The Greatest Showman

Chapter 578: Grassroots life

New York in the middle of the night is a different scene, the old subway car clanks, messy graffiti, messy stains, dilapidated seats, occasionally exposed electrical circuits, and suddenly it doesn’t light up at a certain moment. The lighting lamp has traveled through the time and space of a hundred years and walked in this dark and narrow tunnel, precipitating the power of time and recording history that people do not understand.

Leaving the bustling and hustle and bustle of Manhattan, the subway carrying most of the people in the carriages drove toward another world, from heaven to hell, from the prosperous age to decadence, the bizarre scene reflected on the numb and sluggish faces, just It seems that the movie "Transcendence" looks calm on the surface, but deep inside it is already vicissitudes of life. Looking at the dim light that occasionally leaked through the window, Lan Li had the illusion of shooting an epic blockbuster.

During this time, Lan Li did not live in his lower/urban apartment, but in a rental house in the Bronx. It was just across the street from Henry’s rental house in the movie, and he could walk every day. At work, all the people living around are prostitutes/women, addicts/gentlemen, alcoholics and vagrants, like a bottomless abyss of chaos, but extremely real.

Lan Li hopes to maintain the state of acting, but also hopes to further experience the daily life of the Bronx, and truly integrate himself into the whole story.

Sitting in the subway is a very interesting thing. Occasionally, you can hear someone talking about "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5". Of course, not all of them are good things. But they never knew that the person they were talking about was sitting in the subway, no more than a step away from them.

For Lan Li, leaving the camera lens and leaving the screen, then he is an ordinary person, an ordinary young man, and he doesn't think he is special. Occasionally, I went to the bar for a drink with my friends, and then discussed with strangers about the annoying movies I liked, thinking about what I should do for the next vacation, or if I slept in and woke up naturally. At least the last time he confirmed, he didn't have super powers, and it was useless to wear underwear.

When he arrived at the station, Lan Li walked down quickly and left the subway station with the crowd. The cold wind outside caused a chill, and the alcohol felt a little bit on the brain. Originally it was a good bottle of beer, but in the end it was three bottles of beer and a glass of whiskey. Renly knew that this was not the original plan, but he did not regret it.

The brain is actually very clear, but when the steps are light, he walked deep and shallow towards his temporary apartment. There are indeed many homeless people on this street, but Lan Li is already familiar with the road, and his simple and desolate appearance makes people not interested in robbery, and he returned to the apartment peacefully all the way.

It is said that it is an apartment, but it is actually a single room. Apart from a mattress and a table, there is nothing left. Even if someone broke in, they couldn't find anything to steal. Therefore, seeing the light revealed under the crack of the door, Lan Li didn't care either. He didn't take out the key, but tried to twist the door handle. As expected, the thin wooden door opened directly.

Pushing open the door, the narrow room was clear at a glance, and then three people were seen sitting curled up on the mattress. The crowded posture looked like victims trapped in the ice cave in winter and had to hug each other to keep warm, but The fact is that all three of them were sweating profusely at this time, looking embarrassed and embarrassed.

Lan Li was happy for a moment, and laughed lowly, "What's the matter with the three of you? Do I remember there is a chair?" One person sits on a chair and two people sit on a mattress. They don't know how crowded. "There is also an electric fan, why not turn it on?"

Naturally, there is no air-conditioning in this rental house. Although it is now August, the heat is still not cool; the outdoor temperature at night drops sharply, but there is inevitably some sultry indoors. The three people crowded into a group, naturally sweating profusely, as if they had just been fished out of the water.

Raising his head and looking at the refreshing Lan Li, Roy Rockley rolled his eyes ill-tempered; Andy Rogers had a good temper, took out his handkerchief and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead; in the end, it was Nathan- Press explained, "The electric fan is broken and the chair is missing."

The two dry sentences were explained clearly, but looking at the plight of the three people, Lan Li smiled even more joyously.

I staggered to the window, opened the curtains, and opened the window, "You can sit on the table, sit on the floor with the script, and open the window for ventilation. If it doesn’t work, there is still beer in the refrigerator. , And ice cubes. You look like you are in a sauna."

"Len Li, you'd better go back to live in Xia/City." It was Andy who was speaking, earnestly persuading, "Anyway, now the filming of the movie is almost over. I asked Tony about it. It’s time to finish. It doesn’t make much sense to stay here. It’s not convenient or safe to live here."

Roy pulled on the button of his shirt and said directly, "I have persuaded him several times, but he refused to listen. I thought you should know him better than I do."

