The Greatest Showman

Chapter 793: Bitter

"In the autumn of that year, during a long, dull, gloomy and silent long day, heavy clouds hung above the sky. I rode my horse forward alone through this gloomy, exotic rural land, and finally , When night slowly fell, the cold scenery of Usher House unfolded before my eyes.

I have never witnessed its past appearance, but just by just a glimpse, a certain unbearable gloom has soaked my heart. I looked at the sparse scenery around the mansion, the walls were barren, the decayed trees were white all over, my soul was speechless, my heart was cooling and sinking, showing a weak and sick state. "

At the end of the movie, Henry stood on the podium and recited Poe’s famous work "The Fall of Usher" in a deep voice. In the deep, hoarse, sad and magnificent voice, the words in the book seemed Is evolving into a real image:

Overgrown grass, dilapidated and decayed campus, overturned desks, netted corners, broken windows, dead leaves all over the floor, damaged door panels, scattered books, withered potted plants, raging wind... only that The blackboard left by the teacher in the classroom still remains on the blackboard, implying that everything that has happened here is filled with a touch of bitterness and sorrow in this lonely ruin.

The Usher House described by Allan Poe is not a school in real life, or the education system, and even society.

In the last scene of the movie, Henry Bart stands alone in front of the podium, lonely and lonely, facing the deserted classroom turned into ruins, sitting quietly, just like this, with those distant and peaceful eyes, quietly Looking at the camera, a faint light flows in the quiet eyes, like a deep blue lake, gradually turning into black, and finally all the halo disappears completely.

"Delicate", the big screen suddenly went black, and the blackboard chalk font, "DETACH-MENT" appeared, in the melodious and magnificent classical music, completely darkened, and then the list of crew members appeared. One name is "Len Li-Hall".

Mark was stunned. The shock, the reflection, the turbulence set off a stormy sea in his brain, and countless thoughts were in a mess, like a mess of woolen yarn, there is nowhere to find the end of the thread, in the line of sight It’s just that large groups of wool are surging, but in the next second, the name of "Len Li-Hall" is like a ray of light in the dark, and the sound of "puff" lights up in his mind, and then Mark He stood up abruptly and clapped vigorously.

Applause, applaud, or applause.

This is a story about social education, not only in the United States, but everywhere in the world. The power of education is gradually being weakened. The lack of family education and school education is making the next generation confused, and the economic situation is depressed. But it further pushes education to the abyss of reality

The essential meaning of education should be to broaden the view of the world, change the benchmark for measuring things, and the way of thinking about problems; but now, education has become a springboard for creating economic income and finding high-paying jobs. In the course of human development, the pursuit of material food and clothing first, and then spiritual satisfaction, education belongs to the latter, but now education has begun to serve the former. This is the fall of the entire society, and it is also a deformity of the fast food era.

This is still a story about Henry Bart. This man, forgotten by his family and abandoned by the world, has gone through vicissitudes and scars, but still tries to change the status quo of other children through his own efforts; however, he can't even save himself. How can you save others?

In him, the contradictory thoughts of idealists and realists are condensed. Every effort is always defeated by reality, and every compromise is always defeated by reality. He was struggling, but he still couldn't escape from the sea of ​​suffering. At the end of the story, the education system collapsed, and Henry firmly grasped the last glimmer of hope in his life, and hobbled on in the ruins of the end of the world.

This is a wonderful story, but it is also a **** story. The despair mixed with bitterness and helplessness, like a drowning state, always struggled, but always besieged. After watching the movie, my mouth was bitter and unable to express; turbulent reflections were endless.

So Mark clapped unconsciously, because of the current education situation reflected in this film, because of the social problems reflected in this film, and because of the outstanding performance of Lan Li in this film that is enough to make the soul tremble.

Standing in front of the camera, between gestures, speeches and deportments, one look, one smile, one action, the whole performance has become fuller, without extra embellishment and explanation, the resonance in the soul has already begun to reverberate. Every audience can feel the same, savor the touch of their own viewing, and get stuck in it, unable to extricate themselves. This is the real performance, this is the great performance, enough to make the whole movie an enjoyable performance.

Shocking, the word used to describe Mark's inner thoughts at this moment, but still seems too shallow and too simple. So he chose to applaud.

