The Greatest Showman

Chapter 882: go with you

The creation of a song is exciting, hearty, blooming, and physically and mentally happy.

The curvature of the corners of the mouth rose slightly; the smile under his eyes was slowly surging. Lan Li truly felt the lightness and happiness of music creation. The beautiful emotions were always agitated in his chest. He put down the guitar and turned around. Lan Li gave a thumbs up to Old Frank and said with a chuckle, "The performance just now was very Wonderful, happy cooperation!"

Old Frank still seemed to be immersed in the shock. He never recovered. He just nodded blankly, unable to respond at all.

Lan Li's footsteps came to the side of the bar, smiling at Matthew, who was crying and embarrassed. He didn't seem to be surprised at Matthew's appearance, and he didn't seem to sigh Matthew's embarrassment at all, but raised his eyebrows slightly. At the end, "I am going to leave, but I didn't drive over today, how about it? Would you like to take me for a ride?"

The corners of Matthew's mouth were raised slightly, and he looked at Lan Li in a daze. Then he felt ridiculous and funny. He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, "Of course, my honor." The hoarseness of his voice and the blockage of his nasal voice , Again revealed his embarrassment, but the two did not say much, turned around, and left the bar side by side.

"I think you need to calm down your emotions. You know, people who have just experienced great joy and great compassion are not suitable for driving. If you expect me to be the driver, then you must be disappointed."

"...You still carry a handkerchief with you now? God, isn't this George's habit?"

"Specially prepared for ladies. But occasionally, gentlemen can also use it. If you don't need it, you can return it to me."

Two people, you say a word to me, there is no need to explain at all, and there is no need to repeat, the familiarity between each other has returned to the habitual mode, and they left the bar one after the other.

Those noises gradually dissipated in the air, and the bar calmed down again, as if nothing had happened, everything was just a dream. Beautiful and amazing, but when he wakes up, it is only a beautiful sight.

Old Frank came to the bar again ignorantly, looking at the young bartender in front of him, his face was still full of excitement and excitement, "Wow, that guy is really a character, right?" Old Frank didn't know. , "Oops, I should have an autograph, God, I'm so stupid, I forgot. Fortunately, fortunately, there is a mobile phone video to testify, otherwise no one will believe me at all."

Old Frank was still confused, his reaction was a little slow, "What's wrong,, is that person... famous?"

"Famous?" The young bartender widened his eyes and his face was inconceivable. "Jesus Christ is more than famous. The one just now was Lanly Hall!"

The bartender was still young after all, and after a brief conversation, he recognized Lan Li. In recent times, the focus of discussion throughout North America.

At the beginning, the bartender was still a little skeptical, worried that he might have identified the wrong person; so, he secretly took a photo, uploaded it to Facebook, and asked his friends, hoping that they could identify whether it was Lan Li. If so, why did Lan Li appear in this remote and quiet town in New Jersey? Is it a cemetery specially here?

Seeing old Frank’s face full of shock, the young bartender hugged his head and exclaimed again and again, "Did you not recognize him? Renly Hall, a sensation throughout the United States! Don't you know?" Speed ​​and excitement /Love 5'?'Love is crazy'?'Anti-cancer me'?"

However, Old Frank was still at a loss.

The young bartender began to work hard to Amway, "Oh, I heard that he also held a concert recently, but I don’t know much about it. I thought he was just a guest singer occasionally, and it was just a ticket, but now it seems, His singing is really great! The live performance is so exciting! By the way, have you heard the song just now? What's the name? Is it available on iTunes?"

The bartender was still chatting, unable to get rid of the atmosphere just now. Today is destined to be an unforgettable day in his life; however, old Frank's thoughts have gradually drifted away.

Renly-Hall? Lan Li-Hall!

Old Frank finally remembered it! He finally realized why this name was so familiar! That young man is actually Lanly, the creator of "Don Quixote", the musician who reawakened his heart and passion, the artist who re-injected soul and inspiration into music!

Old Frank fell into the mighty shock, his eyes filled with incredibleness, and then, the melody just echoed in his mind again, if there was something floating around his ears, "Even if my body is broken, I swear I will not waste my life! "In an instant, the old tears burst into tears.

"What's the name of the song just now?" After all, Matthew still didn't restrain his curiosity, and asked aloud, turning the steering wheel skillfully, leaving the parking space, and onto the road, leaving the cemetery and bar behind. Embarked on the road home.

Without hesitation, Lan Li said directly, "'I-Lived'."

"Not in vain of this life." Matthew chewed carefully, again, and again, and then turned into a smile in his eyes, "Today, did you say goodbye officially?"

