The Greatest Showman

Chapter 960: Stress relief

"Whhhhhhhhh..." The hot and **** breath came from behind, rolling up a large expanse of air, and rushing towards the face, thundering; but when I turned my head, I could only see the boundless darkness, tumbling in faintness. Then, the **** breath was approaching step by step.

Running, running wildly, trying to escape from the swallowing of this thick fog, like a monster with no end in sight; but his feet seem to have no strength, no matter how running, he still can’t get rid of the haunting heart. Crisis and fear; gasping for breath, only to find that the oxygen is decreasing, the feeling of suffocation makes people panic.

Without warning, his feet stomped on the air, and the impact of the free fall smashed hard, and every muscle in his body was roaring and screaming. But the next moment, he stood on the stage, and there was a bustling crowd in front of him. All the audience stood up, slapped their hands vigorously, thunderous applause swept from all directions, the sound of "pops" Like the echo of the valley, it keeps echoing in the ear, and then echoing again.

"Drink", took a sharp breath, awakened in the dream, Lan Li sat up with a grunt, his chest was undulating sharply, and the cold oxygen drained into his lungs, and the anxious and burning tingling sensation gradually disappeared, quickly After looking around for a while, I realized that everything just now was just a dream.

The sultry sweat wetted the hair, and the whole head looked extremely heavy; the back was covered with cold sweat, and I didn’t know which corner was blowing a cold wind. I couldn’t help but shudder two times in a row, and then I realized that my whole body was already I was soaked, I didn't change my clothes at all last night, my muscles were sore and my head was heavy, and every cell in my body was full of tiredness after physical exhaustion.

He picked up the glass water glass placed on the bedside table. The soreness of his fingertips was almost unsteady. Fortunately, he didn't awkwardly knocked over the water glass, and poured all the water into his mouth in one breath. It felt cold. A little bit filled every cell of the body, and the whole person really recovered.

Lifted the quilt, got out of bed barefoot, then walked into the bathroom, turned on the hot water faucet, and started to drain water. The entangled water vapor rose up, the tight muscles were slightly relieved, and the tight nerves were slightly relaxed.

Pressure is still pressure after all.

The pressure on theatrical performances in the West End of London is really too great. Every day, 100% must be handed over. The slightest negligence is not allowed, otherwise it may lead to failure and failure of the performance on this day; not only because of the six-hour performance. The long performance was also because the core and theme of the whole play fell on Lan Li alone. Before I realized it, the burden was already heavy.

Lan Li is a perfectionist, at least above performance, he is eager to pursue perfection. Therefore, in addition to external pressure, he is constantly putting pressure on himself. After each performance, he needs to self-examine and self-examine himself. After two consecutive weeks of long performances, there is no gap for breathing.

The consumption of the body is getting bigger and bigger, and it is increasing at an exponential rate, and the tension of the mind is getting tighter and tighter, and it seems that even the instinct of breathing is gradually forgotten.

After finishing last night's performance, my nerves suddenly relaxed, and the free fall was caught off guard, but it brought more anxiety and anxiety. All night, Lan Li was dreaming, the bizarre dreamland, from illusion to reality, becoming more and more real, and finally it simply evolved into a stage.

After putting in the hot water, the whole person soaked in it. The temperature of the water was a little hot, so that the skin tingled slightly, but Lan Li enjoyed it, as if he could feel the muscle soreness dissolving in the hot water bit by bit. Even the tiredness gradually disappeared. The tense emotions finally really relaxed at this moment.

Lying in the bathtub, the whole person is completely relaxed, and he fell asleep again in a daze. After being exhausted to the extreme, he finally feels comfortable, as if floating on the clouds, bathing in lazy sunshine, enjoying a moment of leisure And freedom.

The sound of applause and roar came from my ears, and it echoed slowly. After closing my eyes, the memory fragments of last night seemed to reappear in my mind. The audience stood up, applauded enthusiastically, and continued for a long time. It was warm and excited. The applause of Zhang kept lingering in his ears, hitting his eardrums hard, as if the blood all over his body was boiling.

Pressure is inevitable, but it can always be a motivation.

If he can come back again, Lan Li will still choose the West End of London without hesitation. In just over two weeks, he has learned even more than in the past three years. The greater the pressure, the greater the motivation and the rewards. Fortunately, the performance contract is still two and a half months. He must cherish every next performance and truly enjoy the stage.

Quietly, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose.

