The Greatest Showman

Chapter 587: Joking about 8 hexagrams

The summer sun penetrated the window lattices and spilled over the whole room. The soft gold warmed the cold-toned indoor space a little bit, and the cold and empty room gradually gave birth to a touch of vitality.

Matthew walked into the house, but had to stand on tiptoe, as if he was hopscotch, avoiding the clothes and socks, backpacks and books that were littered on the floor. The clean and tidy hall was like the scene of a disaster; let’s take a look at the kitchen. On the dining table, there are opened lunch boxes, all kinds of ingredients are randomly placed, and two washed apples are randomly thrown on the table, and some vegetable leaves are scattered, like a tornado passing by.

Sometimes, Matthew strongly suspected that Lanly did this on purpose. In the past, at home, in order to irritate Elizabeth, he deliberately threw things away. Over time, he failed to make Elizabeth lose his temper, but he left the habit of losing things. Of course, it is more likely that this guy is a complete life idiot.

Glancing at the location of the bed, it was empty and there was no one; the sound of water faintly came from the bathroom. The whereabouts of the owner of this house also became clear.

Looking back at the chaotic room, Matthew closed his eyes, seeing nothing. But after all, he still couldn't control the irritability caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he opened his eyes again, put down the briefcase, hung the suit jacket on the hanger, rolled up the shirt sleeves, and started to get busy.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and the sound of water in the kitchen rang. Matthew turned his head, and then saw Lan Li, who was wiping his hair and walking out barefoot, frowning. Severe hygienic patients, every time they see such a scene, they feel a headache, "Either put on slippers or sit on the sofa. The floor hasn't been dragged for two days."

Lan Li's footsteps stopped slightly, "Huh, two days? I thought you would clean up regularly every day." The natural tone, as if Matthew was his cleaning assistant. But to be honest, neither the cleaning assistant nor the housekeeper did as well as Matthew's cleaning work. This is the evaluation of Matthew's sister Charlotte.

Matthew has long been accustomed to it, "It just happened to be busy with an important case these two days." This is considered to explain the reason, but there is no in-depth explanation. Finished all the tableware in the kitchen, dried his hands, poured two cups of coffee that had just been brewed, walked to the hall, took out the coaster from under the coffee table, and put the two cups on it, and then at Lanli I sat down next to him, "What about you? After the work is over, what are your plans next?"

"Well, I'm thinking about learning to dive and getting a deep-sea diving license." Just after "Transcendence" was completed, Lan Li was still a little bit disappointed, but when it came to diving, his expression began to fly again, "You know what? Paul because I love the ocean crazily, and I also studied a marine-related major and got a degree certificate. I am thinking whether Paul will lead me to the Caribbean to learn about diving systematically."

"I thought you were still learning to surf." Matthew picked up his coffee and began to enjoy it slowly.

"Surfing, of course, I will continue to learn. I don't know if I will be free this Christmas, I want to go to Oahu to try the tube-shaped waves." Lan Li thought seriously, which made Matthew overturned. A blank eye, vomited, "Are you sure? If I remember correctly, the tube-shaped huge wave is a disaster for non-professionals, and may even be injured."

Lan Li pulled the corner of his mouth, shrugged, and then also picked up the coffee. With that noncommittal appearance, Matthew could only shook his head helplessly. Lan Li is a person who dares to take risks, dare to enjoy, and dare to take on this point, even Edith and Charlotte admire them very much. Among the aristocratic class, they are a complete alien.

"I'm still seriously considering acting in a drama. I deeply feel that no matter how hard I exercise, the basic skills still need to be polished. But now it's only in the consideration stage." For Matthew, Lan Li felt no What was concealed, I said it smoothly.

Of course, Lan Li also knows that the current West End and Broadway in London, the overall business situation is very sluggish, whether it is a new generation of actors or older generation actors, it is not easy to find a job-because Even opening a new play is difficult.

Nowadays, most of the repertoires that are regularly staged in London’s West End and Broadway are classic dramas that have been circulating for more than ten or twenty years, such as "Miss Saigon", such as "The Phantom of the Opera". They are all rehearsed to attract tourists. Repertoires that focus on performance and focus on art have gradually narrowed the living space.

Therefore, it is not easy for Lanly to find a job in London's West End and Broadway.

Matthew's thinking direction was different from that of Lanly. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "West London? Or Broadway?"

"Is there any difference?" Lan Li said with a chuckle.

