The Greatest Showman

Chapter 635: help each other

In the 68th week, "Cleopatra" returned to the top ten on the Billboard Singles Chart; in the fifty-fourth week, "Ophelia" was among the top 50 on the Billboard Singles Chart. Such achievements that violate the laws of the market are being staged vigorously. In 2011, new people were indeed born and weird things happened again and again. Is it true that after the 21st century enters the second decade, the music market is really going to rise again?

However, in this wave of vigorous discussions, "confirmation" is the most eye-catching focus.

Climbed to the top of iTunes download leaderboard for five consecutive days! Climbed to the top spot on the Spotify streaming leaderboard for six consecutive days! The trailer edited by fans who have topped the YouTube single-day streaming chart for seven consecutive days. Audiences have already watched it as a music video, but it cannot be counted as a single's streaming points!

Undoubtedly, "Confirmation" is the absolute focus of doing my part. Under the multiple blessings of "Tonight Show", "Crazy Love", and "Don Quixote", "Confirmation" has achieved "Cleopatra". "Tela" and "Ophelia" have never reaped the results, and dominated the singles sales market in the second week of October with a powerful posture.

In the third week of October’s bulletin board singles chart, "Trusted Undoubted" dropped to fourth place!

Once again, there are no music videos, no radio on-demand volume, and even streaming media data is only iTune and Spotify. Only relying on the sales of digital audio sources and physical albums, "Confirmed" once again copied "Cleopatra" The miracle of "Tela", and broke the latter's previous record of the highest ranking sixth, and achieved the best record of the folk singles since the new century!

Such excellent performance is simply jaw-dropping.

Renly Hall, the "amateur" singer’s every move is breaking the history of American music. The strategy of playing cards out of common sense has resulted in unreasonable results, truly bringing the essence of independent music into play. Incisively and vividly:

The only two singles in the top 30 on the chart that have not been filmed on music videos, and the only three singles in the top 50 that have not been sent to the station, among the top 100 in the list The only three singles that have not been promoted in any form are all from the same album by the same singer.

Since the birth of the bulletin board, radio-on-demand data has always occupied the absolute dominance of the ranking system. After entering the new century, streaming media data in the Internet age has begun to rise, but radio-on-demand is still the most important part of singer's promotion.

Every week, the radio on-demand list is controlled by top companies. There are a total of 30 songs on the list, of which more than 80% are pre-arranged, and the remaining 20% It is the personal preference of the radio host, but in this, at least half of it depends on the personal relationship between the radio host and the major record companies and top singers.

The contemporary commodity society and market economy are all about interests.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for indie music to make a splash. Even Justin Bieber became popular through the tubing, but this is after all a rare special case.

Now, there are three singles in the album "Don Quixote" that break this rule. Not to mention the follow-up trend of "Confirmed", but what is certain is that "Cleopatra" has already made history.

In the third week of October 2011, on the Billboard Singles Chart, Adele's "Like You", Magic Red 5)'s "Move-Like-Jagger", Foster Family (Foster) -The-People's "PumpeKiks" occupy the top three respectively, while Lanly-Hall's "Undoubtedly" dominates the fourth.

It is worth mentioning that "fashionable shoes" is an independent electronic rock single. The Foster family is also an independent band. This single was released in early 2010. The band has gone through various tours. , Various music festivals, one performance after another, slowly accumulated, and finally became the name, which was adopted in "The Vampire Diaries", "Warehouse 13" and some advertisements. Nearly 13 months after its release, it finally entered the Billboard Singles chart, and six months after entering the chart, it climbed to the third place on the chart.

Compared with Lan Li, this is an inspirational story. Indie bands succeeded in achieving breakthroughs through unremitting efforts. As for "Confirmation", this is another story style.

The crazes of "Tonight Show" and "Love Is Crazy" drove the rockets of "Confirmed"; but in turn, the popularity of "Confirmed" has stimulated the box office performance of "Crazy Love".

The song "Confirm without Doubt" always expresses a kind of hesitation and confusion. The seeds of self-doubt and mutual suspicion begin to sprout and grow. That kind of helplessness, kind of helplessness, kind of sadness, kind of bitterness, like a black hole, Slowly swallow all the light of hope. But the tenacity and strength hidden behind the melody beat the atrium one after another, making steel into steel. After the despair of weeping blood, it burst out with courage and re-emerged.

