Chapter 187 Abuse of Xia Qingyao 6

  Xia Qingyao, "...

   A chill suddenly appeared in the spine, and he turned around in a panic and was about to run.

  Siyu glanced at him.

  Xia Qingyao was immediately kicked on the knee by Di He and fell to the ground in public.

   She gritted her teeth in pain, raised her head stubbornly, and said with a graceful attitude, "What if I said it? I'm not wrong - ah!"

  Siyu's expression was cold and treacherous.

   raised his hand and hit him with a whip. The whip with rivets pierced deeply into Xia Qingyao's flesh, blood stained her shirt and skirt, and she rolled all over the floor in pain.

   "It's just a dog under the fence of others, and it dares to talk about the affairs of the master's family. Today, the Governor of Japan will let you know what disasters come out of your mouth!"

  The young man with precious wealth, his gestures and gestures showed a noble air.

   Even the cruel gesture of whipping, the picture is very beautiful.

   is another fierce whip.

  Xia Qingyao screamed mournfully, curled up in embarrassment, sweating profusely.

   I hate it even more.

   She made a desperate attempt to get revenge on Song Zhao, thinking that she was safe.


  What's so good about Song Zhao, why every time a bad situation turns into good luck, even the prince of the previous dynasty protects her.

She bit her lips tightly, and said tremblingly, "If the governor bullies the weak girl, you are not afraid that others will say that you are not a man? If you vent your anger for Song Zhao, who would dare to marry her in the future? You are hurting her! "

Si Yu licked his thin lips lazily, and said lazily, "My family's A Zhao's marriage is decided by the Governor. Even if you ruin her reputation by yourself, the Governor can make her beautiful. It's a pity that you won't see that day. already."

   Thinking of the grievances the little girl had suffered because of Xia Qingyao, Si Yu really wanted to smash Xia Qingyao to pieces.

  The boy had murderous intent in his eyes.

  Xia Qingyao's face was pale and panicked.

   Immediately put down his pride and begged for mercy, "Captain Dadu, calm down, I am a student of Canglan College, Song Zhao's classmate, not an ordinary person. You moved me today, and Song Zhao can't escape the blame for hurting his classmate."

   "What if you are not a student of Canglan College." Dean Fang hurried over and spoke solemnly.

  Xia Qingyao was shocked.

   "Xia Qingyao created rumors and incited the masses to make troubles. Seriously violated the reputation of classmate Song Zhao, so vicious and morally corrupt. My Canglan Academy can't tolerate your great Buddha, and I will fire you today."

   Dean Fang threw the dismissal document at the feet of Xia Qingyao.

  Xia Qingyao was shaking all over.

   "President Fang, I was wrong, don't fire me..." She got up and asked for mercy, but Dean Fang didn't even look at her and turned away.

   Looking at the dismissal document on the ground, Xia Qingyao burst into tears.

   After ten years of hard study, just to get admitted to Canglan College and stand out.

   Even if she doesn't have a good family background, Canglan College can also give her extra points so that she can marry a good family in the future.

   Now that she was expelled from Canglan College for her moral corruption, which college would accept her?

   She cried sadly, and when the crowd knew she was being played with, they scolded her and threw rotten leaves at her.

When   Siyu took time to see Song Zhao, he found that the little girl fainted on the soft collapse.

   No longer in the mood to clean up anyone, hugged the little girl and headed home.


  Song House.

  Song Jinfu brought the detectives back and told Song Jingxian the truth.

  Xia Qingyao went from house to house to find those famous families who fell into Sunshan, maliciously distorted the fact that Song Jingxian rescued Song Zhao, arranged Song Zhao as the image of mutilating siblings, and then encouraged them to go to Canglan College to make trouble.

   "Eldest brother, you should always believe that Yaoyao you trust is such a vicious woman, right?"

  Song Jingxian looked pale.

  's cold brows are full of horror and disbelief, "This... how is this possible?"

  Why does Yaoyao hurt the little girl so much?

  Song Jin Fu said, "If you don't believe your confession, you can go outside and ask. The entire Canglan Academy is well known."

   At the same time, Si Yu returned to the mansion with Song Zhao in his arms.

   (end of this chapter)

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