The Greatest Showman

Chapter 862: Heart is like a rock

"Does this mean that I can start autobiography and then perfume?"

Lydia looked at Lan Li quietly, with a hint of surprise flashing through her eyes. This was their first meeting. She could catch the slight smile that filled Lan Li's mouth and eyes, like a spring breeze, which left her behind. Was very impressed. Even an old fox like Andy can inevitably panic, and even a senior person like herself is inevitably troublesome, but Lan Li is not.

Is this because Lan Li is confident and calm, or because... Lan Li has never really cared about Vanity Fair's reputation and prestige?

"Or, I'm still too anxious now?" There was a hint of brisk ridicule and irony in the elegant words, and Lydia couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't know, you are actually a fan of the Kardashian family." As a publicist, Lydia did not wait for Andy's introduction and chose to take the initiative.

Lan Li's words, the so-called autobiography and perfume, allude to the Kardashian family.

Without any work or talent, they created an entertainment industry chain through malicious hype and madness, creating topics and ratings, and now their family’s autobiography, reality shows, perfumes, and clothing brands are mixed. It's wind and water.

Simply put, in the entertainment industry, malicious hype has never been a serious matter. On the contrary, it is a product of the "entertainment to death" era.

For Lan Li, the problem with this news is not the hype, at least not the issues that "Entertainment Weekly" accused; it is the image. The professional image that has been built over the past two years is now facing due to the hype. With the disintegrating crisis, all the foundations established before will fall apart.

Lies, this is the core of netizens' angry accusations.

The career plans of Daniel Day-Lewis and Robert Downey Jr. are different. There is no good or bad, just a difference in setting. After all, all roads lead to Rome. However, people have always thought that Renly is Daniel, but now they suddenly discover that Renly is Robert. This is a problem.

With a simple ridicule, Lan Li cleared the fog and saw the essence of the matter. Is this wise or a coincidence? Lydia thought it was very interesting.

"No, I'm not." Lan Li still had a gentle smile on his face, and shook his head, "But I hope you are."

Lydia showed a surprised look, "Oh? Why?"

"Because, it means that you are skilled enough in business." Talking about hype and public relations, the Kardashian family is indeed one of the best in the entertainment industry. Lan Li's answer was unexpected, but reasonable.

Lydia laughed heartily, "Unfortunately, I am not. Their routines are the same, not worthy of further study." The strong confidence revealed between the conversations made people ignore her petite body and formed a momentum. confrontation.

"So, what's your solution?" Lan Li took the opportunity to cut into the core of today's topic. After speaking, he showed an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I played all day today, I was a little tired, and I still need to get up early tomorrow. Catch the plane. Please forgive my impatience and impoliteness." The graceful gentleman's demeanor makes people feel comfortable.

Nathan, who was standing next to him, interjected without warning, "Are Annie and Alex okay?" But after asking, Nathan realized his recklessness. Now there are more important things to discuss, but he brought up unrelated gossip.

However, Lan Li turned his head and said with a smile, "They are fine. I played all day today. Alex did not feel uncomfortable. He truly became Captain America today, wearing a uniform, and even after returning to the hotel. Unwilling to take it off; Anne’s dinner had some minor problems, but fortunately it was resolved smoothly. Her health has not been a problem for the past two days, but after we go back to New York, we still need a good checkup."

This is Lan Li's longest passage after returning; and it's all useless gossip, describing all the situation in detail and earnestly. It's like... As if compared to the "Entertainment Weekly" news crisis, Disneyland is the most important thing today. In fact, Lan Li's behavior at noon today has proved this point.

Retracting his gaze, Lan Li looked at Lydia again, nodded apologetically, and then cast a questioning look.

Lydia slowly digested the information she had just received in her mind, but the words did not stop. "The solution to the matter is very simple: invite Heather Cross's family to come out and clarify..."

"Do not."

Before Lydia's words could go on, Lanly shook her head and cut off the words bluntly. This made Lydia slightly stunned. She thought she hadn't explained clearly enough, "They just need to clarify, all Everything will be solved."

The core problem is Heather Cross, who must tie the bell to untie the bell. What they need to do now is to solve the core problem; then cooperate with the clarification of the staff of Mount Sinai Hospital, as well as many clues such as Annie, Alex, and even Pioneer Village. Finally, it is the statement of support from Lan Lizhi's friends.

