The Greatest Showman

Chapter 511: 1 city first

The premiere of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" came to an end. Judging from the audience's preliminary interviews, the film's reputation has ushered in an explosive reaction, which completely subverted people's speculation, which is simply incredible!

Before the release of the fifth work, the creative style, audience, market positioning, and public impression of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" were in a relatively stable state: B-level action works, pure popcorn.

The trend of such a movie is traceable. The simplest case is that when the news about Dawn Johnson's upcoming joining was raging, people were not surprised at all, because this is the choice that fits the style of the series; but in the end Choosing Lanli was an accident. It was a huge accident that completely deviated from the track, and then caused an uproar in the media and audiences. Almost everyone was not optimistic about the choice this time.

Similarly, the word-of-mouth feedback data of movies in the media review, IMDB score, Rotten Tomatoes Index, theater scores, and popcorn index are also the same. From professional media to mass media, from senior audiences to ordinary audiences, the trend of word-of-mouth is as usual and fairly stable.

The previous four works in the series have been criticized by professional film critics. The media reviews of the four works are in order, and the media reviews of the four previous works are 58 points, 38 points, and 4 points respectively. Fifteen points and forty-six points, not only have never passed, but the score performance is also really unsatisfactory.

In the same way, the mass media did not give too much concession to the ratings of Rotten Tomatoes. The freshness index of the four works was only 53%, 36%, 37%, and 100% respectively. No. 28, the overall rating trend is even worse than the media review.

Even the fourth installment that reawakened Universal Pictures’ confidence was no exception. It was met with hurricanes of bad reviews, and it was clear that the media did not wait to see the series. No wonder, when the opening battle of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" and "Thor" just started, the news media didn't catch a cold at all. In their eyes, this series of works had been filmed for the fifth part, and there was nothing at all. The need for shooting is even less qualified to be compared with "Thor".

If the harshness of the media is due to their professional requirements, even for commercial popcorn movies, they are looking forward to shooting "Avatar" and "Inception", even if it is not "Batman: The Dark Knight"; then The audience's verbal and written criticism further proves the "B-level" attribute of this series of works.

IMDB presents the ratings of senior audiences. The first four parts of the series have scores of 6.7, 5.9, 6 and 6.6. Although the results are still not impressive, there is not even "seven points". However, at least it is still passing-or hovering on the edge of passing, it can be seen that the audience's requirements for popcorn have been relatively relaxed.

This can also be reflected in the theater scores. The scores of the previous four works have remained extremely stable on a horizontal line, namely B+, A-, A-, and A-. Objectively speaking, the theater score "A" of commercial films is in line with expectations, and it has a bonus effect on the subsequent box office. "A-" can only be regarded as a passing line, but the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" series at least still passed.

On the other hand, the popcorn index from the general audience can be used as auxiliary reference data. The scores of the four works are 74%, 50%, 69%, and 67% respectively. . For commercial films, even 74% of the first film is a disappointment. There is no "80%" that can exceed the minimum standard of popcorn, let alone the other three terrible. The data is out.

On the whole, the series of films have indeed attracted a relatively fixed audience. Their requirements are very simple. They are just luxury cars, drag racing, and excitement, which are enough; but for the general audience, the series of films are still lacking. In order to be attractive, the protagonist lineup also lacks appeal, which can be clearly seen from the box office——

The best box office performance of the previous four works was the fourth one. The box office in North America was 155 million and the global box office was 360 million. Compared with the cost of 85 million in the fourth, it was successfully profitable. But it is hard to call it dazzling.

Whether it’s the media or the audience, the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" series is far from being praiseworthy, let alone the word-of-mouth explosion, even if it is the fourth film that Universal Pictures continues to invest in and shoot, the distance "Praise" is still a long way away, but now, the fifth part has ushered in an explosive wave of praise? Even if it was only the premiere, this still caused a cry of exclamation: What happened?

From the fourth to the fifth, what happened to make the movie a success? When people browsed the entire production cast of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", including the producer; and then browsed the relevant interviews after the premiere, including four different media, then people easily discovered A common point, or a different point——

Lan Li-Hall.

