Chapter 143 Suona Sound 3

   It's started. It's started.

   Prince Gou's digging road has begun.

  Song Zhao stared for a while, and immediately raised his head high.

Empress Gu smiled, "The prince's filial piety can be learned, and he discussed with his concubine half a year ago that he wanted to give Qianshan Mo with auspicious meaning to the sage. It took a lot of effort to do so. Today, thanks to the blessing of the sage, the concubine will also be able to share it. Watch Xiangrui."

  Emperor Yuan Chun smiled, "Sure enough, the prince still won my heart. If so, let General Song present Qianshan Mo quickly, and let me and all the Aiqings watch this auspicious flower together!"

  The prince snapped his fingers.

  Song Bin took the lead and walked in front.

   The two soldiers behind him carried half a person's height, and Qianshan Mo, who was wrapped in gauze, walked lightly.

   After salute.

  Song Bin carefully peeled off the gauze layer by layer, revealing the Qianshan Ink inside.

   Qianshan Mo is a sacred flower species in the frontier, and it is very rare.

  The branches are sturdy and the leaves are lush, surrounded by a bowl-sized flower on the top.

   At first glance, it looks like a happy word.

   However, at this time, the flower with the word hi was missing a corner, which was very ugly.

  Emperor Yuan Chun's face instantly turned ugly.

   Qianshan Ink means auspiciousness, but the one presented is missing a corner. Isn’t this a bad luck?

  The entire hall was silent.

"Why is this flower broken?" The prince showed a horrified look at the right time, got up and asked, "General Song, how did you **** Qian Shanmo? It's good to watch alone in the morning, how did Qian Shanmo pass by your hand? Broken?"

  Song Bin was startled and hurriedly knelt down.

   "Since His Royal Highness the Prince handed Qianshan Mo to the minister for escort, the minister will not leave for a moment, and treat it with caution. The minister does not know why this flower is good and good, why it is bad."

  The Crown Prince laughed, "General Song's remarks are interesting, is it because he suspects that he deliberately ruined it, and that it is not your fault?"

  Song Binghu grinned.

   He really meant it.

Empress Gu was unpredictable and her voice was low, "General Song, you have to be careful, the prince is filial to the saint, this is the thousand-mountain ink that he ordered people to go to the frontier for untold hardships. , I have always taken good care of you, and I spent so much effort, not to frame you."

   These words reveal too many meanings.

   first conveyed the filial piety of the prince and his sincerity towards Qianshan Mo, indirectly implying that Song Bin was irresponsible.

  Emperor Yuan Chun heard it, and he would suspect that it was the Crown Prince's intention. He would only think that it was Song Heng's responsibility.

  Song Lao Taijun and Yun Shi were nervous.

  Song Bin had a sullen face, and had realized that he had been slapped by the **** prince.

   However, the matter has come to this point, he can only admit it.

   He stammered, "I am not escorted by the minister, please punish me."

  The Crown Prince said with a heavy heart, "Father, it's all the fault of my son. If I know that General Song is so careless, it hurts the father's mood, and my son will never leave."

  Song Ji gritted his teeth bitterly.

  Prince is clearly deliberately inciting hatred, knowing that the sage is suspicious of him, and he also said these words of cruelty.

  Emperor listened, don't you think it's Song Binggong's arrogance?

Emperor Yuanchun's face was not worried, "General Song, this Qianshan Mo is the prince's hard work, you have ruined the prince's hard work, I can't forgive your mistakes for him, if the prince doesn't care, I won't care. "

  Song Bin's heart sank.

   When Emperor Yuan Chun said this, he clearly wanted to force him to submit to the prince.

   Emperor Yuan Chun was very suspicious.

   But if he were to be compared with the prince, Emperor Yuan Chun would definitely trust the prince more.

  If he could take the opportunity to tie his military power to the prince, why would Emperor Yuan Chun not do it?

  Song old lady Jun Yun almost crushed the handkerchief.

   Active surrender and passive surrender are two completely different things.

   What's more, how could the Song family be willing to surrender if the prince was so calculated on the Song family?

  But right now...

"The sage, calm down, this matter is all wrong with the ministers and daughters. Usually, I always like to keep some precious flowers and plants in the house, which makes my father's eyesight, so I accidentally ruin this ordinary Qianshan ink. "

  Song Zhao left his seat and saluted.

   She stood in the center of the hall, with a beautiful face and bright eyebrows.

  The splendid lights are spread on her body, and she is as beautiful as a lady's picture in the light and shadow.

   Queen Gu smiled, "Ordinary Qianshan Mo? Song Er girl is really outrageous, you know that this Qianshan Mo world can only be cultivated by first-grade flower masters in the frontier.

   Looking around the world, there is no more precious flower species than Qianshan Mo. Could it be that in your mere general's mansion, there are still expensive flower seeds that the sage and this palace don't know about? "

   Song Zhao was speechless.

   She raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

   (end of this chapter)

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