"Yeah." Lan Li nodded and expressed affirmation. This is farewell and the beginning.

Even as far away as London, the uproar of North America crossed the oceans, unhindered and set off stormy waves. Although anxious and worried, deep down in his heart, Matthew knows that Lan Li needs a person's time and space, and he can handle everything, only his own time and space.

Therefore, Matthew still completed all the work step by step. Then, I rushed back to New York immediately and arrived smoothly last night. However, the news was that Lan Li had disappeared and really disappeared. Even Matthew could not find any trace of Lan Li.

However, Matthew knew that Lan Li needed to say goodbye. Lan Li will definitely say goodbye to Heather personally, the goodbyes between old friends, and when the time is up, Lan Li will appear again. As a friend, all Matthew needs to do is to wait quietly and welcome Lan Li's return with a warm embrace and solid shoulders. Walk with it.

"Aren't you curious, how did I find that bar?" Matthew raised his eyebrows, Lan Li's take it for granted, it was too calm, but made him curious.

Lan Li pursed the corners of his mouth, "If it were a private investigator, you know I would not let you go; but if not, why should I care? I deeply believe that you and Arthur can partner together. A Sherlock Holmes detective agency might have a good business in London."

That ridiculous tone made Matthew shook his head helplessly, "Facebook. In this world, there is a tool called the Internet. Facebook and Twitter can find many clues."

In an era when social networks are spreading all over the world, it is very difficult for public figures to hide their presence, because where there are people means there are news sources, and there is nowhere to hide.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows and said, "Look, I was right." The natural expression made Matthew laugh dumbstruck, "Do you remember that movie? Four problematic teenagers went to the forest together, looking for a ten The body of a two-year-old boy."

"Yes, I remember. Walk with me, right?" Matthew nodded, "What's the matter? Why did you mention this movie?"

"The movie said that although he and I have not seen each other for ten years, I know that I will miss him forever. I never made friends as good as the twelve-year-old group of people." Lan Li said with a smile. "So, I guess, we are lucky."

Matthew was stunned, and then he tasted the deep meaning of Lan Li's words, his smile dizzy little by little in the bottom of his eyes, he retracted his gaze and looked forward.

To this day, Matthew still remembers the first meeting of the two.

At that time, he was sitting quietly on a bench reading a book, and then a figure sat down on the other end, and a joke was heard in his ear, "You should know that underage children read Moby-Dick (Moby-Dick). ', this is against the rules? Although, this book has nothing to do with the restricted stories you imagine. If you really want to read those taboo books, believe me, there are more choices in the library ."

The children on the aristocratic campus are frolicking, not chasing me in the traditional sense, but participating in cricket. However, the two of them did not participate in it. Instead, they sat on the bench next to them and read "Moby Dick".

However, the development context of the story is somewhat deviated from imagination. Later, the campus supervisor discovered the laziness of the two people. Lan Li stuffed the "December Talk" in his hand into his schoolbag, shrugged off his responsibility, and proactively reported to the supervisor, emphasizing that he was reading illegally.

First is "Moby Dick", and then "Ten Days". He hadn't had time to recover, he didn't know what happened, he only knew that in the next step, the principal invited his father to the school. That year, he was only six years old.

"Are you sure? How do I feel that it was an unfortunate beginning for me and Andre. And Eaton." Matthew murmured calmly, but he saw Lan Li close his eyes from the corner of his vision. He fell asleep in a dazed manner, as if he hadn't heard at all. Matthew couldn't help but choke, then laughed dumbfounded.

Gradually the bustling and noisy Manhattan filled his ears, and Matthew awakened the sleeping Lan Li, "Go directly to the apartment? Or what plans?"

"Go to Pioneer Village." Lan Li rubbed his eyes, sleepy eyes, hoarse voice, "I'm going to have a drink tonight, how about you join together?"

"My pleasure." Matthew replied with a smile.

Avoiding the rush hour, two people arrived at the destination in just half an hour. After parking the car, I took a step towards the Pioneer Village. It was just early five o'clock in the afternoon. The bar had just opened, not to mention the guests, even the waiters were still preparing.

Pushing open the door of the bar, Lan Li walked towards the bar expertly, waved hello to Neil, and then saw a familiar figure sitting next to the bar.

Paul Walker smiled brightly, raised the wine glass in his hand and motioned, "How about? The first round will be credited to my account?"

The corner of Lan Li's mouth rose up, came to the bar, tapped the table lightly, and shouted to Neil, "You heard it, the first round has already begun. Speed ​​up!"

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