The Greatest Showman

Chapter 567: Packaging Agreement

The simple social occasions made Michael chuckle, as if he didn't understand the deep meaning of Andy's words, and he nodded in affirmation, "We also look forward to continuing to cooperate with Lan Li." Then Then he looked at Neil who was sitting next to him, and said cryptically, "This good news, do you say it? Or me?"

Neil didn't tear down the stage this time, smiled and stretched out his hand to signal, and handed over the right to announce important news to Michael.

Michael smiled brightly and looked at Andy again. "As mentioned by Neil just now, we are now conceiving the script and at the same time enriching the characters. We have always thought that Luke Hobbs is a very interesting We are always expecting him to play a more important role."

"You should have heard that before Renly, we considered Dawn Johnson to play this role. The reason is very simple, not because Dawn can give the character charm, but because we believe that this character has more stories. Digging, and Dawn can shoulder the weight of the role and the story behind it." Michael's confident and confident expression made his words full of personal charm, "But unfortunately, the final cooperation did not succeed, but fortunately The thing is, we found Lan Li, and he completed an incredible task. Now, the weight of the entire character rests on Lan Li."

At this point, Michael paused for a moment, his mysterious expression revealing a trace of excitement, deliberately creating suspense, invisibly, the weight of these words increased a little, "We are discussing, with Lan Li as the core. To create a movie that belongs to Luke Hobbes!"

Heavy news. It seems that Andy's inside information is not groundless, and Universal Pictures is indeed considering this matter.

"To be precise, this is not the first proposal that has appeared on the table. We are always looking for the right time. Now it seems that maybe the time is up." Michael said with a confident smile on his face. With a circumstance and a loud voice, "We believe that Renly can give this rumored movie more personality charm and thus achieve success. The only question now is whether Lanly is ready?"

On the surface, this is good news. But there are a lot of dry goods hidden in it

Michael said that Luke Hobbs’s rumor has been considered for a long time, not because of the success of the recent film, but the original idea; Michael said that if it were Dawn Johnson, the rumored movie may have been Entering the production stage, the reason for hesitation is that Lanly's weight is still inferior to Dawn; Michael said that now that the rumor is on the agenda again, Universal Pictures is optimistic about Lanly's prospects.

To put it simply, Michael meant that the rumor was not the credit of Renly, and Universal Pictures was willing to give the important responsibility of rumor to Renly, which was a commendable trust. Even Dawn did not get such treatment. Digging deeper, it can be understood that even if Lan Li is unwilling to play, they can always get Dawn back at any time.

Regarding the ability to open his eyes and tell lies, Andy feels that he is still slightly inferior to Michael. The right and wrong are all turned upside down. If there is no blue gift, "speed and excitement/love 5" can get 300 million box office in North America, these are two things, but what is certain is that if it is not the blue gift, Hobbes is the role. There is absolutely no current popularity and momentum, and it is even more unlikely that there will be a rumor.

Hollywood's film industry is very mature, and it is not uncommon to make film rumours. When "X-Men" was released, Magneto and Professor x were the absolute core protagonists, but unexpectedly became popular with Wolverine, so the "Wolverine" series appeared. Rumor: After the release of "Wolverine", the box office performance failed to meet expectations, but it became popular with Deadpool. Seven years later, the rumor movie "Deadpool" swept the army.

In addition to this, the "Call of Souls" series has a rumor "Annabel", the "Chain Saw" series has also considered a special "Jigsaw" rumor, and the "Despicable Me" series has a rumor "Little Yellow Man with Big Eyes" even Achieved a more outstanding box office than this series, the "Star Wars" rumor "Rogue One" is also highly acclaimed, even the word-of-mouth and award-winning TV series "Breaking Bad" also went out of the rumor "Wind/Sao/Lawyer ", and so on.

But what is certain is that the difficulty of making a rumored movie has increased exponentially.

Firstly, most of the rumored stories are developed with supporting actors as the core. Whether the appeal of supporting actors can support a movie and attract audiences to the cinema is a huge unknown; secondly, the original role of supporting actors is not enough, how? Derived from the original and interacted with the original, this is a severe test for the screenwriter; thirdly, most of the supporting actors are second-line and third-line actors, and they do not have box office appeal, so production costs and box office expectations are even more difficult to measure Up.

Any film company must be cautious when making a rumor, not to mention that "Deadpool" has been dragging on for seven years before it can take off. The popular black widows and Hulks in the "Avengers", Gaiden movies have always been difficult to give birth, and the Gaiden of Catwoman, Transfiguration Girl, and Phoenix Woman in the "X-Men" series are also repeatedly considered.

