The Greatest Showman

Chapter 556: Layer by layer

Impetuous. [Full text reading] Lan Li scratched her hair vigorously, and then tried to unbutton the shirt, but then she found that the top two buttons had already been unbuttoned, but she was still out of breath. It feels terrible, the whole person is like a headless fly, running rampant, but can't tell the direction, even if you want to vent, you can't find an exit.

Since the "Pacific War", Lan Li has already shot five works in a blink of an eye, which is really efficient. It's not as experienced, but it's not a fledgling rookie, but this time the situation has never been encountered before.

During the filming of "Love Is Crazy", after returning to London, the state was affected. The performance state always had a sense of separation, which required him to make more adjustments when he was involved in the performance, but he always knew himself clearly. What you are doing and know where you are.

Later, in the filming of "Anti-Cancer Me", he obviously exerted too much effort in the initial stage. After calming down, he re-understood the role and adjusted the rhythm of the performance, and things were back on track. From beginning to end, his thoughts are clear.

But this time it was different. He couldn't step on the rhythm of the performance, and couldn't find the state of performance. More importantly, he didn't know what he was doing. There seemed to be a gap between the whole person and the character, and he couldn't build a bridge. This was definitely the first time in the world. .

From an objective point of view, the performance just now was really good. The details, levels, depth and strength of the performance are just right in every link, not too exaggerated, while maintaining the fullness of the whole mood, showing all the pain and sorrow, precise control cannot be said to be the peak State, but it is indeed accurate.

From a technical point of view, such a performance is sufficient. Regarding this point, Tony and Renly have reached a consensus. If this article is adopted and used directly in the movie, there is no problem, and it is enough to satisfy Tony.

But on the other hand, Tony faintly felt that something was missing, but couldn't say why. From the director's standpoint, sufficient emotions, proper performance, and proper rhythm are all there is to it. His hesitation and hesitation are nothing more than self-questioning and self-making difficulties in pursuit of perfection. If you can achieve one hundred points, why should you be satisfied with ninety-nine points?

Tony's idea was approved by Lan Li.

However, Lan Li’s perspective is completely different. For the actors, the scene just now lacks a little spark. The little bit of chemical reaction is inaccurate in words, actions, and expressions. This kind of feeling, the illusory feeling. It's like in the process of artistic creation: it doesn't feel right. Everything was right, but it didn't feel right, so nothing was right.

For the role of Henry Bart, and for the script of "Transcendence", Renley conducted a comprehensive and thorough research. He understood Tony and Carl's intentions, and also understood the role of the role, and at the same time presented the role of the most accurate performance. Emotions and emotions, so what is missing?

My mind is full of countless thoughts, how to show sadness, how to show pain, how to show change, every detail is so vivid. The acting skills learned during my studies in the college flooded every corner of my brain. I repeatedly took out the scene just now for review, and even refined the details of every expression, all in a mess, fundamentally Can't think.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath again, Lan Li knows that he can't be impatient. At this moment, impatientness can't help. Anyway, they have been stuck here for the fourth day. No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse. Instead of this, it is better to slow down and organize your thoughts. If you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools. Now backing is to move forward better.

Slowed down, walked along the street, took out the cigarette from his pocket, this time, in order to play Henry, the cigarette is always on the body, which saves trouble. Involuntarily, he thought of the anxious appearances of Nathan and Roy, but Lanly felt a little funny, and the corners of his mouth relaxed a little.

From the perspective of performanceist acting, this scene shows the emotions that are so sad that they can’t help themselves. The pain to the extreme, the torture to the extreme, and the sadness to the extreme, so that the tears continue to slide down on the bus. The bottom broke out.

Then he saw Erica, and Henry felt more sad, as if he had seen himself, falling continuously in the abyss of hell, without seeing the end, but he knew that no one could help her, even if it helped, things would still happen. It won't be better, because he is still in **** now, constantly slipping and never seeing the end.

As a result, his emotions calmed down, despair gradually came to life, and he returned to the state of numbness, sadness and joy, but the sadness and bitterness between his eyes could not disappear for a while, making the mood of his eyebrows change. It's a little deeper.

In a performance, it can be divided into three stages and three levels. The emotions rise and fall, and each layer is deep, which puts forward high requirements for the accuracy and meticulousness of the acting. In yesterday's shooting, he never had enough control over this kind of measure, and the finished product was naturally unsatisfactory, so what about this time just now?

