Chapter 161 Scenery Dowry 2

   For the next half month, Song Zhao was detained by Mrs. Song in Xianghetang, where he ate bird's nest, drank angelica six meals a day, and took turns to prepare various soups.

   Finally had enough qi and blood, and the baby fat on his cheeks came back, so Song Zhao was released to study at Canglan College.

   At that time, Canglan College was preparing for the first month's assessment.

  Song Zhao shined in the entrance examination and became the most noble girl in one fell swoop, attracting much attention.

  However, most of the ladies who took the exams in Canglan College knew Song Zhao's mediocrity, so they talked about Song Zhao's cheating in private.

  Otherwise, after so long in the school year, I didn’t come to school on time, and I didn’t care about Xuanmen. It was no different from the stupid and ignorant I used to be.

   However, when the first month's assessment results were released, and Song Zhao passed the list again, the voice subsided instantly.

   Since the start of school, Song Zhao hasn't attended classes for a few days, yet he still ranks first.

   What kind of genius girl is this?

   Dean Fang and the four master teachers were also secretly shocked, feeling that they had found a treasure.

  The masters slammed into Dean Fang in private and quickly took the treasure, but Dean Fang wanted to observe a thing or two.

   As soon as I observed it, another month passed.

  After the Dragon Boat Festival.

   This assessment is a mid-term assessment, and the difficulty is higher than the previous two assessments.

   However, on the day the list was released, Song Zhao still ranked first, with an unshakable full score.

   This is unprecedented in Canglan Academy.

   There have been smart students before, but no one like Song Zhao can get full marks every time.

   Standing in front of Zhang Bang,

  Song Zhao wore a Lanyuan blue mist skirt, with a slim figure and picturesque eyes.

   The corners of the cherry red lips are slightly raised, always confident and calm, and the scenery is magnificent.

The girls around    looked at her with admiration and could no longer say anything suspicious.

   As a woman, she is beautiful and has a good family background, which is a blessing in life.

   But Song Zhao seems to be open, too talented.

   They are also boudoir girls, why is the gap so big!

  Wen Nuo happily held Song Zhao's hand, looking happier than Song Zhao himself, "Zhaozhao, you got a perfect score again, I'm really proud of you."

  Sheng Minggui said sincerely, "A talent like yours is too wasteful to be classmates with us. Even as a teacher for us, it is also made."

   In the past two months, Sheng Minggui intends to make friends with Song Zhao, and the two of them can chat, but they become good friends.

   "A student is a student. Even if you get a perfect score, you are still a student. Sheng Minggui, compare your students to the master. Be careful, I tell the master to go."

  Yin Wanyang folded his arms across his chest, staring at the top score, his eyes turned green.

   Wen Nuo Jiao said, "Miss Yin passed the second test again, congratulations to you, the second ten thousand years old."

  Yin Wanyang unilaterally challenged Song Zhao when he entered school, threatening to pass Song Zhao's exam and never become the second child in ten thousand years.

   However, the words come true, she has now become a joke among the students.

  Yin Wanyang suddenly felt humiliated, "What about the number one? Song Zhao, you are less complacent and arrogant! Humph!"

  Song Zhao was so angry that he didn't pay for his life, "The first one is not condescending and condescending. Is it possible that the second talent like Miss Yin is proud and condescending?"

  Yin Wanyang, "..."


  Why she has no confidence if she is second.

   Yuan Jinxiu and Xiao Sijin were very smart and didn't open their mouths, and no one was offended.

   At this time, Master Ren came to look for Song Zhao and asked Song Zhao to go to President Fang.

   Watching Song Zhao walk away, Wen Nuo analyzed, "I heard from my mother that Dean Fang intends to accept students, so he should accept Zhao Zhao, Zhao Zhao is great."

  Yin Wanyang squeezed the handkerchief, her throat was sore.

   I always feel that the scenery that belongs to Song Zhao should be hers.


  Song Zhao came to Dean Fang's office.

   Dean Fang was dressed in a green robe, still the indifferent look when he first met him.

   She didn't hide her admiration for Song Zhao, and said straight to the point, "Song Zhao, I plan to accept you as my student and teach you divination, would you like to?"

   "The teacher is here, and the students will serve tea to you."

  Song Zhao was very sensible and stepped forward to salute.

   Dean Fang is the head of Xuanmen. She became her disciple, and she took the crown prince to defend the Song family, and she won another step.

   Dean Fang really wanted to train Song Zhao, so he taught her a few tricks with all his heart. It turned out that Song Zhao had a strong comprehension of divination and divination, and could draw inferences from one case.

   In just three days, it is comparable to those who study for half a year.

   This made Dean Fang very excited, and Xuanmen had a successor, so Song Zhao didn't need to listen to the Master's lectures any more, and just took a few hours a day to accept her guidance.


  After school, the setting sun dyed the sky red.

  Song Zhao suddenly looked westward and calculated through divination that Lord Quanchen had won the battle and was about to triumph.

  I want to come, it's not a few days.

   "Song Zhao, stop for me!" Xia Qingyao, who was hidden in the dark, suddenly blocked Song Zhao's way.

   The editor said that when you don't have a pk, you can do 3 updates, but I have been quietly touching 4 updates, which is tens of thousands more words than the same period, and I'm still preparing to explode.

   I don't think I can learn from Zhaozhao and say nothing, it's too aggrieved, I need to praise, that's how I can't hide my secrets.

   So are you willing to love me with your tickets?



   (end of this chapter)

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