Chapter 151 Siyu Expedition 1

  Song Zhao's nose was sweating.

   Guilt-conscious almost didn't dare to look into Si Yu's eyes. Out of guilt, he hugged him tightly.

  Siyu's deep eyes flashed a light red.

   The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and the corners of his eyes and brows were stained with a smile.

The thoughts in   's mind were instantly pulled to the time when he saw Song Zhao for the first time.

   In that year, his father died, and he was reduced from a noble prince to a desolate companion.

  The wall fell and everyone pushed.

  He struggled to survive in the cracks, unable to even get enough to eat.

   That year the palace banquet was winter.

   Snowflakes were flying, and he was escorted out of the banquet by the palace servants, and he was not allowed to come to the table to eat.

  Xiao Siyu was hungry, curled up pitifully on the snow, relying on the smell of the food to stop his hunger.

  The little lady of the Song family, who was so petite and petite, passed by accompanied by the maids.

   Xiao Zhaozhao was only a few years old at that time, and she was not as coquettish and domineering as she later became, just a squeamish little girl.

  Xu Shi saw how good-looking he was, so he squatted in front of her curiously and asked, "Little brother, why don't you go to dinner?"

  Siyu ignored her.

  Xiao Zhaozhao hugged him, ignoring his struggle, and said crisply, "Little brother looks so cold, I need to hug you."

   She took pity on him and put a candy in his mouth.

   It was just a hug from the little **** a whim.

   was the first gift he received in his empty life.

   The sugar that was handed over was the only kindness in his heart.

   "Fourth brother, I saved you today." Song Zhao's eyes were clear and loud, "From now on, your life is mine!"

  Song Zhao suddenly figured it out.

   She can't kill Lord Quanchen, so she might as well change her routine.

   God gave her rebirth and guided her to save the Minister of Power over and over again.

   also wanted her to save the world.

   Therefore, as long as she transforms Lord Quanchen and makes him feel that the world is beautiful, Lord Quanchen will not perish!

  Siyu looked down at her.

   The little girl's pupils are clean and beautiful, and they are full of light.

   is like an old mother watching her cubs.

  Be kind!

  Siyu thinks that this is most likely because the little girl loves him too deeply, causing the illusion.

  Siyu licked his teeth and smiled, "Brother will give you the whole thing, okay?"

   He also suddenly figured it out.

   The little girl rescued him again and again, and loved him deeply.

   If he still only wanted to treat her as his sister, he would be sorry for her deep affection.

   He once firmly believed that the only person in the world that he could trust was himself.

   It was Song Zhao's unremitting kindness to him, which made him soft-hearted again and again.

   She did this just to get him.

   The life-saving grace should be promised to each other.

   He was also moved, so he was willing to marry her, protect her, and make her happy.

  Song Zhao was serious and serious, "Since the fourth brother is my person, he will listen to me in the future, you know?"

  Siyu raised his eyebrows.

   Possessiveness is so strong.

   After marrying and going home, can he who is pure bear the grace of rain and dew?

   He paused for a moment, and sighed in a helpless, compromising voice, "Little Ah Zhao, you are really good at it."

   It was so easy to break his principles, forcing him to respond to her affectionate feelings.


  The third prince woke up before morning.

  The imperial doctor checked and found that the third prince had recovered.

  Siyu's treatment was right, he saved the third prince.

  Song Zhao and Si Yu entered the hall side by side.

  Emperor Yuan Chun changed his indifferent attitude and looked pleasant, "Siyu, I misunderstood you. You have done a good job in saving the prince, so I will give you a mansion. How about a hundred taels of gold?"

   (end of this chapter)

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