Chapter 119 Song Zhaobang One 6

  Song Zhao took the exam today.

   Except for Song Jinfu, who was away from the city because of official business, and Song Yao, who was not suitable for going out to marry her boudoir, and Song Jingxian, who was silent.

  Song old lady Jun Yun's Song Wei sent Song Zhao to Canglan College together.

On the way to   , the three of them took turns giving various instructions to encourage Song Zhao.

   After talking for nearly half an hour, he stopped at the entrance of Canglan Academy.

  The fifty noble girls who came to take the test today also came one after another with their family members.

   The alleys leading to Canglan College were blocked for several days.

   This exam is related to whether their noble daughters will be able to marry into high families in the future, and the parents and seniors are dragging their noble daughters' hands and ears to face their lives.

  The atmosphere is very solemn.

  The old lady Song gave Song Zhao a wooden box, which contained carefully prepared food.

   The entrance exam takes a whole day, and the lunch at noon can only be as simple as that.

  The academy stipulated that elders could not stay at the door for a long time. The three of Song Laotaijun stared at Song Zhao after entering the academy before leaving, and then came to pick up people after the exam.

   After entering the academy, you have to exchange the papers for exam cards at the door and assign them to the respective exam rooms.

   The exam card was issued by Master Ren, who taught arithmetic, and the warm mother.

  She is known for her strictness, and she does business with other ladies.

   But he was gentle and considerate when he handed his daughter's handkerchief, and carefully pointed Song Zhao in the direction of the examination room.

   At the end, he also encouraged, "Second Lady Song, don't be under pressure."

  Other ladies who were sitting on the bench saw this scene, and their hearts were sour.

   This is the benefit of the related households.

   "Thank you." Song Zhao thanked him and walked to the examination room with envious eyes.

  Canglan College is built in a grand style. It is a majestic school with four high walls and an excellent view inside. Even the roads are made of marble.

   After walking a few steps, Song Zhao met Song Jingxian and Xia Qingyao who were talking.

   Song Jingxian actually sneaked in to find Song Zhao.

   He calmed down for half a month, thinking that even if he was annoyed by the disobedience of the little sister, he shouldn't not show up on this occasion, and it would be justifiable to cause criticism.

   I didn't sleep all night last night, I couldn't be bothered, and finally came late.

   was blocked by Xia Qingyao on the way.

   "Brother Shizi, did you come here specially to see me?"

   Song Jingxian felt a little guilty when he met his benefactor's earnest gaze.

   didn't say yes or no, and said, "You take the exam well, pay attention to check after writing, and you will definitely pass the exam."

   "With the encouragement of your elder brother, Yaoyao will live up to her expectations and never let your elder brother be ashamed."

Xia Qingyao said with a smile, her eyes fell on the paper and ink pen and inkstone in Song Jingxian's hand, and she was a little moved, "Brother Shizi, didn't I say that Canglan College will prepare paper and ink pen and inkstone for students for the exam? What are you doing? He even bought it for me..."

   She reached for it.

  Song Jingxian's eyes flashed, "This is not..."

   This is actually a habit that Song Jingxian has cultivated for many years. Every time the little girl takes the clan exam, she always writes in a mess, and the paper, ink, pen and inkstone prepared by the master are not enough.

   He would prepare extra paper, ink, pen and inkstone to send each time.

  Xia Qingyao understood immediately.

A look of sadness flashed in her eyes, and she lowered her head and said, "I bought it for Miss Song Er? I was delusional, I'm just a helpless orphan girl, how can I be as lucky as Miss Song Er? Brother Shizi is thinking about it..."

  Song Jingxian felt guilty because of this, it was too bad for him to repay this kindness.

   said slowly, "You can use some, I have prepared a lot."

   After he finished speaking, he saw Song Zhao's quiet figure walking towards him.

   He looked up at her, waiting for her to call him.

  Xia Qingyao spoke first, and said familiarly, "Miss Song, brother Shizi bought paper, ink, pen and inkstone for us. Come and get some for us."

  Song Zhao didn't look sideways and walked straight ahead.

During the    process, I didn't even look at these two people.

  Song Jingxian, "..."

   Immediately, Song Zhao's rude behavior gave him a gloomy look.

   The traces of guilt that    had for the little sister also instantly vanished.

   "Brother Shizi, is she angry? You should give it all to her." Xia Qingyao said timidly.

   "Don't worry about her." Song Jingxian took a deep breath,

   It seems that half a month has passed, and the little sister still has not figured it out.

   He snorted coldly, "When she falls off the list and is ridiculed, she will know that I am the one who is really good for her."


  Song Zhao entered the examination room.

   I suspect this review is poisonous, and the fourth brother should block it? Why can't I be ranked fourth, I'm so pissed!



   (end of this chapter)

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