also rose, and the fan service was even more in place. Signing, taking photos, shaking hands, hugging, greetings...everything, cordial and friendly, the fans on both sides of Hollywood Boulevard enjoyed the benefits, and the craze at the premiere seemed to be back to its peak.

"Come on, let's take a picture together!" Fan took a fan's camera, turned around, and actively greeted the crowd around him, and then he took the selfie. He smiled and enthusiastically Waved and summoned: more, more. Looking at the faces that were distorted by excitement, Fan's smile became brighter.

"Who was that man just now? He is so handsome!"


"It's the only one wearing a shirt in the audience."

"...Ah! Really, don't you say I haven't found it yet! Haha, he is really the only one wearing a shirt in the audience."

"Yeah, right? At other premieres, the group wears shirts, but for today's premiere, the group wears t-shirts. However, he looks really good in shirts! God, why have I never seen him before?"

"I don't know either. All I know is that his name is Master!"

"Ah, master, master, he is really suitable for the title of master!"

Fan's movements stopped, and a whispering sound came from his ears. Amidst the noise, it passed into his ears without any hindrance. This made his face instantly stiffened and his smile became This solidified in the corner of his mouth, almost unable to maintain, a cloud seemed to be drifting quietly, the kind of suffocation surging in his stomach, making him almost want to vomit out of lunch.

"Fan! Fan! We are ready!" The cheerful voice behind him interrupted Fan's thoughts. Only then did he realize that his fist had been clenched tightly, and the muscles of his forearm were completely tense. As he was ready to go, he quickly retracted his attention, relaxed his hands, and smiled again, "Everyone prepare, one, two, three, cheese!"

After taking the photo, Fan stood up straight and turned around. Then I saw a small group of girls chirping and jumping, and from time to time they stretched their heads to look towards the end of the red carpet. Their faces were filled with excitement, and even jumped with excitement, as if a high school girl saw the girl in her dream. general.

Fan only felt that his chest was a bit congested. He didn't have the mind to pay attention to the shouting fans. He walked a few steps forward and stood at the entrance of the red carpet. Without hesitation, he went straight up, with a big face on his face. Smile, and greet the fans on both sides. But soon, Fan realized something was wrong

There is no reporter, or more accurately, there is no camera.

All the shots were aimed at the interview area. This should be a normal phenomenon, because the interview area was originally the focus of attention; but none of the shots noticed Fan’s coming, and they were all aimed at the interview area. , This is too abnormal, no one took photos of him walking on the red carpet? No one took photos of him saying hello to fans? No one actually took photos of him and his fans in close contact?

What about tomorrow's press release?

At this time, Fan had no intention to say hello to the fans, but just nodded perfunctorily, and his pace was getting faster and faster, and he soon surpassed Chengkang, getting closer and closer to the interview area. Suddenly, Fan's footsteps stopped in place, and the emergency braking action was so obvious that he had no time to cover it up.

Lan Li-Hall.

At this time, there were four or five people standing in the interview area. Standing in the second position on the right was Lan Li, and Paul was next to him. Standing in the center are Jessica Chastain and Rami Marek. There is a back figure next to them. The front face is not visible, but it is guessed that it should be Seth Rogen.

Although Jessica is in the center, presenting a scene of stars holding the moon, all the sights, all the focuses, and all the centers of gravity are on Lan Li. He seems to have such a magical power, the powerful aura between his gestures, like a magnet, naturally attracts all the attention.

Today is Fan's home court, but Lan Li has robbed all the limelight? This sounds incredible, because Renly is only the third protagonist, because this is Renly's first commercial film, because the name "Lenly-Hall" is for most summer popcorn movie lovers. It doesn't make any sense at all. However, the reality is happening right in front of my eyes.

Calm, calm, calm.

Fan's fists were so hard that his body began to tremble slightly, but after all, he calmed himself down. He has tasted the lesson during the previous shooting, and there is no need to test it a second time. The agent named Andy Rogers, even Christian Wagner, is afraid of three points. What's more, the executives of Universal Pictures also let go of so that he would not stupidly go against their expectations.

Everything will be fine, and when the box office is hot, everything will be fine. Fan comforted himself so.

For works like "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", if the box office succeeded, then it was due to the two starring roles of Fan and Paul; if the box office failed, then it was the fault of the director Justin and the "newcomer" actor Lan Li. This is Hollywood, this is social reality. No matter what the result is, Fan will reap the benefits of the fisherman.

In other words, Lan Li is now making his wedding gown.

Thinking of this, Fan finally felt relieved, and smiled again on his face, as if nothing had happened, turning around skillfully, waiting for Cheng Kang to come over, and then stepped forward and hugged each other. Personally talking and laughing, intimate.

Now, the reporters finally came back to their senses and noticed Fan’s appearance. The cameras focused on Fan and Chengkang. The flashlights lighted up as expected, but the reporters sensitively discovered a small detail: Paul didn’t. Come forward to greet.

When Lan Li appeared just now, Paul greeted him with a smile on his face and gave Lan Li a big hug; now that Fan is on the stage, Paul is still standing beside Lan Li indifferently.

It seems that the rumored and happy crew of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" obviously still has a lot of inside stories worth digging. The reporters' eyes suddenly became intriguing.

Without noticing the subtle change in the reporter’s sight, Fan and Chengkang walked to the interview area together. He took the initiative to show a big smile, opened his arms, first gave Paul a hug, and then Lan Li, with a touch of intimacy between his words. As if the two are close friends, "How are everything going well lately? I also talked to Paul yesterday. You haven't been there for several gatherings. I don't know how you are doing."

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