"Knock", there was a knock on the bathroom door, and Matthew's voice sounded outside, "Lan Li, are you awake? Are you okay?" Just now I came to check Lan Li's condition, but found the bed. There was no one on it, and the quilt and sheets were wet with sweat.

"I'm fine." Lan Li Yangsheng replied, "I just need a cup of hot milk." After saying this, Lan Li chuckled. Hot milk, the taste of a child, "Matthew? Is the guest already here?" Otherwise, Matthew won't disturb his sleep time.

"Don't worry, you still have enough time." Matthew said in a deep voice, then turned and left.

After staying in the bathtub for about five minutes, Lan Li chose to get up and officially began to take a shower. I went to sleep without freshening up last night, and now the green scum has appeared in the lower jaw, now I have to take care of it.

After finishing packing, I changed to a set of relatively comfortable clothes. Then I left the room and walked down the stairs to the downstairs. Then Lan Li showed a surprised look and laughed blankly, "Hey, guys, good noon? "It's a quarter past ten now, and there is not much time left before eleven.

Obviously, Lan Li hadn't expected such a scene. There were so many people gathered in the small apartment, and it was like a small private party. This picture is reminiscent of Paris. On Sunday morning, a group of friends gather together to chat, drink, smoke, waste time, waste their lives, and just talk about unnutritious topics in comfort.

"Lan Li!" Bill and Tom, who were sitting on the sofa, stood up quickly, as if a soldier had seen the officer. The well-behaved posture really made people laugh.

In addition, Alfonso Cuarón, who was sitting at the dining table, also stood up in a panic. His movements were still a little restrained. He did not speak, but looked at Lan Li with a smile, and then nervously pulled the hem of his suit, as if I am worried that my manners are not good enough.

This instead made Paul on the side laugh hehe, "Just be casual, don't stand up." The previous sentence was addressed to Alfonso, and then Paul looked at Lanly, nodded and said hello, "Why? Well, are you resting well?"

"Very good. If I can sleep all day, it would be even better." Lan Li said jokingly, but only Paul laughed happily. The others seemed a little stiff, which made Lan Li shook his head. "Hey, Mei Duo, you make me feel unfamiliar, relax, I am not a monster."

Seeing Lan Li in front of her, Mei Duo smiled shyly.

Today is Sunday. Since this period of time, it has been a rare break, and Lan Li has really relaxed.

A smoky gray sweater is paired with black jeans. The sleeves of the sweater are rolled to the elbows. The slightly curly hair seems to have not been trimmed for a while, and the wet hair has loomed over the eyebrows, lazily and casually. Kind and natural, they seemed to be totally different from the man on stage last night.

"Director." Lan Li came to the hall, greeted him actively, pulled a chair away, and took a seat next to him.

"Alfonso, you can call me by name." Alfonso said cautiously, after hesitating, he sat down.

Matthew left the kitchen, holding a transparent glass in his hand, full of milk, and placed it on the dining table. The warm milk was smoky, and the milky white luster was on the log table top and the brown woven coaster. A touch of warmth is outlined in between.

Lan Li picked up the milk, took a big sip, and felt warmth in his empty stomach, "Sorry, I seem to be late, everyone has already been there, and I am the only one absent. This is really impolite. That's it." Lan Li said with a chuckle, picked up the plate next to him, and started adding bacon, eggs and pancakes to the plate.

"No, no, no, I was too early." Alfonso waved his hand again and again, "Are you okay? I mean, are you resting well?"

"Perfect." Lan Li said with a smile, but did not intend to keep the topic on himself. After the breakfast was served, Lan Li took up the dinner plate and milk, "How about, let's talk outside? Although there is none in London What sunshine, but some fresh air is always Alfonso nodded quickly and picked up his own dinner plate.

"Guys, please feel free to treat this as your own home. This is what I did." Lan Li teased-this is Matthew's apartment, not his. Then Lan Li invited Alfonso to come. On the outside balcony, I placed things on the big red iron round table, like a coffee shop table in the streets of Paris, and sat face to face with Alfonso.

The Paris coffee house pays attention to this kind of sentiment. The small table and the knees of two people touch each other. In the small chat, the ambiguity between each other is brewed little by little, and it is eliminated invisibly. The estrangement between strangers.

Bill stood in the hall, dumbfounded. It took less than three minutes from Lan Li’s appearance to when Lan Li left. Before he could react, Lan Li had already gone outside the balcony. It seemed... as if he was not a guest, but a close friend of Lan Li.

This illusion made Bill both happy and shocked, turned his head, and then caught similar emotions in Tom and May's eyes. Then Bill laughed silly.

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