Chapter 14 Draw in contacts 1

   The guard who was guarding the door saw a half-old girl coming over and said with a serious face, "Little girl, there is something important for the doctor today, and there is no time to pick up patients. You should come back another day."

   "What happened inside?"

   Song Zhao asked in a cold tone, but her naturally soft and glutinous voice gave people a very cute and cute look.

The guard couldn't help thinking of his youngest daughter, so he subconsciously lowered his voice and replied, "That's right, the eldest son of Lin Yushi's family doesn't know what's wrong, and he is seeking medical treatment in the hall. Come out, you should leave quickly to avoid getting sick."

   Under the hat, Song Zhaowu's big eyes flashed a ray of light.

   She vaguely remembered that in this month of her previous life, the eldest son of the Censor Lin's family had a funeral.

  Yushi Lin was in charge of supervising the officials of the court. He was a good and honest official. He was deeply in love with his wife, the flounder.

  Song Zhao suddenly felt that this was an opportunity to be delivered to his door.

  If he can cure Lin Yushi's eldest son, he will be able to gain personal favor. With this support, the Song family will have help.

  The official family, what they lack most is strong teammates.

  Thinking of this, Song Zhao ignored the guard's dissuasion and walked in.


   There were people in a circle in the main hall, and more than a dozen doctors from the magic doctor's door were all here.

   Young Master Lin lay unconscious on the hospital bed.

   A couple sat next to them, the man looked solemn and the woman bowed her head and sobbed sadly.

   It was Yushi Lin and his wife.

  Song Zhao came in without attracting anyone's attention.

  The surroundings were very noisy, and the doctors whispered and talked about Mr. Lin's condition, quite helpless.

   They have been diagnosed and treated for three days, let alone treatment, they don't even know what disease Lin Gongzi has.

   A doctor sighed, "In my opinion, Young Master Lin is in a coma. It may be a problem with his head. I have invited Dr. Zhang, who is good at brain science, to come here."

   At this moment, someone shouted loudly, "Doctor Zhang is here."

   Accompanied by these words, the eyes of the doctors lit up, as if they had seen a living Bodhisattva.

Physician    Zhang is the disciple of the sect master and the chief physician in charge of these doctors.

  Doctor Zhang received everyone's awe, and walked in proudly. The doctors surrounding the hospital bed naturally gave up the best position.

   "You are the famous Doctor Zhang. I beg you to save my son. As long as you can cure me, I will be very grateful. I will answer any requests in the future!" Lin Yushi and his wife implored Doctor Zhang earnestly.

  Doctor Zhang touched his chin, "Don't worry, the two of you, the doctors are benevolent, and it is my responsibility to save the dying and the wounded. This old man will do his best to cure Young Master Lin."

  Yushi Lin and his wife were immediately excited.

  Doctor Zhang went to see that the top of the hospital bed was ashes, so thin that his cheeks were sunken, and the young man who looked like a skeleton frowned, "How long has Mr. Lin been like this?"

  Yushi Lin said in a deep voice, "It's been more than a month. My husband and I have hired famous doctors in the capital and imperial doctors in the palace, but they can't find out the reason."

  Doctor Zhang calmly sat down to check the pulse for Young Master Lin.

   Being so confident, the doctors around him felt honored and said, "Let's watch, Doctor Zhang will be able to get rid of the disease!"

Doctor    Zhang originally thought he was fine.

   However, as time passed, Doctor Zhang frowned more and more tightly, and his face became more and more solemn.

   In the years of practicing medicine and treating diseases, he has encountered many strange diseases, but this is the first time that Mr. Lin has seen this kind of disease.

   The most terrifying thing is that Young Master Lin's pulse is extremely chaotic and fluctuating, and he can't figure out what kind of disease he has at all.

  As a doctor, if you can’t even detect the disease of the patient, how can you treat it?

   With so many eyes looking around, Physician Zhang suddenly oozes cold sweat from his back.

   He thought that the sect master would come over in a while. If he couldn't cure Young Master Lin, wouldn't he disappoint the sect master and lose his position as head doctor?

   At this time, Physician Zhang felt extremely regretful. He had known that Young Master Lin was in such a wicked way, and he should not have come. Now the arrow is on the string and has to be sent!

   "What's the matter, Physician Zhang? Can you find out what's wrong with Inuzi?" Seeing that Physician Zhang stopped to consult, Yushi Lin and his wife asked impatiently.

  The doctors also kept their eyes on Dr. Zhang, waiting for the results of his diagnosis and treatment.

Physician Zhang was flustered, and cold sweat broke out on his back, but he pretended to say, "Two, after the diagnosis and treatment of this old man, it was found that the pulse of the son was buoyant, soft and weak, and the tongue coating was blue and black, qi and blood were deficient, and yang qi was weak. Desire is a symptom of the evil spirits lurking within.”

   "Do you mean that the dog has been hit by evil?" Lin Yushi and his wife were shocked, "How could this happen? Is there a way to cure it?"

  Doctor Zhang said regretfully, "I'm sorry, there is no cure for this evil disease, not to mention that the evil poison in the son's body is very stubborn, and now it has invaded the blood, and there is no possibility of cure."

   As soon as these words came out, it was like a drop of cold water falling into the scalding hot oil, exploding a spark.

   "Master Tian, ​​I didn't expect Young Master Lin to be Zhongxie, no wonder we didn't find out!"

   "Doctor Zhang's medical skills are truly extraordinary. He can even detect the symptoms of evil poisons, which shows that his experience is far above ours!"

   "Oh, it's so pitiful, why is Young Master Lin a demon? Once this evil energy enters the body, I'm afraid the Da Luo Immortal can't do anything about it."

Doctor    Zhang's words and the discussions of the doctors made the hopes full of Yushi Lin and his wife dashed.

   Mrs. Lin's eyes showed incredible sadness and despair, and her whole body was shaking.

  Yushi Lin supported her with a sad face, "Madam, take care of your body!"

   " could this happen!" Mrs. Lin clutched her chest, tears streaming down her face, "My son is so good, how could he fall into evil..."

   Physician Zhang said again, "The doctor is a sage, and this old man can do everything he has learned in his life to ensure that the young master will not die within a month. Please prepare for your funeral."

   After watching the whole process of Song Zhao, he couldn't help raising his lips, and said casually, "What Dr. Zhang said is enough to make all the sages in the world die of shame for you."

   (end of this chapter)

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