The Greatest Showman

Chapter 572: Handy

Henry sat behind the desk, looking down at the student's homework, his left hand supporting his head, his open palm covering most of his face, if his fingertips wandered between the temples and the end of the eyebrows and the tips of his brows, faintly Seeing his tight fingertips gently rubbing his temples, the fatigue and helplessness between the eyebrows were like thick ink dripping into the clear water, slowly dizzy.

The right hand that was reading the homework stopped abruptly and turned back to the previous page. In an instant, the out-of-focus eyes came to mind again, and he continued to focus on the homework. Then there was a trivial sound of opening the door at the door. Asking Henry to raise his head, his left hand slid down to the position of his chin, and he looked towards the door unobstructed.

It's Meredith.

"Hi, Mr. Bart."

"Hi, Meredith." Henry twitched his lips and greeted Meredith's visit with a smile, "Are you okay?"

Meredith held a big **** envelope in his hand, gently closed the door of the classroom, met Henry's gaze, and could not help but lowered his head, avoiding his sight, and raised his hand. She tilted her head and tried to conceal her jerky and nervousness, but did not find that she was on the same hands and feet, "Very well, I'm fine." She stood at the door of the classroom cleverly and restrained, not daring to approach, and raised her hands 'S envelope, said timidly, "I made a photo for you."

Henry then noticed Meredith’s alienation, beckoned, and said in a kind tone, "Come here." He glanced at the homework in front of him, quickly drew two lines with his pen, and then put down the pen in his hand. , Raised his head and looked at Meredith, who was slowly approaching, "Did you really make it?"

"Yes." Meredith caught the faint smile at the corner of Henry's mouth, but the shallow arc was warm. A little nervous apart from being shy, he lowered his head and chuckled, almost answering Henry's question with a breath.

Seeing Henry taking the envelope, Meredith walked forward and backed up again, but in the end he walked two small steps forward, standing by Henry’s side, turning his head to watch Henry from the envelope. He pulled out his own work, fiddling with the ring on his finger anxiously and nervously, his mouth became dry from tension, and he kept pressing his lips.

Heng used both hands to hold the entire work of Meredith, staring deeply and intently. This is a photographic work. On the left is an empty classroom, and on the right is a bust of him, but there is no face, just staring at the empty classroom. The black and white tones are cold and heavy, giving rise to an inner sadness and loneliness.

Henry's eyes deepened involuntarily, and the sadness between his eyebrows sparsely spilled into the depths of his eyes, "Wow." He sighed in a low voice, but his eyes never looked away, just so quiet. Quietly looking at the photographs in his hands. The reason why art is so important is that it reflects everyone’s heart to some extent. Painting, photography, film, and music are all like this, so are creators and so are viewers. Different hearts are in the same art. In the product, it reflects different depth and content.

"...It's really beautiful." Henry sighed in a low voice. The hoarse and low voice echoed deep in his throat. "Really talented." He exclaimed sincerely as if talking to himself. , Meredith’s shy but cheerful voice "Thank you" came in his ears, which interrupted Henry’s thoughts, raised his head, frowned slightly, and doubts appeared in his eyes, "You have been creating for a long time. A while?"

Meredith was overwhelmed with shyness and scratched his head. Even though he was suppressed, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably, and his smile fell deep in his eyes, "Since I was a child." Meredith. With his head down, his chin was almost close to his chest. Even if he bit his lower lip, there was still no corner of the mouth that could restrain the outline.

Henry looked at Meredith in a daze, with a smile on his face, but adding a touch of loneliness, and looked down at the work in his hand, "a blank face, standing next to me. In an empty classroom." His eyes gradually deepened and he fell into his own thoughts, and asked softly, "Is this me in your eyes? Meredith?"

Those deep pupils are disappearing bit by bit, like the photo in the hand, the face is disappearing.

When Meredith heard these words, she shyly and hurriedly avoided her sight, as if her inner girl's thoughts had been spied on, and quickly stepped back two steps, grasping the hem of her vest jacket with both hands cramped and restrained. She gently shook her body like a girl. But then, she gradually froze, Henry's profile fell into her eyes, and the loneliness and sorrow of old helplessness flowed quietly, and her emotions could not help but settle down, and her gaze stared at Henry in this way. Watching quietly.

"I don't know what you look like in my eyes..." Meredith paused for a moment and seemed to be caught in her own thoughts. Involuntarily, her eyes followed Henry and fell on her own work. "This is just a little bit of my thoughts about your current situation." Meredith recalled the process of her creation, "Have you ever wondered what kind of people the teachers are like outside of campus? In real life."

