Chapter 141 Suona sound 1

  Yin Wanyang saw Song Zhao, and said very vigilantly, "I'm not wearing mourning clothes today, and I'm not wearing bright clothes. You are not allowed to talk to me again."

   She was terrifying to Song Zhao's sharp mouth.

   It's just normal. Today, His Royal Highness is here, and Song Zhao must not be called to ruin her good deeds.

  Song Zhao was too lazy to pay attention to her.

  The prince spread his sleeves indifferently and looked at Song Zhao with a kind of gifted eyes, "Second Miss Song, I'll ask again, do you want to serve the Solitary Banquet tonight?"

   He felt that Song Zhao was too young to speak properly.

   And as the Crown Prince, he should be more generous and give Song Zhao another chance.

  Song Zhao was expressionless, "His Royal Highness, you are blocking the little girl's way."

  Prince, "…"

   If you can't hear Song Zhao's straightforward refusal any more, then you'll be the prince for nothing.

   His indifferent eyebrows suddenly showed a sullen aura.

   Probably couldn't accept the fact that the Song family dared to refuse to surrender.

   "Second son of the Song family!"

   It was the third prince who called.

   He is only thirteen years old, with a round face, clear eyebrows, and a bit of immaturity. He is a handsome little boy.

  Because the sage died too many sons, the third prince was raised by the sage as soon as he was born, and he was also petted and spoiled.

   He has a detached character and takes pleasure in bullying people.

   In previous years, Song Zhao was teased by him many times.

  Song Zhaofu greeted him, "I have seen the third prince."

  The third prince said proudly to the prince, "Song Xiaoer has to serve this prince for a banquet tonight. Don't try to **** it from this prince, or this prince will ask the father to clean you up."

  The third prince was born late and lost the chance to become the heir, so he disliked the prince and always wanted to squeeze out the prince so that he could ascend to the throne.

  Prince is too lazy to pay attention to this club who only knows how to complain when he is in trouble.

   He turned around indifferently, and said to Yin Wanyang, "Tonight you serve the Solitary Banquet."

   "Okay." Yin Wanyang was overjoyed, her cheeks blushed, and she followed the prince happily.

  The prince stepped forward and walked forward.

   Crossed the threshold, he turned his face sideways, and swept over Song Zhao coldly, "Miss Song, you will regret your choice."

  The prince has given the Song family a chance, but the Song family does not know how to praise them.

   Then don't blame him for digging a hole for the Song family tonight.

   The third prince, who thought he had won the crown prince, was complacent.

   He habitually pulled Song Zhao's bun and said arrogantly, "Song Xiaoer, you will serve this prince now..."

   "Qi Xiaosan." Si Yu waved off the third prince's wicked hand, like a towering mountain protecting Song Zhao, his voice was cold, "Try to touch her again."

  The third prince's face turned green, "Siyu, who do you think is the junior?"

  Song Zhao said very considerately, "The third prince's surname is Qi, and he is the third oldest. This is Qi Xiaosan."

  The third prince choked.

   He couldn't refute, but he was very dissatisfied, and snorted coldly, "This prince will squeeze out the prince to become the heir. As the prince of a country, how can he have the title of junior third? This is a great shame."

  Song Zhao was speechless.

   So the third prince is the hammer.

   If it wasn't for the emperor to spoil him, he would have been utterly cold if he dared to speak out against him.

  The third prince refused to accept and akimbo, "Song Xiaoer, what is your expression, do you look down on this prince? This prince ordered you to laugh immediately."

  Siyu tilted his head.

   He pulled the cloud pattern gold pendant from the waist of the third prince and held it in his palm.

   In the next second, Jin Pei turned into sauce powder in his palm.

  The third prince was stunned.

   This is solid gold.

  Siyu sprinkled the powder on the third prince's face and asked casually, "Qi Xiaosan, what did you just say?"

  The third prince was terrified at that time.

   His lips trembled, "Ben, this prince will give you a smile, a smile!"

   said, struggling to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying.

   Siyu hooked his fingers, "Come here."

  The third prince panicked and kept backing away, "You, what do you want to do to this prince?!"

  Stuy was very friendly.

   He smiled and stepped forward, patted the third prince's face gently, "Qi Xiaosan, you are a well-behaved and sensible person, I am very optimistic about you."

  Three Princes: I'm dirty.

  Mom, Siyu is terrible.

   The whole person fled.

  Song Zhao clearly saw that when Lord Quanchen approached the third prince, he got the medicine in the medicine bottle onto him.

   She looked at Lord Quanchen suspiciously.

  Siyu's brows and eyes are stern and noble, as if shrouded in unfathomable clouds,

   "My brother is going to play a fun show tonight."

   (end of this chapter)

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