The Greatest Showman

Chapter 768: Eager to try

It took four hours to sing the "Peony Pavilion" until everyone was old.

In the modern age where entertainment is becoming more and more diverse, and fast food culture is becoming more and more common now, patience has gradually disappeared, let alone four hours, even three-hour repertoires are now welcoming more and more challenge.

Now, John is preparing to produce a six-hour play, and is still challenging the ongoing classic play "Les Miserables"? Just the proposal stage is incredible; what's more, John has already entered the preparatory stage, discussing the theater, discussing investment, discussing copyright, discussing creative matters...

Under the background of the faster and faster pace of life, people are in awe.

"So, what's the next step?" Lanly didn't enlighten John, nor did John need his enlightenment.

John suddenly raised his head and pulled out of his thoughts temporarily. "Next?" He pondered, "Next, we need to find sufficiently good actors, build a good enough lineup, and start rehearsing. Of course, if these actors can have a certain degree of popularity and appeal, it would be great. But, personally, I prefer to use a brand new team. The West End is already affable, and some can be used here. fresh blood."

Like film, theater faces the challenge of balancing the relationship between business and art, and it also faces the difficulty of choosing famous actors or newcomers. In the final analysis, every art form is facing similar problems and challenges after the advent of the Internet age.

John's gaze fell on Lan Li, without speaking, the two exchanged their gazes in silence. Then, Lan Li saw the smile at the corner of John’s mouth and raised it little by little, "How about it, are you willing to join this project?" This is the second time John asked—because of the first question, Lan Li did not answer directly.

"I know, the audition video was sent. This is a signal." John then explained, "But I mean, after hearing such a crazy plan, are you still willing to accept such a challenge? Marius Or Enjolras, the challenge is too low for you. Obviously, Jean-Agen is the best choice. I know this, and you know this."

"However, if everything works, at least half a year, and the longest year, you may have to stay away from Hollywood." John said with a smile, his eyes flashing with jokes, and it seemed that he was watching the show.

Almost every year or every other year, British actors return to the West End stage to polish themselves. However, after all, they are film actors, not professional theater actors, and they cannot stay in the same play for many years; even professional theater actors cannot perform in the same play for five or ten years.

The "Les Miserables" being staged in the West End of London will be replaced with a new cast every year to two years, up to three years. The same goes for other plays.

The remarks made by John just now mean that Lanly is determined to appear in the new version of Jean Agen, then the performance season should be at least half a year to a year, and it is absolutely impossible to run away with a burden on the way; this is only a part of it, and it is officially staged in the repertoire. Previously, the rehearsal time ranged from as little as three months to as much as six months or eight months. This was a rough time, not to be sloppy or lazy.

Therefore, before and after, Lan Li will inevitably need to bid farewell to Hollywood for more than half a year, or even longer.

"Ha, I am not a freshman who just entered school this year. These intimidations have no effect." Lan Li chuckled lightly. "For me, there is no problem; the decision is always in your hands. The truth is the opposite. , I'm eager to try and can't wait, but are you sure you are mentally prepared?"

Jean Ajean, who restored the original work, made his debut when he never turned 30; he continued until his death, and the curtain came to an end. The entire time span of more than 30 years, experienced youth, middle age and old age, witnessed historical changes and turmoil, concentrated in the six-hour performance, which is a severe challenge for any actor.

Now, this burden is about to be handed over to a young actor who is only 22 years old?

Objectively speaking, the challenge is even more severe than the movie version. As Lanly said, the decision is always in the hands of John. As for himself, he is ready to challenge the impossible.

"I thought you would miss Hollywood." John's eyes widened, and he looked at the blue gift carefully. "It's like a recent news page." The news shot by "Edge of Tomorrow" in London has continued for many days. It was widely spread on the website and it was very lively. "Back to the West End, the attention has plummeted."

Lan Li shrugged and said lightly, "How can you be sure that I am missing the West End now?"

John was rebelled against the generals, but he didn't care. He gently closed his jaw and expressed his understanding, "To be honest, I can't think of a more suitable candidate."

Having trustworthy strength, young enough physical strength, and full dedication; at the same time, having the appeal of attracting the market, creating topics, and detonating the focus, all these make Lan Li a priority candidate.