Although the repertoires of the two regions are still quite different, it is very common for Broadway repertoires to be staged in the West End of London and West End troupe touring on Broadway in a globalized environment. But what Matthew said obviously did not mean this-London's West End, it was in London, the Hall's home base.

Matthew glanced at Lan Li helplessly, and then talked about an anecdote, "When Eaton went back to London last month, almost everyone mentioned your name when they met. Rumor has it that George was on vacation in the Lake District because of the humidity. Too heavy, sick, and absent from the summer party in August."

The two simple sentences, and some of the prefaces are not followed by the words, but they show the gossip and secrets of the London aristocracy to the fullest.

It is widely known because of a simple and rude commercial film like "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5". For the Hall family, this is an ugly family ugly; for other aristocratic classes, this is a joke around watching. Although it is said that independent art films like "Buried alive" and "Crazy Love", the situation is not much better, even the drama has gradually declined, let alone Hollywood as a commercial center; but "speed and excitement/ "Emotion 5" is definitely worsening and adding fuel to the fire.

"It seems that Eaton should invite me to dinner, otherwise, those boring ladies must be busy introducing him to him." But Lan Li was calm and still had time to joke. Looking at the expressionless Matthew, Lan Li waved his hand, "They are a group of old scholars of the church who think they are the center of the world, but have long been reduced to the margins of society. In Andrei’s words, their so-called gossip and Nagging, it's boring than a love confession for a /prostitute/girl."

The aristocracy is a very small circle. Even a person who misses breakfast because of bed-breaking may become an afternoon tea conversation. From such a topic to the desolation and chaos of the family, there are no rules at all. The situation of fund operation has also gone from bad to worse, so that the parents hope to improve the family situation through the marriage and marriage of their children. And so on, the gossip continues endlessly.

Not to mention rebels like Renly and Andre, every move can trigger people's discussion. If every gossip must be cared about, if every speech will be responded to, then they simply don't want to live, and open a hotline every day to answer them specifically. This is the best policy.

However, Eaton-Domer is an honest, not a personality that likes to refute with his lips. Faced with such a frenzied bombardment, he should be unable to resist.

"If you really go back to the West End of London, remember to send me a formal invitation letter." Matthew also joked.

To be honest, in fact, he is a little looking forward to Renly's stage in the West End. Drama is one of the daily pastimes of aristocratic life, and they update their repertoire almost every week.

However, the nobles watched dramas too frequently. Those classics may have been watched hundreds of times. Therefore, they have different casts for each repertoire, different performances of each actor, and different main creators of each set of repertoire. Style, this is so precious.

When they saw Lan Li standing on the stage, it would be a fantastic comedy.

Lan Li raised the coffee cup in his hand and expressed his respect, "Don't worry, I will formulate a special invitation letter, which will be sent to your home and my home, so that everyone can receive it."

He never intended to hide, being generous, upright, and upright. If he can be on the stage in the West End of London, he will strictly follow the etiquette of the nobility to send out invitations to his relatives and friends, but as to whether they have the courage to attend, this is beyond his control.

On the contrary, he was a little curious about the faces of his parents when they received the invitation letter. "You said, should I submit it through Philip? Or should I hand it over to George and Elizabeth?"

"Maybe you can give it to Elf." Matthew suggested.

"No, it would be too boring to give to Elf, I would rather give Arthur more fun." Lan Li was eager to try, and then nodded seriously, "Well, it seems I should call Andy, officially Mention it to the ground." Without much words, you can feel the expectation and excitement in Lan Li's eyes.

"Before the official call, let's talk about what we have for lunch today?" As soon as the conversation changed, the whole style of painting was completely different. Lan Li chatted enthusiastically, "First of all, I don't eat sandwiches; secondly, I don’t eat pizza; again, I don’t eat vegetarian food. So, what do you suggest? Wait, will you continue to work in the afternoon? How much time can you spare for work lunch?"

Matthew originally planned to use a sandwich for a simple work lunch, but now the plan is obviously not applicable, "It depends on how much money you have in your current bank account? See if we can afford a French meal. Matthew said solemnly, but there was a joke in his eyes.

"A French meal is not easy. We will fly directly to Paris and eat authentic private cuisine in the local area. This is the enjoyment. André often does this kind of thing. I strongly suspect that he is in LaGuardi. There is a private jet parked at Ya Airport." Lan Li rested his chin, and said solemnly there. Matthew could only be defeated. "You said, do we want to give Andre a call? Borrow it. His private jet?"

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