After the misunderstanding is resolved, things are simple. They only need to draft a lawsuit and take Entertainment Weekly to court, asking them to clarify the rumors and publish an apology.

The next step is to clean up the messy public relations work. They need to slowly reshape the image of Lan Li and eliminate the negative impact. This is an extremely long process, which takes at least three to six months. You can take a long time to discuss it.

However, Lan Li shook his head again and said categorically, "No. We will not invite the Crosses to clarify, and we will not ask any parties from Mount Sinai Hospital to come out for interviews."

Heather was buried. He was not able to attend the funeral, and he did not even know the time and place of the funeral.

He knew what the Crosses meant. Now for the couple, the last thing they want to see is himself. He reminds them all the time that his daughter’s last smile bloomed at a concert, if there hadn’t been that concert. ...

He also knows the mood of the Cross couple. What they need now is cleanliness, cleanliness that no one disturbs. They have just lost their only daughter, the most important part of their lives. The last thing they need is the interruption and entanglement of the media.

He can't do it, and he doesn't want to do it.

As for Mount Sinai Hospital. It’s not the site of a press conference or a concert. It’s a hospital, a paradise for children. For those children who are seriously ill, the world is too cruel and terrible. They have almost no place to stay. The Mount Sinai Hospital is the last place of salvation.

A month ago, Lan Li had never tried to expose his life as a volunteer in the hospital, because there he was just a volunteer who offered a helping hand, no more, no less.

A month later, Lan Li didn’t want to disturb their lives first, because he knew these news media more clearly than anyone else. In order to get a hit, they did everything, even better than Harvey Weinstein. It's even more filthy.

"But..." Lydia tried to defend herself again.

"There is no but." Lan Li resolutely reached a conclusion again.

Lydia felt panic for the first time, turned her head to look at Andy, cast a confused look, and seemed to be asking, "What the **** is going on?"

Andy received Lydia's signal, looked at Lan Li, opened his mouth, but the next moment Lan Li turned his head and cast a calm gaze. In those eyes, the words of persuasion stuck in his throat like this, and no sound came out.

"Miss Brooks." Lan Li's voice rang again, "The method you mentioned is indeed the simplest and most direct method. But the problem is that this is not just what you know, but even ordinary As readers of, know that the easiest way to clarify the facts is to ask the parties. Legally, this is called calling witnesses.

The gentle voice, but there are thin spikes hidden.

"If it's just this way. I don't see the necessity of hiring professionals." The smile at Lan Li's mouth rose, and his eyes flashed slightly, "What do you think?"

Lydia choked involuntarily.

Before tonight, she had heard of industry rumors and followed Andy’s advice: Lanly is not a vase at the mercy of it. It was not before, and it is not now; it is obviously not hype that Lanly can achieve today. But now it seems that her cognition is still too shallow.

Taking a deep breath, Lydia put away the messy thoughts for a while. She doesn’t know why the Crosses and Mount Sinai Hospital are taboo, and she doesn’t want to visit now; but she knows that the first plan was shot and she must come up with the second plan, and even the third and fourth plan. One, prove your strength.

"I know It was just a breath away. Lydia also sorted out her thoughts and changed the plan again. "Since Entertainment Weekly is ready to make a hype, then we will continue the hype. The events in my memory, the Seattle incident, the Natalie incident, and the concert incident this time, all were reported by Entertainment Weekly and promoted the follow-up, right? "

"Obviously, we have never participated in any hype. From the beginning to the end, the hype was brought up by Entertainment Weekly and spilled dirty water on us. In the end, we will receive both fame and fortune. If my words are wrong, you can Point it out." Lydia said quickly, "Then let's challenge the professional ethics of Entertainment Weekly to see who is hype and who is maliciously concocting the news. Solve the whole incident from the root. "

The root cause of the incident was not the concert, nor Heather, nor Renly; it was the "Entertainment Weekly" that was pursuing and persevering. Now, Lydia is ready to draw a salary from the bottom, give the uncrowned kings a head-on, and subvert the entire incident.

So bold, so crazy, so ruthless. It is indeed an eye-opener.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, "I am happy to be one of them. May I ask, is there anything I can help?" 8)

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