The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 106: I can't bear to eat you

Wind, howling.

Quirrell fell quickly, suddenly stagnated, and slowly rolled over and fell to the ground.

He smiled gracefully, "Very good floating spell, it seems that you are very talented in this regard."

Anton just looked at him coldly.

You only came out at this time. You are too weak.

The cat and leopard on the tree exploded with all its hair, and its roots stood upright, making a cat-like meow, "meow".

Turn around and run.

Voldemort shook his wand lightly, and the cat leopard lay on the ground again, pressing it tightly against the tree trunk with an extremely forceful 'bang'.

He didn't even look at the cat and leopard, he just looked at Anton with a smile, "Your will is also very strong."

"I can feel that there is only boiling killing intent in your mind, but you endured it."

He gracefully walked two steps around Anton, smiling, "The hypnosis of cats and leopards is a very interesting magic, it can inspire wizards. In ancient times, this kind of magical animal usually followed the sages of the tribe. ."

"This is a rare experience, let me see..." Voldemort waved his wand, and an inexplicable spell hit Anton.

Anton only felt that the burning sensation in his body became more and more intense, and the killing intent in his mind almost drowned himself.

But this kind of killing intent is amazing. It is just killing intent, but it will not make people lose their minds.

Instead, there will be a feeling of completely wiping the glass of the window of the soul clean.

The whole person is very transparent.

"Let me see." Voldemort stared at Anton. "Do whatever you want. Let me see your potential. I'm suddenly a little reluctant to eat you. You are so good, maybe I can. Recruit you to become my subordinate."

Lao Fu's voice seemed to have a spell effect, constantly making the flames in Anton's mind burn more vigorously.

"You're going to eat me?" Anton gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice.

"Of course." Voldemort was still smiling so gracefully, as if he was talking about the weather today, not the slaughter, "You are a delicious, great tonic, full of temptation for me. But I've changed my mind now, your excellent Get me excited."

"You're going to eat me!" An Dong's face was sharp and he repeated in a low voice.

"then you……"

Anton raised his arm and pointed his wand at Voldemort, "Just die!"


The whole forest seemed to come alive, shaking everywhere.

"Hahaha." Voldemort laughed, "That's right, that's it, come on, kill me, fast!"

As if summoned by the emperor of the underworld, countless clay figurines climbed out of the ground between the mountains and forests.


These werewolves with all the clay and stone puppets were still the kind of werewolves with particularly strong muscles. Each head looked extra solid, as hard as a stone.

The leading werewolf roared in the sky silently, and the werewolves all over the mountains charged towards Voldemort.

Voldemort waved his wand at will, and the ground bulged quickly, as if two huge plates were squeezed, and a stone wall-like mountain appeared around, completely blocking the werewolf from the outside.

"not enough!"

Voldemort shook his head, "That's not enough!"

"Really?" Anton stared at him coldly.

A big tree is constantly twisting its shape, eventually turning into a huge werewolf.

Pieces of heavy armor constantly appear on its body.

Another big tree turned into a huge wolf.

The werewolf rolled over and sat on top of the giant wolf, tore off another tree, and in a short while, the big tree turned into a spear.



Countless flames similar to fire elephants emerged from the giant wolf's eyeballs, from the gaps in the armor, and from the werewolf's head!

Everywhere along the way, whether it is a mud werewolf or a thick mud wall, they are all crushed.

Voldemort's eyes finally turned serious now. He waved his wand, and a long flame emerged from the tip of the wand, extending into the air. The farthest point was three meters wide, like a huge flaming python.


The flame python was like a huge whip, hitting the werewolf cavalry.

With one whip, the werewolf cavalry split.

With the second whip, the werewolf cavalry was completely shattered.

At this time, the werewolf cavalry's spear almost stabbed Voldemort's head.

"That's right." Voldemort sighed in admiration, "This bad body can't bear my magic power at all, but even so, you are good enough. I was a first-year student, but not as good as you."

The werewolf cavalry responded to him, big trees, stones, land, everything that could be deformed was rapidly condensing and deforming.

Anton waved his wand, and a lot of wolf hair began to appear on his body, instantly transforming into a huge werewolf.

His body was half bent, and he flicked with force. The magic power of the Levitation Charm was added, and his speed became extremely fast.


Instantly disappeared among the countless werewolf cavalry.

After a while, a huge two-ton boulder was thrown by him forcefully, and the boulder whistled like a cannonball fired by a trebuchet.

"I admit." Voldemort clicked his tongue, "This is more than this body can handle."

He stretched out his arm and lifted his wand lightly, "All curses end!"

Everything is wiped out.

Not far away, Anton changed back to his human form and fell softly.

He waved his wand again, and Anton floated gently in front of him.

"He is indeed more useful than you, Quirrell, you idiot, it was a mistake to choose you."

He lowered his head to look at Anton, chuckled lightly, then turned to look at the cat leopard, smiled, "Thank you for giving me your blood and soul."

The cat leopard backed away in horror, turned its head and ran into the But the more it ran, the more it retreated, and finally backed up beside Voldemort.

"Very good." The slender fingers gently rested on the neck of the cat leopard.

A shrill cry resounded in the Forbidden Forest.



When Anton woke up again, it was in Quirrell's office.

He blinked, still keeping his slightly squinted eyes, just secretly skimming the indoor scene.

Everything that happened last night flickered in his mind like a revolving lantern—he ran on a broom, Quirrell destroyed the broom, attacked him with the Death Spell, and was blocked by Dumbledore's dragon bracelet. He fights back, intending to kill Quirrell, and Voldemort wakes up, and then, against...

At that time, although he couldn't help himself, he felt as if his entire mind had removed all defenses and had a wonderful feeling of bursting out of inspiration, which instantly opened up all his thoughts.

The transformation of a werewolf was applied to the fairy secret method of 'moving figures'.

The effect is remarkable. The clay doll has the power and defense of a werewolf. Although it retains less than 10% of its ability, it is already an astounding improvement.

Later, he even grasped the key points of Dumbledore's "Guardian Knight Curse" very quickly.

It is a wonderful fusion of the werewolf transformation, the moving figure, and the guard knight transformation spell.

That unparalleled feeling is refreshing.

However, in the eyes of a top wizard like Voldemort, these seemingly great spells are almost like playing a family, and they are easily solved.

Thinking of Voldemort, Anton squinted at the figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling oriel window.

Elegant and tall.

There was an instant judgment.

Lao Fu took control of Quirrell's body again.

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