The Greatest Showman

Chapter 596: Magic room

"I'll go first. It's rare that you don't want to work on weekends, and just relax. By the way, maybe this afternoon, we will go for a ride on the Hudson River. The promise we owed before has finally found an opportunity to fulfill. September is better than January. If you want to participate, go straight to Pioneer Village."

Half of the words were said, and the remaining vacancies were not filled. Lan Li changed his shoes, grabbed the skateboard that was thrown behind the shoe rack at the door, carried a cross-shoulder backpack, and ran out in a hurry. When Matthew turned his head, the room was empty, but he had already gotten used to it, and he finished his busy work in an orderly manner.

I walked to the hall, looked at the box of albums placed on the coffee table, raised my hand to pick up one, and looked at it seriously.

This is Lan Li's handwriting. Matthew can recognize it at a glance. He scanned the song list on the back. He knows that the arrangement of the songs is meaningful. It is not the arrangement of the record company for commercial considerations, but the arrangement according to the creative intention of Lan Li. Even the "a side" and "b side" of the album are meaningful. It's just that Matthew hasn't heard these songs, so naturally he can't judge.

Thinking about it, Matthew unpacked the album in his hand, walked to the desk diagonally in front of the sofa, put the disc in the player, and pressed the play button. Then, sitting on the sofa, the turbulent and clear guitar string sounded, "Cleopatra". The brisk and moving melody, with poetic sadness and regret, burst out a charming halo among the joyful music.

From "Cleopatra" to "Beast", it is a bloodshed on the road of dreams; from "your bones" to "a piece of nothingness", it is the wanton wildness on the road of life; from side a to On the b side, it was a crazy cry from the depths of a lonely soul.

The person in the memory, wearing a white shirt, riding a bicycle, swiftly walked through the arch bridges of the alleys of Cambridge College, the golden sunlight was falling on the fluttering clothes, the bright and gentle smile melted in the April breeze, Slowly, slowly, he opened his arms, and the sound of the wind glided across his arms like gurgling water, and then he opened his wings and soared freely.

His sight fell on the album cover of "Don Quixote" again, and Matthew couldn't help but fell into contemplation. Perhaps George and Elizabeth never really understood their children. Dreams belong to him, and the important meaning does not lie in dreams. In itself, it is not in life, but in that this is his soul, which defines the meaning of his existence; perhaps, even he has never really entered that colorful world.

Fingertips whirling, the lingering lingering rhyme.

Matthew started to like this album.

At this moment, at the other end of Manhattan, Mount Sinai Hospital is quiet. The early autumn sunshine is peaceful and quiet, but it has not completely faded from the hustle and restlessness of summer, and there is a hint of joy in the quiet. Lan Li flew all the way on the skateboard, an emergency brake at the entrance of the hospital, lightly stepped on the tail of the pedal with his right foot, grabbed the skateboard in his hand, and walked in with ease, greeting the familiar faces while moving towards The direction of the destination walked past.

Originally, Lan Li was going to go to Heather directly. Lan Li is not a high-profile personality, but he knows that Heather has always wanted his albums and talked about it at least three times. Now that the album is finally out, he has no plans to publicize it, and Mount Sinai Hospital has one copy, but at least, he can give one to Heather. It was delivered as soon as possible today.

But when I passed the stairwell, I saw Anne-Siliman sitting on the stairs and weeping, alone. This made Lan Li's footsteps stop involuntarily and cautiously pushed open the movable door of the stairwell. He walked in lightly, "What's the matter, who is bullying our cutest Annie in the world? Come, tell the devil, the devil will punish him on your behalf."

Annie raised her head and looked at Lan Li's pretentious grin. She broke into a smile. She raised her chubby hand and wiped the teardrops from her cheek, but her mouth still pouted, with an aggrieved expression on her face.

Lan Li sat down next to Annie and didn't say much, but looked down at Xiao Nizi seriously. Annie immediately took the initiative to tell the story, "Len Li, do you think Alex is going to die?"

Alex? Alex Ricky, the little boy with congenital heart disease, the little boy who has a crush on Kelly Button.

Lan Li couldn't help but was stunned. Annie pressed her mouth and her tears fell again, "If Alex dies, will it be me next? Am I going to die too?"

The childish speech made Lan Li's nose sore. In their world, they started to face life and death early on. This is a subject that many people cannot understand in their entire lives. Life is really cruel. "Annie, Anne, why do you say something is wrong with Alex? I haven't heard of it."

