The Greatest Showman

Chapter 864: Confidant enough

"Knocking, knocking", the rapid knock on the door echoed on the quiet street at night, leaving almost no time to react. One and another, continuous and uninterrupted, but leaked the chaos of the people. And anxious, startled the night, gently rippled.

With that, Nathan quickened his pace. After opening the door, he saw a worried face, Paul Walker.

"How is the situation now? How is his condition now?" Paul's throat seemed a little dry, his voice rustling, revealing panic and anxiety.

Faced with such a question, Nathan did not know how to answer, "...he is very good." After speaking, Nathan scratched his head in annoyance, his face was embarrassed, and he was thinking hard but couldn't find a better answer. That's it, he's fine."

Such an answer was really unexpected, and he was stunned. The absurd and absurd black humor hit his face, and after a sneer, Paul laughed. If you think about it, it seems that this is normal. If Nathan answered that Lanly is now breaking down, it is estimated that Paul would think it was a prank.

He shook his head slightly, "Where is he? Where is he now? Is he sleeping?"

Paul knew that Renly was an avid sleeper. After learning the news, I didn't think much, and drove all the way from Malibu. Standing at the door, I remembered the time. It was past half past twelve and Lan Li was probably asleep. "If he sleeps, then I will come back tomorrow. What time will the plane arrive tomorrow?"

"I'm not so sure. Just now, Lan Li went to the room. He should take a shower first. He shouldn't fall asleep yet." Nathan stepped aside and signaled Paul to come in. "Tomorrow is the plane at 11:25."

Nodded, Paul expressed his understanding. He walked to the door of Lan Li’s room, his eyes beckoned to Nathan, he opened the door of the room lightly, and then the warm orange light in the room leaked out. Lan Li also returned. Did not fall asleep.

On the neat bed, a few pieces of clothes were thrown in a random and messy manner; on the neat floor, socks, towels and shoes were scattered. Looking around, the bedroom with navy blue as the main color is elegant, classic and elegant, simple and neat, but empty; Paul walked lightly into the room, walked around the fallen clothing on tiptoe, and then looked Arrived at the blue ceremony on the balcony.

The dense night light sparsely outlines the contours of the figure, calm and motionless, there seems to be no abnormality, the tough chin curve, the strong shoulder line, the straight spine line, everything is so calm.

However, the cigarette that flexibly turned on the slender fingertips was not lit, and the fragments of tobacco leaves fell down. Before there was time to stay, a gust of wind blew without a trace, and the shadow of the drooping eyelids revealed a touch of loneliness and nothing Help, the sorrow and bitterness in the dazedness are like smoke, which disappears as soon as it blows.

Such a blue gift is really unfamiliar.

In a panic, Paul quickly lowered his head, concealing the turbulent intricacies deep in his eyes.

As an actor, Paul knows how difficult the media is and how hurtful online feedback is. Even if it is low-key like him, the bad reviews on the Internet are unsightly; Paul cannot imagine facing such an overwhelmingly negative news , Facing such a transformation from heaven to hell, what kind of pressure and pain did Lan Li endure?

Imagination is so scarce and empty. At this moment when he saw Lan Li's back, Paul couldn't bear to look away.

His footsteps were slightly unstable, his knees hit the frame of the sliding door, and there was a muffled noise, and Paul's sight slammed into Lan Li's eyes, catching a flash of smile in his eyes.

The familiar gentleman, the familiar warmth, the familiar calmness; but he was stained with a faint loss, as if at low tide, reluctantly staying on the beach and unwilling to leave the white waves, leaving shallow and sparsely continuous Of fine sand.

Paul touched his neck uncomfortably, "...Are you okay?" After asking, Paul closed his eyes in annoyance, his entire face wrinkled. This is the worst, most boring, and most useless opening remark. He could be more clumsy.

"No, I'm not good." Lan Li's answer caused Paul to open his eyes and said in a panic, "I know, I know..." But the words stopped in his throat suddenly, staring at Lan Li in a daze. , Stood in place for a while, at a loss.

The arc of Lan Li's mouth rose up, smiling, but hesitated, "Paul, I'm not good."

In the last life, Chu Jiashu didn't talk to anyone, because his mother was burdened with too much pressure, he could no longer worry about his mother, and everything was silently hidden in his heart.

In this life, Lan Li did not talk to anyone, because troubles are not allowed in the noble circle. All negative emotions must be strictly hidden in the bottom of my heart, not easily leaked, otherwise it will become a scandal.

However, Lan Li refused to follow the rules. Whether it's the pranks of Eton College and Cambridge University, or the bold and arrogant choice of the actor, he has never really hidden his inner desire.