With a cigarette in his mouth, the soothing but a little irritating fragrance lingers under the nose, a little bit of concentration condenses.

The first wailing and crying, the emotions were completely released, the helplessness of trying to control but still falling apart, magnifying the sorrow infinitely; the subsequent silent tears, the pain began to bite the heart bit by bit, the emotion that was already numb, I felt the pain deep into my soul again; the last numb silence returned to the previous dead silence.

The whole performance has a clear hierarchy, a clear rhythm, and a clear main line, connecting the whole emotions in one go. If he takes the details seriously, he does still have some room for improvement. For example, in the second stage of emotional changes, he can slow down a little bit, show the whole change, and strengthen the connection between Henry and Erica. But when he watched the replay just now, he didn't feel that way. It was not the adjustment of a certain part, but the lack of a certain part.

So, what is missing?

Tracing back to the source, where did the emotional details of the performanceist acting come from? The connection between the character and the story is simply, why did Henry cry? Why are you crying on the bus? Why did it crash at this point in time?

Revisit the timeline of the whole night: sleepless all night, wandering around late at night, phone calls from the hospital, persuading grandfather, condemning the nursing staff, and then a complete emotional breakdown on the bus on the return journey.

Undoubtedly, my grandfather is the focus of this timeline. While taking care of his grandfather and going to bed, the old man suffering from Alzheimer's disease muttered to himself, "Many old people sleep a lot before they die. Isn't it silly?" Looking at his grandfather. With a look of despair and loss, Henry felt a deep helplessness.

Henry then picked up his grandfather's diary. According to the doctor's request, in order to overcome the illness, my grandfather must practice writing regularly and record all the fragments that appeared in his mind. But the entire diary is blank. Henry suddenly realized that the footsteps of death were gradually approaching.

But even so, my grandfather still remembers his mother's suicidal thoughts. It seems that from that moment on, my grandfather's time has completely stopped, and his life completely stopped on that night; and why is he not like this? As long as he closes his eyes, he can see his mother's body lying in the bathroom, foaming at the mouth, holding scattered white pills in his hand, such a picture is deeply imprinted in his mind, no matter what. Don't go.

My mother chose to end up with herself, and my grandfather chose to live in the past, leaving him alone, facing everything alone, and staggeringly grew up. Now, even his grandfather is leaving him. He is terrified, trying to stay away from his grandfather, to build his own life, and refuse to indulge in the pain of the past; he is reluctant, his grandfather is his only involvement in this world It was also the only buffer between him and life. If even his grandfather had left the sadness and pain, Henry would lose control of his emotions and vent his anger to the caregiver for an unprecedented time.

The turbulent memories, and the fear of the future, broke the mask that Henry had been struggling to maintain, tears streaming down his face.

But if it's just that, then Lan Li's performance just now is in place. All the performance framework, content and details are all derived from the current situation of my grandfather and the memories of my mother. The sadness deep in my bones makes my tears unstoppable, but there is still a missing piece of the puzzle. The most important piece.

Take a deep The unlit cigarette is just dry and deflated, and the cold air is drawn into the lungs along the breath, and there is a chill, and the surface of the skin emerges. Goose bumps got up and raised his head, but his eyes were full of frustration. It was around two midnight at this time, and there were no people on the street, but Lan Li knew that the outlaws and homeless people who wandered outside were still stuck in this indifference.

The dilapidated building on the corner of the street is an old second-hand store. Almost every day, you can see people coming here with their belongings to mortgage and sell them in exchange for a little bit of meager cash, so that life can continue to be supported.

Not long ago, Lan Li personally saw a skinny prostitute/girl holding a thrown bed sheet and quilt, begging the shopkeeper, trying to complete the transaction, but this is no longer the war years of shortage of supplies, and these things are simply changed. No money. Finally, the shopkeeper raised his rifle and drove away the stubborn prostitute/girl.

After the woman left the store, she fainted on the street. A passing police officer/chat was unbearable and threw ten dollars to her. Just when Lan Li thought she would buy a little milk and bread to satisfy her hunger, the next second, she found the drug/trafficker with ten dollars, kneeled on her knees, begging each other bitterly, hoping to get a little bit/ drug. Even just a few pills/shakes/heads/pills.

This is reality, this is life.

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