More importantly, John tends to use "newcomers", at least newcomers who are relatively less experienced on stage, because they have vigor and vitality and a constant hunger for the stage. At the same time, it can also activate the stagnant water in the West End of London, allowing more newcomers to win opportunities.

"Is it okay even if the scenes are reduced?" John asked again.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, "Trust me, for the six-hour repertoire, I also look forward to more actors sharing the responsibilities."

John laughed like this, "Very good! So, I will have a meeting with them today when I go back." John finally relaxed and leaned back in his chair, showing a complacent look, "Actually, I'm also considering whether Javert also chooses a relatively young actor for the role, not as young as you, but at least under 30 years old." On the one hand, it is to give young actors more space, on the other hand. It was also to play against Lan Li, "Javert's age span is similar to Jean Ajean. If we choose young actors, we will have some advantages in terms of makeup."

When young people make up to become old people, makeup and wigs are enough, which is relatively simple; but for old people to make up young people, it takes a lot of effort.

Lan Li picked up his teacup and said, "I think I should finish the'Edge of Tomorrow' as soon as possible." With this thoughtless sentence, John cast his eyes confusedly, Lan Li chuckled lightly. "It's okay. I just said to prepare for the follow-up audition. After you go back and discuss with them, they will definitely want to see my follow-up audition. I am ready."

"Edge of Tomorrow" is an all-round young cast. Some media even call it another "Twilight" or "Hunger Games." Warner Bros. has not yet decided whether it will follow the tide and attract young people. Groups; still change the propaganda strategy to distinguish the "margin of tomorrow" from the youth and tap a wider market.

Now, is John's version of "Les Miserables" a young lineup again? This is not good news for the media. Perhaps the preparatory stage will endure the anger of audiences and critics——

When the young version of "Hamlet" was arranged in the West End of London, it was met with verbal criticism. Although Hamlet is a young man, whether it is an original or a classic adaptation, Hamlet is positioned as a young prince who is about 30 years old and is entering a mature stage from his youth. The so-called young version is that 18-year-old and 19-year-old young people play Hamlet and other roles. The public opinion generally believes that they cannot interpret the thickness and depth of Shakespeare's original works.

Even Hamlet is like this, let alone Jean Ajean?

Lan Li clearly knows what challenges he faces. Today’s conversation is just an intention. Even if John nodded and agreed, the other creative staff would need to consider and reconsider. Apart from Epeni, Javert, and Enjolras, if they ask Renly to really explain it. The bridge section of Jean-Ajean, this is also a matter of course.

"Of course it couldn't be better!" John nodded in agreement without a polite greeting. Afterwards, the two stayed in place slowly and slowly finished the afternoon tea, and then left one after another. John hurried back and couldn't wait to join the follow-up discussion.

John did not mention the movie version of "Les Miserables", nor did Renly.

Because they all know that nothing has been determined now, and there is no point in discussing it at all. Even if things are determined, the choice is not a problem: after all, better works and better actors win. For John, the movie version is not his competitor, even if Cameron Mackintosh is in charge, it is not; his competitor is the script, investment, his creative partners, and the quality of his project. .

In this case, Lan Li is actively participating in auditions for his next work, and at the same time, he is still intensively completing the filming of "Edge of Tomorrow". He is so busy every day; in that case, the second stage of the Hollywood awards season. Then they entered the climax/trend period, and they ushered in the grand occasion and excitement of the 69th Golden Globe Awards ceremony.

Last year, Ricky Gervais was full of firepower above the Golden Globes and offended many actors. After the awards ceremony, the major media all condemned Ricky for losing his footing; but this year, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association After careful consideration, the host stick was handed over to Ricky again.

On the one hand, because the Golden Globes require hot spots and gimmicks, even if it offends some actors, it is harmless; on the other hand, it reflects the plight of Hollywood’s lack of an awards ceremony host, Billy Christo is as humorous and humorous. There are not many hosts who are advancing and retreating properly. This can also be regarded as the lack of quality and ideological faults behind the fast food culture.

In any case, the Golden Globe awards ceremony led by Ricky kicked off once again!

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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