For Elf, for George and Elizabeth, Renly never hides, but never shows it, because he knows that they don't care; but for Arthur and Edith, Renly never hides his negative emotions.

"You know, just a week ago, I thought I had the world." Lan Li said with a smile, his eyes fell on the undulating bright spots in the distance. Compared to New York, the night scene of Los Angeles has increased. With a touch of magnificence and romance, the irritability gradually settled down.

"I won the Silver Bear Award in Berlin, and I was nominated for an Oscar. As an actor, I finally realized my dream and got the recognition of professionals. I can continue to explore the world of acting and pursue higher Realm. This is wonderful." Lan Li's tone was calm, without self-pity, and even with a hint of cheerful joy, the corners of his mouth rose.

However, the bitterness and sorrow entangled in it still linger. It's like the loneliness and loneliness of people walking around after the grand party, how violent the madness and joy at the party, and how violent the emptiness and helplessness at the end.

Paul sat down next to Lanly and involuntarily exhaled a sigh of breath. He is not an excellent enlighter. At least, he can be an excellent listener.

"You know, standing on the stage of Madison Square Garden, for a moment, I really thought that my persistence and my dream finally found a companion; and the album'Don Quixote' finally I found the listener. They really understood what I was saying." Lan Li lowered his eyes and chuckled lightly to himself, "Well, it seems that I'm still too naive. Maybe, I'm an idealist, never Really understand this industry."

"Len Li." Paul called out, but countless words whirled on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't say it. Or to be more precise, he didn't know where to start.

Lan Li's mouth squeezed slightly, "At least, I used to think that at least they should understand that I am a smart person, even if it is hype, I will choose a more clever approach. What is going on with them, am I in their eyes Is it so stupid?"

The ridiculous tone made Paul dumbfounded, and he yelled silently, "Len Li!" Then he saw Lan Li laugh out loud, a light of mischief flashed through his eyes, and Paul shook his head helplessly. That’s because they have never really understood you, or they have never really tried to understand you."

Anyone who has ever been in contact with Lan Li does not need to understand or make friends. Even if it is just a fate or a nodding acquaintance, they should clearly know that Lan Li is absolutely impossible for malicious hype.

Perhaps other accusations are more reliable, such as playing big names. In the crew, when Lan Li devoted himself to the script, he was indeed very big. Even the director did not dare to interrupt Lan Li's preparations.

Take another example of lofty pride, for Van Diesel, for Chris Hemsworth, for reporters, the condescending manner revealed in Renley's words and deeds really make people feel uncomfortable.

But, malicious hype? This is definitely the most absurd allegation. But by the way, those netizens believed it, and just believed it.

"You don't need them." Paul said firmly.

Lan Li raised his head, and then saw Paul's clear eyes, without any cover or impurities, unswervingly expressing his support and trust. The pure and sincere light revealed a faint warmth, melting the pain and sharpness little by little.

Paul is not a person who is good at words, but he is a very warm person.

In the frank and sincere eyes, Lan Li was a little embarrassed. He lowered his eyes in a panic, then raised his eyes again and looked at the night scene. "A friend once said that blindly following ten thousand people is too few, but one confidant is enough. Now, I finally understand what this sentence means."

There are some truths, and only when you have really experienced the pain can you understand the deep meaning. Now, it's time to see the reality clearly. After the bubble of blind obedience disappears, the true confidant will stick to it. Even if there is only one, that is enough.

Paul looked at Lanly seriously and didn't react at first, but then gradually understood, so the smile on the corner of his mouth rose up, climbing up little by little, especially watching Lan Li's face pretending to be calm, his smile finally bloomed brilliantly, and he let out a low chuckle, "Who is this friend? I think he is a wise guy."

"Who? Me? Are you talking about me?" A voice came from behind again, and the figure of Ryan Gosling appeared in the sight of the two people.

At this time, Ryan looked a little embarrassed, with very messy short hair. He simply wore a T-shirt with a denim jacket, but the button was completely wrong. It seemed that he went out in a hurry, with sleeping pressure on his cheek The red seal came out.

Ryan walked in in strides and pushed Renly and Paul to the other side with his knees, "Yes, give way." After sitting down, Ryan began to take out of his pockets. The candy was handed to Lanly and Paul respectively, adding, "Tonight, I will not accept rejection."

Waiting for Lanly and Paul to pick up the candy obediently, Ryan also peeled one off himself and threw it into his mouth, "So, what are we doing now? Cursing the media? Cursing netizens? Or in a daze and silence? Click and update me on the progress."

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