The only difference between the fourth and the fifth is Lanly. The audience interviews of the four media all mentioned the outstanding performance of Lanly. This, this is really incredible, but it is happening in real. The replacement of Daun by Lan Li was originally criticized as a faint trick, but now it has become an opportunity for the movie to regain its vitality?

Even if this is Hollywood where dreams come true, even if it is Hollywood full of miracles, even if it is Hollywood where everything is possible, this is too unbelievable!

Maybe the sampling of the premiere audience is not accurate? Perhaps it was the focus shift caused by the uproar of news during the past period of time? Perhaps it was the majority of Renly's movie fans that night? Maybe the reporter himself is a supporter of Lan Li? Maybe... Maybe it was other subjective or objective reasons that led to such a result-such a wrong and outrageous result?

But afterwards, all kinds of speculations and speculations had not had time to diverge their thinking, and they were directly killed in the cradle and forcefully strangled in the cradle. Because the first batch of media reviews are hotly released-their views coincide with the sample survey of the "Seattle Post"!

Actually! Actually! Actually!

After the audience, actually film critics also gave praise for "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5"? Actually, film critics also gave Lan Li a positive word? Actually film critics also sing praises for this set of B-rated movies? This is critical and sharp, troublesome and cumbersome film critics! This is definitely the Arabian Nights of One Thousand and One Nights, this year's summer vacation, the world is really going to be messed up!

After the premiere, a total of forty-three professional media have written film reviews. Such a number is definitely a victory for commercial films. In the fourth film two years ago, there were only 28 professional media that wrote film reviews. , The gap is beyond imagination, and the leap-forward progress can be seen intuitively.

The amount of media reflects the degree of attention the film has received, which is not common for commercial films. From a positive point of view, the uproar of the opening battle has indeed won incredible attention for "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5"; from a negative point of view, the number of aggressive media has also increased, and these professional film critics are not easy to serve. .

But obviously, this time "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" successfully turned the disadvantage into an advantage!

The first among them was the "Variety Show" magazine.

This one of the most authoritative professional magazines in the industry, on the eve of the opening battle, not only expressed support for "Thor", but also carefully analyzed the disadvantages of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", believing that this work is in All aspects are falling in the wind in all aspects. To win, I am afraid it will take a miracle. Calm and objective analysis, detailed and in-place content, made it once again won the affirmation of industry peers, but also became the vane of box office trend prediction.

After the premiere ended, Stephen Horden, the chief film critic of "Variety", published his short comment immediately, once again showing his concern and attention for the opening battle.

Hidden behind this, it can be seen that Hollywood industry insiders headed by "Variety Show" are paying close attention to the box office trend of superhero movies adapted from comics this summer and the subsequent impact on the entire film industry. In other words , "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" and "Thor" the opening battle, the attention is far more intense than people think.

"This is undoubtedly a dazzling action blockbuster, and it also proves the potential of the series to break away from the B-grade and formally become a top commercial series."

In the first sentence of the opening, Steven gave a compliment and continued this trend, "In the narrow and sultry streets of Rio de Janeiro, an incredible matchup gave The atmosphere of the movie has reached a climax. This scene has all the elements that make the audience scream and excite:

You chase me after the thrills on the Accompanied by explosions, destruction, and thrilling chase scenes, wild imagination, time and time again break people’s fixed ideas, and break Newton’s three laws with one kind The way of making dreams presents a dream moment in the Hollywood film industry. The full burst of adrenaline will allow every audience to experience the ultimate audiovisual feast.

Justin Lin did it. He succeeded in taking the series of films to a whole new level, giving them new vitality, and people began to look forward to the great commercial success of this work. "

Unlike previous predictions, Stephen gave almost all the words of praise to the movie. From a perspective of appreciating popcorn, he really started to arouse interest in "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", but this It's not over yet.

"The most beautiful part of the movie is undoubtedly the addition of Hall. This young actor not only once again proved his outstanding and solid acting skills, but also showed his agile skills and chic charm. Undoubtedly, Hall is this year The biggest gain from the summer vacation! It is also the wisest choice for a series of movies!"

Boom, boom! From viewers to film critics, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", which is the first to move, will be the first to win in this opening battle! 8)

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