In other words, even if "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" has won the box office of 300 million in North America, Luke Hobbs's rumored film is still an unknown number, and Universal Pictures could not have decided to establish the project so hastily; Not to mention that the rumored work is confirmed before the movie is released. Michael made it clear that he was fooling around, and put on a condescending posture.

So, is this Michael's personal attitude or the attitude of Universal Pictures?

Andy thought about it seriously, this is in line with Ron Meyer's style of acting, and also in line with Universal Pictures' style of acting in the past few years.

In 2004, DreamWorks did not manage well and announced its separation. The film department and the animation department were separated. At that time, the film department led by Steven Spielberg generally believed that it would sign a cooperation agreement with Universal Pictures, because Steven Spielberg He Lang's personal relationship is very close, and he can be called a good friend. But the deal failed to complete. Rumors say that Lang refused to compromise because of the small distribution of copyright dividends, and eventually pushed his friend to Paramount.

Later in 2009, the cooperation agreement between DreamWorks and Paramount ended, Steven once again led the film department to leave, and Universal Pictures once again became the first choice. As a result, Lang and Steven directly talked about it, and it could even be said that they turned against each other. In the end, Disney opened up and accepted the DreamWorks film department led by Steven.

This is Universal Pictures, which ranks among the six major Hollywood studios, but has always been complacent and unrelenting, and has gradually declined, but still holds the posture of a top big company.

Andy suddenly understood something: Neil mentioned Fan's reasons several times in front of Michael, and it was obvious that Neil was also protesting in this way. Not because Neal is on Renley's side, but because Neil is dissatisfied with Michael's style of acting. In the final analysis, Neal is still defending his interests as a producer.

"Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" has just won the box office, but I didn't expect that internal problems started to appear. Andy laughed blankly.

Following the curvature of the corner of his mouth, Andy smiled happily, "Wow, the amount of information is a bit large, so the topic of our discussion today is...Gaiden?" He originally thought it was a sequel.

"No, no, no." Michael slowly leaned against the back of the chair and raised Erlang's legs. The protagonist's posture couldn't be more obvious. He stood up with the armrest supported by his right hand and swung lightly to deny. "What we are discussing now is a package agreement for a rumor, two sequels, and a total of three works."

Andy raised his jaw exaggeratedly. "I forgot. Neil just mentioned two sequels."

Andy's attitude pleased Michael, he nodded contentedly, "Yes, the two sequels are the point. Our current thinking is to start shooting the rumored movie first, and then shoot the two sequels in succession. The rumored story is best to be in the sixth. Before the movie."

Surely and swearly, if Andy hadn't been in battle, he might have believed it. However, now that Michael has made up his mind, has the initiative in the entire negotiation, and has shown such a strong self-confidence, Andy will follow the flow of the boat and continue to watch the changes, waiting for Universal Pictures to show the conditions, "Then, about this Three works, what other details do I need to know?"

Michael adjusted his sitting posture, coughed slightly, and then said with a smile, "This is Neil's job, I won't interfere."

Cunning, at the most important moment, Michael took a step back and threw the tricky question to Neal. Of course, Michael is certainly not a stupid being able to climb to such a height. Perhaps, the arrogant posture just now was originally a scene. Who can say it for Andy?

Neal obviously doesn’t like this hot, but he has no room to refuse, “We are still discussing. At the meeting just now, we initially determined the projects for the rumor and two sequels, and of course the blue The important position of Li. But regarding the details, there is no charter yet. We need to further determine the position of Lan Li in the crew. We also need to seek the opinions of Fan and Paul. The opinions of the two screenwriters cannot be ignored. Of course, There are Lan Li's opinions."

If the external faxing takes place, then in the two sequels, Lanly will naturally not be the "third protagonist", but will be the core protagonist on par with Fan and Paul, just like Hugh Jackman in the "X-Men" The status in the series is the same. As a result, the distribution of the roles of the three protagonists is bound to be a major issue.

However, in these flattering scenes, Andy's left ear goes in and his right ear comes out. He can see that Neil is walking in circles, constantly wearing a high hat, and avoiding the core topic, which makes Andy have a somewhat ominous premonition.

But after going back, and carefully recalling all the details of today, Andy found that this kind of ominous premonition had been there from the beginning, and it was not groundless.

Neil adjusted his sitting posture. It seemed that he was sitting uncomfortably. Then he said a few more words in Mandarin. Then he said, "We hope to sign a cooperation agreement with Lanli for three works, with each work being three hundred and five hundred. One hundred thousand dollars in remuneration is a condition."

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