The Greatest Showman

Chapter 784: Bronze

Just the first day of publicity, Lan Li already felt a pain in his waist and back, but he was not sure whether this was the illusion that the vicissitudes of life of the two lives had the illusion that the souls were old, or the physical pain that the body really felt, but it was OK. What is certain is that at a quarter past ten in the evening, when all the interviews finally reached a period, he had to stand up and move his body, even if he was walking for a whole day, or practicing martial arts for a whole day, it felt nothing. So tired.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel room, looking at this quiet and solemn city, most of the city has been plunged into darkness, and entered the night mode early; only the starlights hide under the thick night Want to continue the carnival. Potsdamer Platz is one of them.

Being in one of the three major European film festivals, it’s definitely the biggest regret to stay in the room like this to waste time. So Lan Li changed to a light and low-key outfit, a simple black T-shirt with black jeans, plus a black motorcycle jacket, and quietly left the hotel room.

On the damp streets, young people's loud talk echoed, but it seemed a little lonely, as if the whole city had fallen into a deep sleep, and only lonely people were dancing, and there was no background music. Crossing the street, Lan Li came to the Sony Center movie theater again. Instead of deliberately choosing the movie, he bought a ticket for the movie with the closest show time, and then walked quickly into the theater and disappeared into the crowd. .

It is fun to exchange opinions with fans; but at the same time, it is also fun to enjoy the movie alone.

After entering the theater, Lan Li picked up a movie introduction poster, found a place in the corner, sat down, and started to browse the movie's information. "Just Wind", a work directed by Hungarian director Benedek-Fliegauf. These are two completely unfamiliar names. I have never heard of the director or watched this movie. .

However, Lanly was a little excited-one of the greatest charms of the film festival is to dig out those unfamiliar movies that I have never heard of or watched, and sometimes I can see those from Algeria or small countries like Lithuania. works.

After reading the introduction carefully, Lan Li was faintly expecting, raised his head, and then saw two figures walking up the steps facing each other. They stopped two steps diagonally in front of Lan Li, and seemed to be discussing whether they should sit. By Lan Li's side.

Only then did Lan Li realize that there were two movie introductions on the seat next to him. They should have been left after the last movie watching. If he didn't know why, he thought it was Lan Li who occupied the seat for his friends. He quickly picked up the two small posters and gestured politely, "Here is empty."

During the conversation, Lan Li saw the faces of the two people at this time—because of the backlight, the gap between the ears of the two people happened to be projected by a ceiling lamp, so that there was only a fuzzy outline on the faces. It’s not very clear, but a full head of curly hair, a small shaggy flat head, plus the iconic western cowboy moustache, just a silhouette is enough to be recognized: Joel-Coen (Joel-Coen) , Ethan-Coen (Ethan-Coen).

One of Hollywood's most famous director brothers, but also a leading figure in American independent films and a representative of black humorous films.

For ordinary audiences, the work "Old Nowhere" is undoubtedly thunderous, as is also the "Land Thunder" that completed the Jedi Reversal in the Oscar nomination stage last year; but for senior movie fans, the works directed by the two brothers when they were young But it is a classic that is enough to rank among the greatest in film history, "Blood Maze", "Barton-Fink", "Ice Blood Storm", "Murder Green Toe", "Raising Arizona", each is a masterpiece!

The great thing about the Coen brothers is that they brought black humorous independent films into the general public's vision, but they still maintained their own style of independent films. Even the "Old Nowhere" that won the Oscar, this is one of the best films that have not won the Oscar. Not only that, their support for independent films has never changed, and they appear on time at the Sundance Film Festival almost every year.

Lan Li has always liked the movies of the Coen brothers very much. Their language of the lens is always full of irony and sorrow of reality, but they have never lost the sense of humor of having fun in hardship. It is really rare; a pity, Lan Li Neither Sundance nor Telluride had the opportunity to meet these two brothers. Unexpectedly, they met in Berlin today.

The smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't help but began to rise, Lan Li stood up and greeted him, "Good evening."

Joel and Ethan both stopped and cast their sights. Joel is the elder brother, the noodle head is taller, and the cheeks are longer; Ethan is the younger brother, with a small flat head and a beard, like a kiwi.

