Chapter 17 Draw in People 4

  The sect master is a 70-year-old man with an immortal style, a weather-beaten face, two sunken eyes, deep and bright, and looks very god.

   All the doctors greeted them collectively.

   Lin Yushi and his wife were concerned about their son, so they only gave a brief greeting.

Physician Zhang resolutely complained, "Sect master, you've come, this wild girl who came from nowhere dares to come to the doctor's door to question my diagnosis. After learning a little bit, she will come to Banmen to get an axe. Let's arrest the wild girl inside. Otherwise, how can we ruin the reputation of our divine doctor?"

   "Everything is based on the wishes of the patient's family." The door owner had heard the ins and outs at the door before he came in. His face was not as angry as the doctors, but full of exploration and curiosity.

  Doctor Zhang choked, then gritted his teeth and said, "Since this is the case, if you don't ask for a second doctor if you are sick, I won't pick up this patient, and I will take the girl."

   He was the first to put himself aside, lest the girl be blamed on him for an accident.

   At this time, Song Zhao had already pierced three silver needles into Young Master Lin's head.

   The top door, the phoenix pond, and the jade pillow.

  Sect Master's eyes suddenly lit up.

   As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

   The little girl's needle-making technique is precise and sharp, and she is by no means an ordinary person.

Doctor Zhang was shocked and said gloomily, "What a nonsense! How can she directly acupuncture the head? There are 108 key acupoints in the human body, and there are living and dead acupoints. Only the skull has the most dead acupuncture points, and the old man dare not take it easily. Acupuncture on the head, she is taking lives!"

   The door owner disliked him for being noisy, and said displeasedly, "You can't do it, it doesn't mean that others have no ability!"

   Doctor Zhang looked embarrassed.

  The sect master is really confused, and he actually despised him for being inferior to that wild girl!

  Doctor Zhang gritted his teeth and blamed the humiliation on Song Zhao, and said bitterly, "Wait, this wild girl will always suffer the consequences!"

   He stared at Song Zhao with gloomy and suspicious eyes, his expression was terrifying!

   He never believed that Song Zhao could cure Young Master Lin, so he waited to arrest Song Zhao to vent his anger!

  Song Zhao continues.

   She unbuttoned Young Master Lin's tunic, her fingers moved again like flowing water, and silver needles were precisely pierced into Young Master Lin's upper body by her.

   Fast, really fast.

   Everyone only felt that afterimages flashed in front of their eyes, and in the blink of an eye, Young Master Lin's body was like a hedgehog.

  I didn't know, I thought she was embroidering.

   The nervous palms of Yushi Lin and his wife were sweating, and their hearts almost jumped to their throats.

  This scene is infiltrating people, they really don't have much in their hearts.

   The disdain on the faces of the doctors has now become slightly solemn.

   Let's not say whether the little girl inside can cure Young Master Lin, just this acupuncture technique, I'm afraid it's not just learning the fur.

Dr.    Zhang was also surprised that Song Zhaozhen knew acupuncture, but he was deeply insulted and stubbornly thought it was a pretend embroidered pillow.

   No one noticed that the door owner's eyes when looking at Song Zhao had completely changed, as if he had discovered a piece of great treasure.

   After half an hour.

   Song Zhao finished the needle movement and took the needle out of Mr. Lin's body. The bottom of the silver needle was already black.

   Lin Yushi and his wife couldn't wait to break in and rushed to their son's side to see the situation.

   Young Master Lin was still the same as before the coma, but there was a softening in his face that was invisible to the naked eye.

   "Younger Huangkou, who is over-comprehensive, doesn't it mean that Mr. Lin will regain his sanity in half an hour? What else do you have to say now?" Doctor Zhang looked contemptuous, and his anger was pouring out of his heart.

  Song Zhaoman inadvertently cleaned his hands, and his tender voice was lazy, "There's still half a cup of tea time."

   "At this time, you are still stubborn and dare to make trouble in the doctor's door. The old man will punish him severely and take me away!" Doctor Zhang gave an order, and the guards rushed in.

  The doctors looked at Song Zhao sympathetically.

  Sect Master suddenly raised his hand, "Arrest him!"

   "Yes, arrest me!" Physician Zhang was agitated, and the sect master spoke up. This time he took the life of this wild girl.

   In the next second, those guards stepped forward neatly, and under Doctor Zhang's relieved eyes, they grabbed... him.

Doctor   : ?

   It's just... pretty bald.

   (end of this chapter)

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