When he first went upstairs, he met Kelly. Kelly didn't mention anything, she seemed to be in a good mood. Lan Li felt that it might be that Annie was thinking about it.

Annie raised her tearful eyes, bit her mouth hard, and held back her tears, "But...but...Alex is going into that small room...isn't everyone unable to get out after going in? Johnson That's right, Alison is like this..." While talking, Annie started to cry, "Alex can't get out too..." The crying was so sad that the words began to speak. Intermittently, "Am I unable to get out after I go in?"

The ignorant words made Lan Li feel sad for a while, gently hugged Annie into her arms, raised her hand and gently patted Annie on the shoulder. Xiao Nizi buried her head in Lan Li's chest, crying heartily and presumptuously, the sad cry made Lan Li's eyes flush.

"Annie, it's not like that." Lan Li explained softly, "That's the operating room. It's a room full of magic. Doctors will perform magic in it. Some children are very kind and gentle, so they become I have gone with the angel and accompanied God; some children are very cheerful and actively face their illnesses, so they come back again to spread the effects of magic to more people."

Lan Li knew that his explanation was very lame. He had been a man for two lives, but he was at a loss for the simplest problem of a child.

He doesn’t know how to make children understand the issues of life and death, because they should still be at a carefree age, or at an age to be presumptuous, or age to be willful. If they miss it, they will never go back , But now, they are forced to face a problem that human beings cannot see through their entire lives.

Annie was stunned, raised her head, bit her lower lip, tears still hanging on her long eyelashes, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Len Li, will Alex come back?"

Regarding Alex’s condition, Lan Li didn’t know much about it, but he knew that Alex’s congenital heart disease had undergone several operations but could not be repaired. The best choice was to transplant a matching heart. Lan Li is also not sure, this is another operation, or he has found a matching heart.

Faced with Anne’s question, Lan Li could only say, “Since Anne cares about Alex so much, why not just go and ask him? Then let him be strong and come out quickly so that Annie can continue with Alex. Grow up together. "Growing up together is a natural thing for many people, but for them, it is an unattainable dream.

Annie did not answer, but thought for a while, "Lenly, Annie is very cheerful, and Annie is also very strong. Annie will definitely come back, right? Grandpa God already has many angels. For lack of Anne’s words, he It won’t be sad, right?"

Unprepared, Lan Li's eyes were slightly red, he raised his head in embarrassment, and then laughed deliberately, "Yes, I think so too! Annie is the strongest of all the children I know, and Like Alex."

Suddenly, Lan Li felt a little hand holding her hand, lowered her head, and you could see Annie’s immature face, revealing a bright smile again, "Lan Li, let’s go cheer for Alex together. Come!" Annie stood up, pulling Lan Li's arm, Lan Li stood up, and the two of them ran all the way towards Alex's ward.

At the door of the ward, Alex's parents were communicating with the doctor, and Lan Li and Annie couldn't help but slow down a bit. Alex's mother smiled at Lan Li, these are all familiar faces, "Quickly go in, Alex's friends are all inside."

Lan Li gently closed his jaw, hesitated, and asked, "Today's surgery?"

"Heart transplant." The gentle and elegant lady showed a happy smile. With just a word, her eyes started to turn red. She quickly raised her right hand, wiped away the tears on her cheek, and shyly moved towards Lan Li. Nod.

Lan Li knew that Alex had waited three years for this heart. Three years, it seems to be short-lived, but only when you really experience it can you know how difficult, painful, and painful it was.

Lan Li smiled and said, "I wish this is just the beginning of good Good luck will continue and grow up with Alex.

Then, Lan Li and Annie entered the ward together. Alex was sitting on the hospital bed, surrounded by seven or eight friends, chatting and laughing, it was so lively.

Annie got rid of Lan Li's hand, ran all the way towards Alex and screamed, "Alex, Alex, you must be strong! Then bring the magic back, okay?"

Alex didn't know it, but he also yelled, "Of course, of course, I will definitely use magic!"

From the corner of his vision, he saw Heather standing at the end of the bed, with a smile on his face, full of hope, but with irresistible sadness. Seeing Lan Li's appearance, Heather nodded in motion. Without saying much, his gaze fell on Alex again.

Lan Li walked forward quickly and raised his right hand high, "Tell me, who is the strongest, most handsome, and most capable superhero at Mount Sinai Hospital!"

"Me! Me!" Alex lifted up his right hand with all his might and collided with Lan Li's right hand in the air. Pop, a crisp sound, cheerful and vigorous.

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