Henry put down the work in his hand, slowly leaned against the back of the chair, raised his hand and rubbed his temple, intentionally or unconsciously opened the distance between him and Meredith, "I guess so. This classroom Is it true in your eyes?"

Meredith didn’t know how to answer. He paused, and then he saw Henry raise his eyes. The two people met in four eyes. This awakened Meredith’s memories and explained in a panic, “I’m at school. Observe you nearby..." Her words hesitated a little, but she continued, "You always look so sad."

The corner of Henry's mouth was raised slightly, showing a smile, but the stretched eyebrows and deep eyes, but a layer of cold mist floated, the lonely sadness in the smile made people feel more distressed.

Meredith tried to speak, but found herself sobbing inexplicably, her eyes flushed slightly, she avoided Henry's sight in embarrassment, shrugged her shoulders, and did not let go, as if expressing her helplessness. It also seems to be establishing his own defense mechanism, "Maybe..." Meredith's words were a little unspeakable, and her voice became quieter, just saying to herself, "Maybe your life is not going well."

The pain of empathy caused her words to become fragmented, almost whispering. She quietly looked at Henry from the corner of her gaze. Her lower lip began to turn white because of the force of her teeth. She was cautious, uneasy, hesitant, uneasy, hesitant, nervous, but with a desire. That strong emotion made her 'S voice also became hoarse, "If you want to find someone to talk to..."

The words that followed disappeared into his throat, and he could even vaguely hear the cry for fear of losing because of fear of exposure.

Henry raised his gaze and looked at Meredith carefully. The bitter and sad smile on the corner of his mouth rose again, but it soon calmed down. A kind of smile flashed across his eyes, and then he stood. He got up, maintaining the equal status between him and Meredith. Even though he was taller than Meredith with more than two heads, his sight was placed at the same height as Meredith. on.

Henry tried to get closer to Meredith, but he paused, and he took a small step back, keeping the distance between the two. He lowered his head, thought carefully, chewed carefully, and then concealed all the mixed emotions under his eyes, regaining the usual alienation and indifferentness, and then raised his head again, "Meredith?"

"Yes, sir." Meredith raised her head, looked at the teacher in front of her with admiration and closeness, searching for the look between the eyebrows little by little.

Henry raised his hand and tried to rub his temples, but stopped in mid-air and stopped abruptly, because he realized the fragility and heaviness revealed by this action, and let out a sigh of relief. Henry said seriously, "You Need someone to talk to?"

Meredith’s nose was sour, her eyes began to turn red, and her voice was trembling slightly. She nodded vigorously, "Yes..." But her voice became fragmented, and she said earnestly and desperately, "You can and May I talk?"

Henry closed his eyes lightly, concealing the flash of sadness and pain in his eyes, and then nodded in affirmation.

Meredith took a small step forward eagerly, but saw Henry's upper body stiffen. He did not dodge, but the muscles of his back were frozen and stiff, and the physical space was shrinking, but it brought spirits. The expansion of space, the insurmountable alienation is like an invisible wall, which activates the defense mechanism.

He is not indifferent, let alone cold-blooded, but fear, fear, withdrawal, worry, and despair. He is like an abyss of despair. Anyone who comes close to him will be crushed to pieces. He tries to help others but is always destroyed. He didn't want to destroy Meredith.

Meredith, who was immersed in her own thoughts, didn't notice when talking to you, there was a feeling of being seen through everything. "Meredith's eyes flushed slightly, tears filled, and a deep nasal voice said. The sadness and despair reflected Henry's soul.

Henry dropped his eyes quickly. The glimmer of light swallowed all emotions. He nodded slightly and said softly, "I did see you. Meredith." It was because he saw May. Redis, he saw the devastated soul, so he had to keep his distance, "Do you want to talk to Doctor Parker?"

"Oh, please." Meredith was disappointed, this is not the answer she wanted, because of anger, because of anxiety, she could not help stomping her foot, and then took a small step forward, venting her emotions, inadvertently The leaked negative emotions are burning, "Don't talk to me about the counselor!"

Henry quickly raised his hands to express his surrender, calming Meredith's emotions, "No, I didn't mean that." He tried to avoid the sight, but knew that it was not a wise choice. He hesitated, but he still watched. While holding Meredith, his body began to lean back, leaning against the blackboard, sitting on the back of the chair, and pulling the distance between the two people again.

"What can I do?"

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