Chapter 117 Song Zhaobang One 4

   Just like this, she would have wronged her little girl, and the old lady Song felt a little sorry.

  Song Zhaolai was in the arms of the old lady, her voice soft and waxy, "Grandma, I don't care."

   Mrs. Song found out that her little granddaughter really didn't care.

   She will not be sad or wronged, the emotions that a person should have seems to have disappeared.


   Half a month later is the entrance examination of Canglan College.

  Since Song Zhao was about to take the exam, after Song Bingyun's discussion, he was very active and wanted to invite some masters to review for Song Zhao.

   Although cramming is useless, it’s better than doing nothing at all.

  Song Zhao didn't want to waste time on this, so he proposed to go to Si Yu for help reviewing.

  Siyu is the prince's companion, and since childhood, his knowledge is naturally not bad.

   So Song Zhao was sent directly by his parents to Zhaixinglou to live with Si Yu.

  Siyu stood under the eaves.

   Watching Song Zhao move into the star-picking building with a big bag and a small bag, he was quite troubled.

   "You are too blatant about my purpose."

  Song Zhao was also very annoyed, "I can't help it, I can only use you as an excuse to be clean for half a month."

   "You don't need to say more." He lowered his eyes slightly, his dark pupils stared straight at her, his attitude a little lazy.

"I know."

   Don't you just like what he likes so much that you hate not being able to get along with him day and night?

  Although he was helpless to be infatuated by the little girl, Siyu still took the responsibility of giving Song Zhao an exam to test her IQ.

  Song Zhao sat cross-legged beside the small table and took the questions seriously.

  Siyu sat opposite her.

   He wore a black cyan cloak, and his eyebrows and eyes were deep and cool.

   Holding a tea cup in his hand, he ate quietly.

The little girl opposite    had a stern face and was very serious.

   His hands were itchy all of a sudden, pinched her face, and chuckled casually, "Why are you like a little old woman."

  Where is the coddling in the past?

  Song Zhao clapped his hands away and muttered in dissatisfaction, "The fourth brother is making fun of me again, how can I look like a little old woman."

  Siyu flirting with robes.

   The neckline is slightly open, revealing a thin collarbone.

   He stared at Song Zhao for a while, and said calmly, "I'm very curious, you never liked to read before, let alone do problems, but now you're more diligent."

  Song Zhao's changes, no one knows better than him.

   Not to mention anything else, just right now, she did all the questions he gave her.

   If he didn't know that this was the little girl himself, he would doubt whether it was a different person.

  Song Zhao took the pen seriously.

   The white and tender cheeks revealed a touch of pink, and the eyes were as bright as moonlight.

   She said softly, "I don't miss my old self at all. She was too reckless, willful, ignorant and easy to trust others, so she suffered a lot and learned a lot later."

   So in this life, she has to live smart!

  Song Zhao's tone was very calm, Si Yu listened to his ears, his heart suddenly ached violently, a very familiar pain.

   is like the pain of losing a loved one forever.

   He suppressed the weird feeling and asked playfully, "You have been wearing brocade clothes and jade food since you were a child, and the baby bump of the Song family, who gave you hardship and who taught you a lesson?"

   He just asked casually, and he would never cut the corpse of the person who bullied the little girl into pieces.

  Song Zhao put down his pen and dragged his cheeks, "I just suddenly understood that no one will always be your umbrella. Only by strengthening yourself can you rest easy."

   The little girl who doesn't know the sufferings of the world has this insight?

  Siyu wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

   He put down the tea cup, tickled the end of his eyes with wanton eyes, and said in a low and **** voice, "You call me brother, brother is willing to be your umbrella all the time."

  Song Zhao paused for a while, then walked over suddenly, holding Si Yu's hand moved.

   "Fourth brother, thank you."

   She met his long and narrow eyes and said softly, "I will be very good to you in the future."

   She hadn't decided whether to let Lord Quanchen go and see him rise up and destroy the world in the future.

   But this is what Lord Chong Quanchen said.

   she decided.

  During the time Siyu was alive, she would be kind to him.

  This little Ah Zhao, why is he not reserved at all?

  Siyu straightened his lips, preventing the arc from flying up.

   He looked at her with disgust.

   However, the cold and thin black eyes that came from both directions contained a bit of unseen tenderness, and the well-defined hand pressed on Song Zhao's head,

   "Don't be ashamed!"


   Half a month passed in a flash.

   Big brother's face is about to swell to the sky.

   Dear guys, try to help me stabilize my ranking, it will get cold if I fall.



   (end of this chapter)

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