The Greatest Showman

Chapter 841: Calm

Sending away Andy and Roy, as well as Nathan who tried to stay, Ren Li stayed at Mount Sinai Hospital alone.

Turning around, Lan Li saw Anita Tunisa standing in the nurse's station, with a sigh and loss on her chubby cheeks, and then awkwardly stepped away, staggering. When he arrived in front of Lan Li, he jokingly complained, "You actually let me move the fart/share. This is not an easy task."

Because of her weight and body shape, Anita is more inclined to sit in place and deal with trivial matters. The nurses in the hospital are always joking. It is definitely a big deal to get Anita out of the comfortable seat. She is so ridiculous herself.

A little humor raised the corner of Lan Li's mouth slightly.

Anita looked at Lan Li carefully and carefully, her dark as ink eyes, as if she could see through the soul hidden behind the mask and skin; but after all, Anita didn’t say anything, just gave Lan Li. Li gave a big hug, and the thick, fan-like palm of his hand fell heavily on Lan Li's back.

Before Lan Li spoke up, Anita preemptively vomited, “It’s not allowed to dislike my hug. The little guys in the hospital now refuse to hug me one by one. If you dislike me again, be careful. You throw it out." The rough words were full of warmth of concern.

Lan Li's eyes also showed a slight smile. After letting go of his arms, he smiled and asked, "Is there anything I can help? I have work for dinner today, and I have time before five o'clock."

Anita scratched her forehead, "We originally planned to tidy up the playroom in the afternoon. Have you heard that? Someone donated some books to the hospital. In addition to the library, we plan to put a book in the playroom. Corner, so that the children can read. I know you are not an expert carpenter, but you should be fine with organizing the work in the playroom, right?"

"No problem." Lan Li laughed blankly, nodded, took the task, patted Anita's arm, turned and walked towards the game room.

Before stepping out a few steps, Anita's voice came from behind, "Hey, young man." Lan Li stopped, turned to look at Anita, cast a questioning gaze, "What else is needed? Supplementary?"

"You know, it's not your fault." Anita said, but the fragility behind the words leaked out inadvertently.

Lan Li lowered his eyelids, concealed his inner surge, but changed the subject, "I hope that the game room is not busy with me alone. You'd better inform a few other people and come and help." After that, Lan Li said this. He raised his eyes, still filled with a smile, nodded lightly, turned and took a step forward.

The steady footsteps stopped abruptly when he passed Heather’s ward. Through the windows of the ward, Heather lying on the bed could be vaguely seen. The golden sunlight fell softly and lightly on that face. The calm and peaceful face seemed to be nothing more than a deep sleep, but the ventilator worn on the mouth, the tube entangled around him, and the beating electrocardiogram reminded that this is not just a sleep.

Under the white sheets, the chest is so quiet, there is no ups and downs, it almost makes people suspect that the breath has disappeared. With a crisp sound of "di", it exploded like a thunder in my ears. I noticed that there was still a curve of heartbeat on the display screen, and the random thinking in my mind was cut off.

For a moment of illusion, Lan Li Fangfo saw the face on the hospital bed, not Heather, but Chu Jiashu, but himself. But after blinking, the illusion disappeared in the halo, and Heather's pale almost transparent cheeks could still be seen, as if the vitality was dissipating little by little.

Lan Li's footsteps moved away again, a stagger, and all the scenes in his sight disappeared, leaving only the large white walls of the hospital. Methodically and without hurries, he walked to the game room.

Dedicated to work wholeheartedly, the passage of time gradually became blurred. If it hadn't been for Kelly Button to remind him, Renly might have missed the lunch time. Three hours would have disappeared in the blink of an eye. trace. Lan Li quickly finished the work at hand, rushed to the restaurant, and received his volunteer lunch: a sandwich, an apple, a bottle of orange juice, and a bag of potato chips.

Leaving the hospital building, came to the backyard lawn, found an empty seat on the bench, sat down, looked at Annie Silliman who was sitting next to him, and glanced at, "What are you eating?"

Anne curled her feet on her chest, squatting on the bench, chewing slowly and tasting the banana in her hand, raising her head with the expression of a small adult, "What else can it be?"

Annie’s three meals a day are specially configured. The food is tasteless, and there are really not many collocations. Just like bananas, Lan Li has seen countless times. The fruit that Annie hates most is bananas. The vice-born's unlovable expression.

Lan Li couldn't help but laughed, and there was a smile in his eyes, and then Annie sighed, "Life is nothing more than a banana. It's really boring." Puff, Lan Li didn't hold back, he laughed directly, but saw Annie. The big devil's eyes fell on him, as if to say: What's so surprising about this?