Mark is not alone. He is almost fighting for fear and fear. He didn't even wait for the cinema lights to turn on before the subtitles had time to scroll up. The audience could not wait to stand up. There was almost no brewing process for the warm applause. The ground came turbulently, filling the entire auditorium in an instant, and then... the ground shook the mountains.

The applause is getting hotter, more and more turbulent, and more and more crazy, surging in the darkness, just like this movie, the surface is not disturbed, the underwater undercurrent is surging, and the violent surging hits fiercely. With the soul, there were long and long echoes. People can't see or hear, but they can feel the sky and the earth cracking from the depths of the soul, and the mountains are whistling and tsunami.

The weakening of vision, touch and smell further enhanced the sensitivity of hearing. The continuous applause was further amplified, and then amplified, the whole body began to tremble.

Reflection, this is everyone's own taste; salute, this is the common idea of ​​everyone.

The applause lasted for a full 120 seconds, and the subtitles finally reached the second half. The lights in the projection hall slowly turned on and the light reappeared. Not only did the applause at the scene not weaken, but it went up a step, without screaming, no The whistle, no cheers, just pure applause, the boiling sound gradually climbed to the climax, and reached the peak when Tony Kaye and Lanly Hall got up and walked towards the front of the stage.

The whole main venue can feel the slightest vibration like a slight earthquake.

Those spectators who did not enter the premiere venue, the staff responsible for maintaining order, and those reporters who missed the premiere invitation, all stared at the main auditorium in a dumbfounded manner. The top-notch sound insulation system strictly kept all the sounds indoors, but the surging vibrations clearly conveyed the truth: "detachment", won the support of the audience, frantically.

This is the Berlin Film Festival, not the hospitable Toronto, any work is thunderous; it is not the commercial Cannes, the works of Hollywood stars can always get the audience's applause; it is not the restrained and polite Venice, even if you want to swear. , But the audience will also thank you for the release of the work with simple applause.

This is Berlin.

To like is to like, and to dislike is to dislike. In the face of disliked works, it is not uncommon for audiences to leave the stage halfway through; in the face of sharp works, tit-for-tat views are heated up; in the face of bad works, the criticism is extremely harsh and merciless. applause? That is left to art, not business, nor rubbish, it can only be art.

Today, the film "Detachment" won a full four minutes of standing applause treatment. This was the first time this year at the Berlin Film Festival. Last year's "A farewell" received such treatment, and this year's "Apartment" was treated like this. Have you been treated like this again, or is it, Renly Hall?

The main creative staff of the entire crew walked to the front of the stage, and the audience thunderous applause lasted.

Mark only felt that his palms had begun to be numb, and thousands of cells died in his red palms, but the excitement in his heart continued to blow out. Turning his head, Mark saw his friends: Ka Tarina, Chuck and Christine.

Each of them flushed slightly, their eyes gleamed with excitement, and they slapped their hands vigorously, not only applauding, but also venting all their strength. UU Reading's clear eyes reflected Lan Li's figure, and the whole soul was roaring, cheering, and shouting, heartily.

Suddenly, Mark's dry eye sockets became wet, and the warm water vapour blurred his vision.

"Transcendence" is not a touching movie, it is not enough to make people cry, sad to bitter, painful to despair, all emotions seem to be frozen, only a blank call for help and a helpless call for help; but at this moment , Surgingly moved, but attacked Mark fiercely, because of Lan Li, because of the actor who dedicated his life to the performance.

Mark has never watched "Crazy Love" or "Cancer-Fighting Me". It was just because of "Buried alive" that the movie made him fall in love with the actor; and now, there is a "Transcendence". It made him fall in love with the actor.

God, how lucky he is. Recalling last night, recalling the red carpet, and recalling the "transcendence" that just ended, Mark was hit without warning, and then the tears slipped down, joy and happiness, and the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed wantonly. Open. The applause is even more enthusiastic.

Standing right in front of the stage, Tony seemed to keenly capture the audience's inner feelings, so he pushed Lanli, pushing the film's well-deserved greatest hero to the front of the stage. In an instant, the applause of the audience broke through the limit again, as if a tornado passed by, raging across the theater in the theater.

Lan Li stood on the spot, watching the surging enthusiasm, his chest filled with emotion and excitement. He liked this moment so much, not because of the warm applause, but because of the empathetic and reflective eyes. At this moment, he knew that he had completed the task of being an actor, and that kind of satisfaction was irreplaceable. ) Download the free reader!!

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