The thin and sparse light has become the decisive factor for "confirmation" to create good results, and this has achieved a height that "Cleopatra" could not reach; at the same time, it also made people crazy about "love". "Arouse more curiosity about what kind of movie is this? What kind of story is told?

In the long history of Hollywood, it is not uncommon for movies to stimulate the sales of soundtracks. The album of the same name created by Prine for the movie "Pueple-R" not only made him a Uranus superstar in one fell swoop, but the album also entered The classic palace, after thirty years has passed, it is still a classic that is difficult to surpass.

Not to mention that the soundtracks of movies such as "The Lion King", "Chicago", "The Three Kings", "Suicide Squad", and "Guardians of the Galaxy" have successfully won the Billboard album charts for more than a week. Some soundtracks are even more popular than the movie itself.

But the other way around? Interested in movies because of the original soundtrack? There are very few such cases.

In the final analysis, music is produced along with the plot. Excellent movie soundtracks are based on the story plot to add color to the movie. When watching a movie, the introduction of the plot and the rendering of the soundtrack make people more likely to resonate, but After stripping off the plot and forming an independent chapter, many soundtracks are not so outstanding. After all, the soundtrack is only part of the elements in the movie, not the real core.

Lanly Hall is a special case. He is an actor, a pure actor. "Confirmed" is a tailor-made track after the inspiration burst during the performance. The lyrics and melody are closely related to the movie. Listening to the melody of "Conscientiously" alone makes people involuntarily construct the outline of the story in their minds and produce countless derivative associations.

As the music critics said, "Don Quixote" is not only an album, but also a book, a movie, and a life. The two-sided disc unhurriedly tells the ups and downs of the story. Every melody, every song, every interpretation, it is a meaningful existence, not created for creation, the story behind it is the soul fragment of the entire album. This is also the fundamental reason why "Don Quixote" is so rare.

Now, "Believe Undoubtedly" proves this point. Naturally, people became more interested in "Love Is Crazy".

In the third week of October, Focus Pictures once again made an amazing move. "Love Is Crazy" expanded for the third consecutive week, although it only increased from 2,337 theaters to 2,564. During the period, the expansion rate was 227 rooms, which can only be regarded as a small increase; but for an independent film, especially the special case of "Love Is Crazy", it can be called incredible and shocking. We can also see the strong confidence of Focus Pictures.

why? Where does confidence come from? "Show Tonight"? Of course not, but the theater rating. After two weeks of screenings, after accumulating a sufficient number of viewers, "Love Is Crazy" received an "A-" rating!

This score can be said to be a passing score for commercial films, and it can be said to be an excellent score for art films, which also means that people can look forward to "Crazy Love" creating "Juneo" ", "Little Sunshine" style box office results. For reference, "Juneo" achieved a box office of 143 million U.S. dollars in North America, and UU Reading "Sunshine Little Beauty" had a North American box office of 59 million.

This is the confidence of Focus Pictures.

After the "Tonight Show" was broadcast, in addition to "Confirmed", Jay Leno spent a lot of time spying on the tidbits, which has caused countless hot discussions on the Internet!

Although the tidbits always make people curious, but the witty tidbits do not represent the quality of the finished film, and the wonderful tidbits have little effect on the box office. However, this time the "Love Is Crazy" tidbits are not only tidbits, but also direct proof of the wonderful performance of the two actors.

After learning the content of the notebook and watching the movie clips with emotions, the intoxicating sparks of the two actors, Lan Li and Felicity, became more vivid and beautiful.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun. "Excellent acting skills", the audience's understanding of this sentence is always half-knowledge. They only know that this kind of performance is really good, but they can't say why it is, let alone distinguish the level and level of the performance. But this time, they clearly saw the inner strength of the performance, especially Lan Li

The light and intoxication of those deep eyes fully showed the grace and moving of falling in love, and finally reflected in the invisible two lines of words on the notebook. At that moment, the audience was sincerely willing to believe: This is the true face of love, from heartbeat to budding to indulging, and finally falling,

The tension, level, connotation and strength of the performance are presented in front of the audience very clearly. Now, they finally know why film critics have been praising Lanli, why Sundance is willing to award special awards to Lanli, and why Lanli has risen rapidly in just two years! )!!

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