Lan Li pursed the corners of his mouth and narrowed his smile, but his eyes were filled with sunlight, "I can exchange with you, do you want my apple?"

"I thought, but the doctor said that apples contain too much fiber and I can't take them today." Annie rolled her eyes and spread her hands. "I think, an apple and a banana may have poor nutrition. Is it that big? Even if it is, the impact won't be that big. It must be the doctor making a fuss, right?"

"Yes, I think so too." Lan Li nodded earnestly, agreeing. Then, he opened his sandwiches and started to enjoy lunch.

Two people, one large and one small, sat quietly on the bench like this, without speaking, bathed in sunlight, looking into the distance, enjoying the tranquility.

"Len Li, do you say that Heather will wake up tomorrow?" Annie raised her head, because the sun was too dazzling, she couldn't help squinting her eyes, and her whole face wrinkled. "Derek said, you promised Heather. , Take us to a party in Los Angeles, right? So, Heather will wake up for sure, right?"

Annie's eyes were full of expectation, flashing in the sunlight, "However, Allie said, Heather was too tired, and he was so happy last night, so he needs a good rest. But Heather has been asleep for a long time, what Will she wake up at a time? If she doesn't wake up tomorrow, will she miss the party?"

Lan Li didn't answer right away, but after swallowing the food in his mouth, put down the sandwich and thought about it carefully before saying, "Do you want to go to that party?"

"Yeah." Annie nodded dullly. "Heather said that there were a lot of fun things to see at that party, and there were many, many balloons and chocolates, and many, many people who would only appear on TV. Alex was also very good. I want to go. But if Heather has been sleeping, wouldn't she be able to participate with us?"

The expectation was full of joy and liveliness, but in the end it was full of guilt and worry. The contradictory mentality made Annie's brows slightly frowned.

"If you want to participate, then you and Alex can go with me. However, in this way, you are burdened with heavy responsibilities. After you come back, you must tell Heather what you have seen and heard and make her cruel. Envy her once, only in this way, she is willing to cheer up, work hard to recover, wait for the next party, and join us again. What do you think?" Lan Li said with a smile, raising her right hand, lightly He patted Annie on the little head.

Annie looked up again, "Can I really go?"

"If your mother agrees." Lan Li nodded in affirmation.

A smile appeared at the corner of Annie’s mouth, her frowning brows slowly stretched out, she shook her head lightly, and started eating the remaining banana bit by bit, and then muttered, "Maybe, Heather will wake up tomorrow. Are you here? At that time, we can go together! Do you know? Heather said..."

Annie's chattering words gradually regained her vitality, and her chubby little hands began to gesture, and her eyes were full of expectation and longing.

Lan Li's jaw slightly, "Yes, maybe Heather will wake up tomorrow."

Lunch is over and work begins in the afternoon. Lan Li is still busy. Before leaving at five o'clock, the center of the game room has been allocated and a major cleaning has been carried out. Next, we will wait for the little carpenter to make the bookshelf. You can put the donated books on the shelves.

After finishing a whole day of work, Nathan drove to pick him up. First, before the rush hour, he returned to the apartment with Lan Li, took a quick shower and changed clothes; then followed the crowds to Madison Avenue and Seventh Avenue. Carlisle Coffee on the corner of 16th Street.

This cafe is unknown to outsiders, but it is well-known to New Yorkers. Because Woody Allen plays jazz here every Monday, so thunder can't move, even the Oscars can't disrupt his Actually Woody never thinks of himself as a filmmaker, he firmly believes I am a musician.

Tonight is not Monday, but Friday. However, Woody will still appear in the cafe to dine, and Tony Kaye, Karl Lund and Renly Hall will be accompanied tonight.

As one of the leading figures of East Coast artists, even if Woody has no interest in Oscars and college public relations, his influence is still not to be underestimated.

After the dinner, the hour hand had moved towards 9:30. Lan Li, Woody and others left Carlisle Coffee. After bidding farewell, Nathan appeared again, took Lan Li home to change another set of clothes, and then headed to the Upper East Side. Participate in the highlight of tonight.

Through the rearview mirror, Nathan glanced at Lan Li, who was sitting in the back seat. His suit and leather shoes were elegant and calm, but Nathan was full of worries. He endured and endured. After all, he did not hold back. "Lan Li ,are you sure?"

Those deep eyes lifted up, looked in the rearview mirror, smiled slightly, "We are going to be late."


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