The American Directors’ Guild stipulates that a movie is not allowed to sign two or more directors, so as to avoid the situation that some directors just put on the name but do not really contribute; unless another person is not affiliated with the director’s union, this has historically led to A lot of disputes. Therefore, in name, Joel is the director and Ethan is the producer, but in real life, the work of the two brothers is not clearly distinguished. A few years ago, the Directors’ Guild of America revised and adjusted the relevant regulations. Only after that, the Coen brothers were able to sign the director at the same time.

Ethan is a producer—at least the official name is. He has a more gentle personality and a smile on his face. At this time, he noticed Lan Li’s polite greeting. He was a little surprised, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth and nodded. a bit.

Joel is a nominal director. He has a very sharp personality, a fiery temper, a frown, and an impatient look revealed. He said directly, "Who are you? Do we know?"

Lan Li blinked and didn't react. What was going on with such a sharp attitude, and he was about to speak. The next second Joel turned around, turned his back to Lan Li, and left directly in the opposite direction. This is no longer a question of attitude, it can even be said to make a face clear.

Lan Li was confused. He didn't remember any kind of confrontation with the Cohen brothers, let alone when he offended Joel Cohen. What exactly is going on?

Ethan did not leave, but stopped in place. He looked at Joel and then at Lan Li. A helpless smile appeared on his face. He nodded apologetically to Lan Li, and then he heard from behind. Joel's voice, "Ethan, there are seats here, come here." Ethan didn't explain anything, and didn't say much. Although he was polite, he also put on a cold and alienated posture, and politely turned and left.

Joel first, then Ethan.

Lan Li did not remember how he had offended the two big names in the American independent film industry. The scene was a bit embarrassing for a while-because the two brothers had already turned and left, Lan Li was embarrassed by himself. However, in the upper-class society, dealing with such embarrassment is just a small matter, and Lan Li immediately burst into laughter.

More curious than embarrassment.

"...That's a guy with a stinky body and a must be...I tell you, at this time, any means can be can it be...If you don't believe it, let's see..." Quiet theater Here, Joel did not deliberately speak loudly or deliberately whispered, with a trace of disdain and repulsion, passed through the air, spread over, and landed in Lan Li's ears.

"...Harvey-Weinstein can't believe what the media said...OK, be quiet, be quiet, the movie is about to begin..." Then came Ethan's words, fragments of fragmented words , Because of Joel's interruption, he listened even more carelessly. Then, the words were cut off, but instead of quieting down, two audience members appeared.

The two viewers looked like senior movie fans, and they came to the front of the Coen brothers excitedly, expressing their love for the works directed by the two brothers. This time, the Coen brothers didn't make a face at all, instead they talked with them with a gentle attitude and a full smile.

Lan Li couldn't help but laughed. Although the information was incomplete, it was not enough to piece together the whole picture; but the key information was still enough to make a judgment.

It seems that Hollywood has become a gunpowder keg, and the competition of college public relations has ignited the flames of war. In fact, Lan Li is a little curious ~ everyone throws dirty water at each other, swears at each other, and slanders each other. One set behind, another set in person, the scene was absolutely wonderful.

However, curiosity is just curiosity, Lan Li will not inquire, nor bother to inquire. Hollywood is a big dye tank, and there are endless rumors. If every message has to be responded to, then the actor may simply change his career and become a public relations or paparazzi.

When it calmed down, Lan Li refocused his attention on the big screen. It was just a short time, the lights dimmed, and the movie began to show.

Unexpectedly, this is a wonderful movie.

Ironically, the movie tells an interesting story: In a small village, a family was brutally murdered and killed. The murderer quickly left the scene. Therefore, no one knows what happened. Another family living not far away, although unharmed in the accident, the speculation, isolation, accusation, and vicious sight of the village made them live in fear.

This is a bit similar to the Danish film "Hunting", where many people talk about money and destroy bones, and gossip can often become an invisible executioner. However, in this movie, the blood flow is really created, and the shock is slightly inferior to the "hunting", but it is still worth pondering.

From the movie back to reality, the association is really interesting. When leaving the opening theater, Lanly lags behind without hesitation, while Joel and Ethan walk in the front before the company of several audiences.

When he was about to leave the screening room, Ethan raised his head, his eyes were in contact with Lan Li.

Lan Li showed a polite smile and nodded for a moment; Ethan paused slightly, did not respond, and did not say anything. He withdrew his gaze, stood shoulder to shoulder with Joel, and left along the crowd.

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