Open the refrigerator, the beer has been drunk, and even the ice cubes have been used up. Obviously, without the help of a certain man, Lan Li completely forgot to go to the supermarket to replenish the goods; then walked into the bathroom and found I took the stool I had forgotten here before, and moved it out. Looking at Nathan’s stunned expression, Lan Li gave a "hush", "Don't ask what happened." Finally, I looked through the cabinet and found some newspapers and The magazine was thrown on the ground next to the mattress, indicating that they could spread it out and sit on the floor.

"I heard gunshots and cursing outside just now; there seems to be an accident in the next room, and the sound of fighting can be faintly heard." Nathan answered Lan Li's doubts-why the three would rather huddle together. I was sweating profusely, and I didn't want to open the window. "I haven't heard the sound of the police siren for a long time. You said, should we call the police?"

"Gunshots?" Lan Li thought for a while, "Is it in bursts, with a short interval in between, but the time is not necessarily; and then the curse is the level of the black language?" Nathan nodded repeatedly to express his affirmation. Lan Li suddenly realized that he waved his hand, "The gangsters in the street next to you are playing beer cans. Sometimes, sometimes they play it every night for several days; sometimes there is no movement at intervals of three or four days. It seems, What's going on tonight again."

Lan Li's understatement made it so that the three people in front of him were stunned, but he was still undecided, "As for the next door, that is the queen of the role's'. She has a job every night. He used to fight with me. Hello.” After a pause, Lan Li recalled it seriously, “I remember talking to you before, this is a funny thing.”

Nathan opened his mouth wide, laughing is uglier than crying, and shook his head to express his innocence.

"Oh. That's forgotten to say." Lan Li shook his head nonchalantly, then looked at the sweaty three people in front of him, "Do I need to make you a pot of coffee?"

Andy and Roy looked at each other, but saw similar emotions in each other's eyes: shock, helplessness, absurdity, smile.

Prior to this, the two had already made many phone calls. It was not a completely unknown relationship, but today was the first official meeting between the agent and manager of Lanly. After all, it was still a bit strange. However, at this moment, the two people seemed to be sick and pity each other and found a common language.

In fact, they all persuaded Lan Li. It’s too dangerous to live here. It is almost frightening at every step, but Lan Li insists on going his own way. They also hope that Nathan can live with Lan Li, at least living next door. They could take care of each other, but Lan Li firmly refused, saying that he must maintain the same living conditions as Henry.

Both Andy and Roy can be regarded as veteran social figures who have experienced many battles and have a clear understanding of the dark side of society. But even for Roy, his living conditions are not good, and the environment in the neighborhood is not so bad, let alone Andy. Suddenly entering such a perilous and fearful neighborhood, the instinct/ability to survive will inevitably gain the upper hand.

Lan Li remembered the first night he transformed into a tramp, like a frightened bird. The reaction to the three people is not surprising.

Seeing that Lan Li was busy with everything and finally sat on the floor directly on the newspaper spread out next to the mattress, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Lan Li's footsteps were a bit unstable, but his expression was very calm.

Roy sat on the round stool, and finally stretched out the chubby Andy on the mattress. He exchanged his sights again, and his eyes flickered in confusion:

The usual Lan Li is always elegant, calm and generous, even movie fans kindly call him "Young Master", not to mention their close partners. They all guessed that even if Lan Li was not from a wealthy family, at least he had received a good higher education, or even a scholarly family.

So, why is the elegant Lanli, adapting to the grassroots life so calmly? Not even the slightest bit of discomfort? Is it really too deep into the play? However, during the filming process of the drama "Transcendence", Lan Li showed no signs of such madness at all. How can this be explained?

One is an agent and the other is a manager. To some extent, these are the two people Renly trusts most in Hollywood. But both of them felt that there seemed to be more and more unsolvable mysteries hidden in Lan Li's body, and they couldn't determine whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. It should be... a good thing, right?

Looking at his watch, Lan Li took the initiative to break the silence in the room, "What's the matter, what's the matter, did you come here on a special trip? I have 30 minutes to rest."

"Did you drink tonight? Do you need to sober up?" Roy could see that Lan Li was in a slightly different state tonight.

Lan Li showed a big smile and waved his hand nonchalantly, "That's good, not even the slight drunkenness." It is actually good to enjoy the slight drunkenness of this moment occasionally, like a fish jumping out of the water. Although Lan Li still missed the open sea even more, he began to miss surfing.

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