Chapter 195 The Truth Comes Out 6

Song Yao blushed with shame, and turned to bite Song Zhao's ear, "Zhao Zhaoer, getting married is really boring. Living at my mother-in-law's house is no better than being at my mother's house, and I don't have a single sister to talk to. You can come and accompany you more when you have time. I."

  Song Zhao held his cheeks and raised his eyebrows, "My sister will give birth to a few chubby little nephews for me as soon as possible, wouldn't it be very interesting."

  Song Jin stared, "You're here to tease my sister, right? I'm married now, so it's time to plan your marriage."

  Siyu let out a low cough, showing his sense of existence, "Don't worry about Big Sister, I will be responsible for Ah Zhao's marriage to the end."

  Song Yao was flattered.

   She has no friendship with this former prince, so how can she afford this big sister.

   The key is... She is more than a year younger than Siyu!

  Song Jin smiled and said, "I haven't thanked the Governor yet. The maintenance of my sister is only a matter of her life. How can I trouble the Governor to be responsible."

  Siyu nodded, "It should be."

   Anyway, he was married to him, so there was no trouble.

  Song Yao, "..."

   She couldn't help but muttered to Song Zhao with relief, "I didn't expect the governor to be so affectionate, as if he really regarded you as his sister. With the governor guarding you, my sister will feel more at ease."

  Song Zhao looked at Siyu.

  Why do you think that the Lord Power Minister's face is not very good today.

   Like being sick.

Qi Jun came over and bowed to Si Yu, "The Governor, I would like to thank you for the humble position. On the wedding day, if it wasn't for your help, the humble position would not have been able to be honored in time with the old man. In order to express our gratitude, the humble position will be suppressed. The treasure at the bottom of the box is given to the Grand Governor."

   The last sentence, Qi Jun said so quietly, only the two of them could hear it.

   Siyu's eyebrows moved.

   saw Qi Jun take out a booklet from his arms and stuff it into Siyu's hands mysteriously.

  Siyu turned two pages lazily, his expression froze.

   This is actually a picture book for teaching people to exercise between the beds.

   is simply... unsightly.

  Siyu looked at Qi Jun as if he were looking at a pervert.

   Qi Jun winked, "The governor has not yet married, so he should learn about the pleasures of the boudoir in advance. It can also make you show off your prowess in front of your future wife, but don't be in a hurry like a lowly post."


   Little Ah Zhao didn't even reach her, how could he think of this?

  Siyu said in disgust, "This Governor is very talented, so I don't need this."

   However, the movement is very natural in the wide sleeves.

   Qi Jun, "..."

   If you don't need it, give it back to me!

   A few servants came in suddenly carrying large and small bags.

  Mamma said loudly, "Princess Eldest, this is a special product sent by Second Young Master Tang from Chang'an and specially designated for the eldest girl, Second Girl."

  The old lady of Song is very rare, "Ai [aǐ] brother, that **** is heartless, and he still thinks about giving specialties to his two younger sisters."

   Brother Ai is the eldest son of the second wife, his identity is the same as that of Brother Xian, he is very proud!

  Song Jin is gentle and careless, and his relationship with Brother Ai is just average.

  Song Zhao was naughty since he was a child, and he didn't agree with Brother Ai. Brother Ai never paid much attention to Song Zhao.

   Looking at the local specialties, Mrs. Song was relieved, "It seems that this kid has been out for a few years and has learned to love his sister."

   Song Zhao held his cheeks.

  In memory, she and her second cousin have always had a cold relationship.

   She didn't remember that her second cousin in the last life also gave her special products.

   is a little weird.

  The old lady Song smiled and looked at Si Yu, "How can I finish eating so many specialties, Xiao Yu will take some with him when he leaves."

   Siyu covered his lips and coughed, his expression pale.

  The old lady Song was worried, "Xiaoyu, your face is very bad, I'm afraid it's not a cold? Have you seen an imperial doctor?"

  Siyu shook his head, "No problem." After speaking, he coughed again.

  Song Zhao took the initiative and said, "Grandmother, in two days it will be the fourth brother's tail-burning banquet. He has a cold. I'm afraid he won't be able to take care of the housework well, so let his granddaughter help him."

  The old lady Song was embarrassed, "This is a little inappropriate..."

  Although the youngest granddaughter is called Brother Siyu, she is not a brother or sister. If you walk too close, you may cause gossip.

  Siyu's long eyelashes were half-drooped, "It's not suitable, after all, it's not a family, don't bother Ah Zhao, cough..."

   His tone was light, but his demeanor showed a bit of loneliness, and he looked extremely lonely.

   Mrs. Song felt extremely guilty.

   She promised to treat Siyu as her grandson, how could she be so hurtful.

   immediately changed his words, "Why are we not a family anymore? You said that to make grandma sad. I had a close relationship with your mother and concubine at the time. If it wasn't for the turmoil in the court, you should have called me a pro-grandmother."

   Actually, there is something Mrs. Song didn't say.

  When Siyu was born, Song Laotaijun and Siyu's mother concubine also said that they would marry the two families.

  Siyu was moved, "Thank you grandmother for making me feel so warm."

  The old lady Song said with pity, "I don't want to thank my family, Zhao Zhaoer, you can pack your luggage and go to Xiaoyu's mansion tomorrow."

  Siyu said goodbye and left.

  Song Zhao sent him over the threshold, the loneliness and loneliness on Si Yu's face instantly disappeared, and his indifference was like a thousand miles of ice.

  Song Zhao, "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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